Bermuda Triangle Part 2
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http://web.qx.net/jctek/ljakub/btpix2.htm Bermuda Triangle, (1996) Picture Index 2 Home —– Info —– Filmography —– Multimedia —– Links Text List (1) – Thumbnails (1) – Thumbnails (2) Legal Note: All of the pictures and/or trademarks and/or sounds on this page and the following pages are used without permission and are the…
http://www.dcn.davis.ca.us/~btcarrol/skeptic/bermuda.html Robert Todd Carroll SkepDic.com Bermuda (or Devil’s) Triangle The Bermuda Triangle (a.k.a. the Devil’s Triangle) is a triangular area in the Atlantic Ocean bounded roughly at its points by Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. Legend has it that…
http://www.bermuda.com/forums/experiencebbmesg/874.html Bermuda Triangle Bermuda Triangle Posted by Sammy Posting:I went to the Bermuda Triangle and got lost there for three weeks. I had a lot of fun there. Follow Up Postings: Re: Bermuda Triangle 08:40:58 PM 03/03/99 (1) Re: Bermuda Triangle 03:24:28 PM 03/15/99 (0) Re: Bermuda…
http://www.haef.gr/haef/greek/refdesk/mysteries.html Αξιοπερίεργα – Καταστροφές – U.F.O. Αξιοπερίεργα Atlantis A.R.E.- Ancient Civilizations Atlantis Technologies Atlantis, Pyramids and the Bermuda Triangle ATLANTIS: Ice Age Civilization Ball Lightning Ball Lightning Books: ball lightning, paranormal phenomena, field technology, zero-point energy…
http://dcn.davis.ca.us/~btcarrol/skeptic/bermuda.html Robert Todd Carroll SkepDic.com Bermuda (or Devil’s) Triangle The Bermuda Triangle (a.k.a. the Devil’s Triangle) is a triangular area in the Atlantic Ocean bounded roughly at its points by Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. Legend has it that…
http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/warminster/167/index.html Earn revenue from your web site. This ad brought to you by WebSponsors.net [ home – a little history – lost vessels – some theories – awards – contact info ] Everyone has heard of the Bermuda Triangle at one time or another. It is a phenomenon that has puzzled a great many people, it’s name…
http://step.simplenet.com/lisa/brm.htm MY HOMEPAGE – Bermuda Triangle back to photo gallery…
http://www.filmkc.org/newsletters/dgnews/images/bermuda.html David Gallagher Newsletter Bermuda Triangle Gallery Previous Next Home dgq196a.jpg 5.05 Kb 125 x 125 dg4496a.jpg 27.02 Kb 318 x 231 dg4496b.jpg 28.09 Kb 318 x 232 dg4496d.jpg 33.74 Kb 320 x 231 dg4496e.jpg…
http://connect.ccsn.edu/edu/sms/bermuda.html Bermuda Triangle Bermuda Triangle Home Page The Mysterious Bermuda Triangle Bermuda Maps Brief History of the Bermuda Triangle Beyond the Twilight Zone: The Bermuda Triangle…
http://www.wonderworksonline.com/indexc.htm The building, a top-secret, highly advanced research laboratory from an uncharted island in the Bermuda Triangle has landed in downtown Orlando upside down and completely intact. Click on logo to drop in our website! Copyright copy1998 Wonder Works. Wonder Works is a special interactive themed…
http://www.eprf.tzo.com/eprf_T.htm EPRF Web Site Index Takapuna new zealand talks conspiracy_of_evil tall MIB task group Bermuda Triangle Taurus Stars…
http://www.history.navy.mil/faqs/faq8-1.htm Return to Naval Historical Center home page. Return to Frequently Asked Questions page. DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY — NAVAL HISTORICAL CENTER 901 M STREET SE — WASHINGTON NAVY YARD WASHINGTON DC 20374-5060 The Bermuda Triangle 1. US Coast Guard and US Navy. Bermuda Triangle Fact Sheet… Marine Links USCG Marine Safety Environmental Protection
http://www.dot.gov/dotinfo/uscg/hq/g-m/gmhome.htm Tides
http://tbone.biol.sc.edu/tide/tiger.cgi Sea Conditions
http://www.nws.fsu.edu/buoy/ U.K. Marine Accident Investigations
http://www.open.gov.uk/maib/maibhome.htm The bermuda Triangle Page…
http://abacus.er.usgs.gov/hydrates/bermuda.html Woods Hole Field Center Does loss of gas from gas hydrate account for extensive ship-sinkings in the Bermuda Triangle? Please let me pose and answer a series of questions. Are there large amounts of gas hydrate in the sea floor sediments on the continental rise off the southeastern United States…
http://www.gms.ocps.k12.fl.us/student/bt/noframes/nf_location/subleftlocation.html AcknowledgeThe Bermuda Triangle is located in the South-Alantic ocean. Although many ships and aircrafts sink in the triangle, there are also many that sink outside of the Bermuda Triangle. There is no real triangle if you look at a map of all the wrecks in the Atlantic. The real goemetric…
http://www.gms.ocps.k12.fl.us/student/bt/text_only/to_location/subleftlocation.html LocationOcean FloorMapStoriesTheoriesFactsAcknowledgeCommentsE-mailLocationThe Bermuda Triangle is located in the South-Alantic ocean. Although many ships and aircrafts sink in the triangle, there are also many that sink outside of the Bermuda Triangle. There is no real triangle if you look…
http://bagheera.eee.org/~atomjack/nodebase/bermudatriangle.html TelexExternal LinkInternal LinkInventory Cache Bermuda Triangle This nOde last updated November 6th, 1998 and is permanently morphing… Atlantis TelexExternal LinkInternal LinkInventory Cache …
http://www.parascope.com/parastore/storeitems/bermudaSolved.htm The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved by Larry Kusche Paperback, 302 pages, 1995 Author Larry Kusche examines the legends of Bermuda Triangle case by case, giving the reader a pausible explanation for each disappearance. The five aircraft of Flight 19, arguably the most famous Bermuda Triangle case…
http://www.bermuda.com/forums/generalbbmesg/245.html BERMUDA TRIANGLE BERMUDA TRIANGLE Posted by DIANE Posting:DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE TO FIND A GOOD REFERENCE BOOK ON THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE ! ! Follow Up Postings: Re: BERMUDA TRIANGLE 12:30:40 PM 02/08/99 (0) Re: BERMUDA TRIANGLE 11:04:30 AM 02/02/99 (0) Re: BERMUDA TRIANGLE 04…
http://alldirect.com/book.cfm?CartID=276539390021798isbn=1568821220 Home Find Books Search Mega-Browse#153 Specials New Books Bestsellers …For Dummies#174 Audio Books Ordering View Cart Shipping Info About Us Help~Info~FAQs E-Mail The Bermuda Triangle Author : Justin Schmid…
http://www.megacult.de/history/airave/triangle/bermuda.htm The Bermuda Triangle Move 27.09.96 Start: 19:30 Hier wird die Tradition der Open Air Event Sensationen (Oasis Rave, Desert Rave) des Camel Airave fortgesetzt. In einer Verschmelzung des maritimen Charakters der Kreta-Location und der unendlichen Weite der Mojave Wuumlste vesucht The Bermuda…
http://members.aol.com/Xenia1975/ Claudia#180s Bermuda Triangle … Welcome to my Homepage … and now: that#180s me -1976- and 20 years later -1996- Name: Claudia Date of birth: 15.04.1975 -Aries- Residence: Bargteheide Job: Apprentice as Technical Draftswoman Hobbies: seaQuest, Art (particularClaude Monet…
http://www.ocean98.org/ency036b.htm OCEANCLOPEDIA B Bermuda Triangle The Bermuda Triangle, alias The Devil’s Triangle, is an imaginary area near the southeastern coast of the United States. The Bermuda triangle is infamous, because of the mysterious disapperance of many small boats, planes and ships in this area. The three points…
http://www.singletrac.com/bermuda.htm THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE Pray that you’ll come back from the dead when you dive into the Bermuda Triangle. Drop a Remote Charge into the wrecked hulls of abandoned vessels to discover the secrets of sailors lost at sea. Chart your journey through Critical Depth on the world map below…
http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/warminster/167/ Earn revenue from your web site. This ad brought to you by WebSponsors.net [ home – a little history – lost vessels – some theories – awards – contact info ] Everyone has heard of the Bermuda Triangle at one time or another. It is a phenomenon that has puzzled a great many people, it’s name…
http://www.paranormalatoz.com/bermudatriangle.html ParanormalAtoZ.com The Bermuda Triangle or Devil’s Triangle A large triangle shaped area of the North Atlantic Ocean where unusual events are said to take place. The unusual events consist primarily of the disappearance of planes, ships, and people. The triangle’s three corners are made up of (1…
http://www.prometheusbooks.com/prometheus/bermuda.htm The Bermuda Triangle Mystery – Solved Larry Kusche The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle had been told in books, magazine articles, and on television and radio talk shows for several years when, in 1972, Larry Kusche, then a reference librarian, decided to collect all the information he could find…
http://www.bermudasun.org/bdasun/Sunlinks/Sunlinks4-General.html Return to Bermuda Sun Links Main Index Bermuda Yellow Pages Bermuda Sun General Bermuda Links Bermuda-related sites of General Interest General Bermuda Sites Art Entertainment (includes Heather Nova links) The Bermuda Triangle Education E-mail directories for…
http://www.jps.net/ufoman/bermuda.html The Bermuda Triangle I just love using my unusual talent to discover the truth about mysteries. This place has gained quite a reputation. Not to mention scaring people half to death and worse. Coined as an area roughly covering the triangle between Southern Florida, Puerto Rico and Bermuda…
http://www.realworldmall.com/wonders/bermudatriangle.htm The Bermuda Triangle LOCATION: Connecting Bermuda, Southern Tip of Florida and Puerto Rico. SIZE: 440,000 Square miles. WHAT IS IT: Associated with mysterious maritime disasters. HOW MANY HAVE OCCURRENCES: In the past 100 years…
http://www.stargalaxy.com/img_page/IG/0/2/9/0/index.html David Gallagher Index Page last page update : April, 13 1999 General pictures page 1 page 2 page 3 Pictures from 7th Heaven (1996-present tv series) page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4 Pictures from Angels In The Endzone (1997 tv movie) page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4 Pictures from Bermuda Triangle…
http://prowlers.net/stever/bermudat.txt DATA AGE BERMUDA TRIANGLE Deep Sea Survival Basics In a mysterious body of water near the Atlantic Seacost, known as the Bermuda Triangle, an unusual number of planes and ships have vanished under very bizarre circumstances. To this day the Bermuda Triangle remains an unsolved mystery… or is it…
http://bcbrown.simplenet.com/secondary/presentations/stupages/ryanl.html Bermuda Triangle Bermudia Triangle Bermudia Triangle Bermudai Triangle Bermudia Triangle Bermudai Triangl Bermudia Triangle Bermudia Triangle Bermudia Triangle Bermudia Triangle Bermudia Triangle Bermudai Triangle Bermudia Triangle Bermudia Triangle Bermudia…
http://members.aol.com/ssn479/download.htm SeaLance The Bermuda Triangle MS DOS 3 1/2 1.44 MB Disks ONLY Requires: Windows 95 or Windows NT Hard Drive 7MB free space Microsoft-compatible mouse 486 or faster processor 8MB RAM Download a copy of the SHAREWARE version of…
http://www.history.navy.mil/faqs/faq8-2.htm Return to Naval Historical Center homepage. Return to Frequently Asked Questionspage. DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY — NAVAL HISTORICAL CENTER 901 M STREET SE — WASHINGTON NAVY YARD WASHINGTON DC 20374-5060The Bermuda Triangle: A Selective BibligraphyAdams, Michael R. Texaco Oklahoma: Another…
http://www.bestprep.com/pages/mathfacts.html The Bermuda Triangle has nothing on the rest of the triangles in the world. Just as ships have allegedly disappeared in its watery jaws, so have many students allegedly disappeared in the three angles and three sides of garden-variety triangles, and they have been heard to moan in agony at the very…
http://wheel.ucdavis.edu/~btcarrol/skeptic/bermuda.html Robert Todd Carroll SkepDic.com Bermuda (or Devil’s) Triangle The Bermuda Triangle (a.k.a. the Devil’s Triangle) is a triangular area in the Atlantic Ocean bounded roughly at its points by Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. Legend has it that…
http://anaheim-landslide.com/triangle.htm Anaheim’s Landslide Triangle While Anaheim’s Landslide Triangle is not the Bermuda Triangle, the effect is the same: Your hopes, your dreams, your life’s savings — all will disappear before your eyes. And at the heart of this triangle of human tragedy lies the root cause — a corrupt bond…
http://wheel.dcn.davis.ca.us/~btcarrol/skeptic/bermuda.html Robert Todd Carroll SkepDic.com Bermuda (or Devil’s) Triangle The Bermuda Triangle (a.k.a. the Devil’s Triangle) is a triangular area in the Atlantic Ocean bounded roughly at its points by Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. Legend has it that…
http://www2.eu.spiritweb.org/Spirit/bermuda-triangle.html SPIRITWEB ORG, PROMOTING SPIRITUAL CONSCIOUSNESS ON THE INTERNET.Subjects Lightwork Ancient Cultures Misc. Researching Atlantis, Mu and Lemuria: Accessible Remains of Atlantis Living Crystals of Atlantis Scientism = Atlantean Children of Darkness/Belial The Bermuda Triangle ET…
http://members.aol.com/ssn479/designer.htm SeaLance The Bermuda Triangle About Developer SeaLance has been my long term goal since 1987 and hopefully my work and dedication has been fulfilled. This game personifies my enjoyment of detailed simulations and an active interest in the submarine fleet of the United…
http://twa.com.sg/jokes/jotd.html Joke of the DayFORMALITIESTODAY’S JOKEOTHER STUFFIndemnityThe Singapore Bike Hash and it’s WebMistress are not responsiblefor any content that may offend you.I AcceptNo need to Click.Just read on and enjoy!I Do Not AcceptSend me toSouth PoleThe Bermuda TriangleTimbuktuBACKA man decided that he was…
http://www.stargalaxy.com/img_page/IG/0/2/9/0/movie_496_2.html David Gallagher Bermuda Triangle (1996 tv movie) Page 2 last page update : April, 13 1999 Star Galaxy Menu: [Home Page] [Star Gallery] [Movie Gallery] [New upload pages] Addy (webmaster of Star Galaxy) This is not an official WWW site for any of the actors or movies to be…
http://www.knowledge.co.uk/frontiers/sf101/sf101g12.htm CHINA’S BERMUDA TRIANGLE For triangle watchers, we provide the following news item: Some 50 scientists recently surveyed southwest Sichuan Province’s notorious high-elevation Black Bamboo Ravine, or Heizugou, where people and livestock have vanished. The Beijingbased Xinhua News…
http://www.ohr.org.il/judaism/humor/top10/tashlich.htm What’s Tashlich??? 10. Bermuda Triangle 9. Miami Seaquarium 8. Trevi Fountain 7. Red Sea Universal Studio Set 6. Sea of Tranquillity 5. Holy See 4. C-Span 3. Piranha Hatchery 2. Your Neighbor’s Jacuzzi 1. The Mikveh of the Other Shul Where You Don’t Daven More Top Ten Lists Do you have a Jewish…
http://books.dreambook.com/b_triangle/guestbook.sign.html Dreambook: Bermuda Triangle Sign my Dreambook! Name E-mail address Homepage URL Comments [ View Guestbook | Bermuda Triangle ] This Dreambook brought to you by New Dream Network, Dreamhost, and Webring…
http://psp.pair.com/barnone/b/d_bermudatriangle.html Bermuda Triangle Type: Cocktail Ingredients: 1 oz. Peach Schnapps 1/2 oz. Spiced Rum 3 oz. Orange Juice Instructions: Pour over ice in an old fashioned glass. Press your back button to go back one step, or go to the Bar-None Main Page. Copyright copy 1995-98 PS Productions…
http://villagecomics.com/oli_bermu.html BERMUDA TRIANGLE38 1/4 x 32Lithograph$ 700.00 Ordering info Back… This page is now accesible by
http://come.to/Lord_Neep Original Skull and Demon are courtesy of Lil’ Devil at the Bermuda Triangle. Keep on thinkin…
http://www.chaosium.com/cthulhu/rpg/2372.shtml The Bermuda Triangle THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE [#2372, $16.95] What secrets lie within the Devil’s Triangle? Why was the Mary Celeste abandoned after it passed through the triangle’s waters? What caused the disappearance of an entire flight of Avengers in 1945? Why do electronics fail in the…
http://www.bermuda.com/forums/generalbbmesg/1506.html Bermuda Triangle Bermuda Triangle Posted by cp Posting:When I told a friend I was considering Bermuda as a vacation spot, she mentioned getting lost in the Bermuda triangle. Is there anyone out there who knows anything about this? Follow Up Postings: icantellu. 10:30:03 PM 02…
http://members.aol.com/ssn479/ssnlinks.htm SeaLance The Bermuda Triangle Related Links: Sturgeon’s Submarine Journal Ron Martini’s Submarine Base Subnet USS Charles Ausburne – DD 570 Astron Publishing, Inc: Game of the Month Club Michigan Area Computer Shows by Computers You If you have any questions or comments…
http://www.claimline.com/articles/lpa6.html Member Contributions Sponsored by Claims Specialists Feature Article Navigating the Bermuda Triangle: Balancing Your Obligations Under the FMLA, Workers’ Compensation Laws and the ADA…
http://home.swipnet.se/~w-81264/ The Bermuda Triangle of Love…
http://johnrausch.com/PuzzleWorld/bermtri.htm Bermuda Triangle [Home] [Categories] [DesignersCraftsmen] [Articles] [Sources] [Search] [Index] [What’sNew] [Puzzle Collectors] [PuzzleTalk] Designer Rick Irby…
http://nt2.nok.se/skola/engelska/Links/linxx/u4/p1u4e11.htm Bermuda triangle In 1945, five American bombers flew into the Bermuda Triangle, never to be seen again. On their disappearance, the local air base sent out a rescue plane, only for it to vanish just as mysteriously. What really happened in the Bermuda triangle? Get the facts straight by clicking on…
http://cyberpenguin.vserver.com/penguin/albums/triangle.htm Bermuda Triangle Format: Import CD Live Released: 1989 Label : Flashback Real Audio#153 sound clips for this albumappear courtesy of Music Boulevard. Mick Fleetwood Christine McVie John McVie Bob Welch The Green Manalishi Angel Spare Me A Little Of Your Love…
http://tqjunior.advanced.org/3717/index.html BERMUDA TRIANGLE The Bermuda Triangle is a strange and mysterious place in the southern Atlantic Ocean. It is roughly the shape of a triangle and it is said to have sucked planes and boats into its dark and murky waters. No one knows what happened to the planes and boats. When some enter the waters…
http://www.nd.edu/~rjervis/tri/bermuda.html Bermuda Triangle Expeditions when you want to get away…really get away! Specializing in permanent vacations for people of all walks of life A map of Amerigo is available here. The bermuda triangle breakfast away team Writer’s project other bermuda webpages. …
http://members.aol.com/ssn479/pview2.htm SeaLance The Bermuda Triangle Registered Version – Pearl Harbor Mission Preview Mission briefing for the captain and the crew of the attack submarine SeaLance SSN 479. Will you save the American fleet from destruction? Previous | Download Shareware Version 1.0C…
http://www.juiceworld.com/bermuda.htm Bermuda Triangle…
http://otherplane.com/et/etbermud.htm OTHERPLANE BEYOND IMAGINATION Bermuda Triangle The Bermuda Triangle and an area in the Pacific ocean, has long been associated with missing aircrafts, watercrafts and people. Anything caught in this yet unexplainable phenomenon, vanishes forever. Where do they go? The…
http://www.dragonworld.de/bes/CHA/02372.htm The Bermuda Triangle Zurόck What secrets lie within the Devil’s Triangle? Why was the Mary Celeste abandoned after it passed through the triangle’s waters? What caused the disappearance of an entire flight of Avengers in 1945? Why do electronics fail in the triangle for no apparent reason? Now…
http://www.trianglebeer.com/brewery.htm The Brewery Bermuda Triangle Brewing set up operations in an old stone quarry. The floor of the quarry is only about 6 feet (2 meters) above sea level and they no longer cut stone from the hills. The whole area is now an industrial park with a large area…
http://www.ufomind.com/catalog/b/bermuda/ Here Product Description The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved By Larry Kusche Our Price…
http://www.pcug.org.au/~stmcdona/tim/releases1.html Recent Media Releases NT Named Australia’s Bermuda Triangle The Northern Territory has been labelled as Australia’s very own Bermuda Triangle of mystery. Chief Investigator with the Australian Centre for Mystery Investigations (ACMI…
http://members.aol.com/ssn479/pview6.htm SeaLance The Bermuda Triangle Registered Version – Pearl Harbor Mission Preview Sir, enemy destroyer has launched another torpedo. Multiple weapons tracking SeaLance. Will you as captain decide to launch an Active Torpedo Interceptor, or try to out run the enemy…
http://www.gms.ocps.k12.fl.us/student/bt/text_only/home.html TheBermuda TriangleDevils Trianglebuhr MYOO duhVisit our noframes page,frames and java, or our home page.This page was last updated on April 19, 1998. This Page is best veiwed with Netscape 3.x and 4.xDownload it hereBack To Think Quest Entries…
http://home.webserve.net/~swabby/about.html About Bermuda Triangle BBS 11 Bermuda Triangle BBSwas started in 1994 as PicturePalace. It started out on a 286SXwith a 2400 bps modem. It didn’t get a dedicated phone line until the summer of 1994. We also upgraded to a 9600 bps modem in the summer of 1994. In the winter of 1994…
http://members.aol.com/ssn479/pview7.htm SeaLance The Bermuda Triangle Registered Version – Pearl Harbor Mission Preview Sir, MK 48 torpedo has been launched from SeaLance and is closing in on enemy vessel. The white S in the above window represents SeaLance, where as the bright yellow T represents the…
http://www.bermuda.com/forums/generalbbmesg/783.html Re: BERMUDA TRIANGLE Re: BERMUDA TRIANGLE Posted by jessica In Reply to: Re: BERMUDA TRIANGLE posted by on November 23, 1997 at 08:02:10 PM EST Posting:will you send me some info on the bermuda triagle?thanks Follow Up Postings: Re: BERMUDA TRIANGLE 08:26:31 PM 03/21/99 (0) Re…
http://www.bermuda.com/forums/questionsbbmesg/3759.html Bermuda Triangle Bermuda Triangle Posted by wendell guerin Posting:I want to know more about the dreaded Bermuda Triangle. How it came about. Follow Up Postings: Re: Bermuda Triangle 05:04:23 PM 03/17/99 (0) Re: Bermuda Triangle 07:32:25 PM 08/26/98 (0) Post a Follow Up Name…
http://www.penningtonseed.com/turftech_sheets/Bermuda_Triangle/body_bermuda_triangle.html Featuring: CERTIFIED YUMA , SULTAN, and SYDNEY Turf-type Bermudagrasses The Bermuda Triangle is not a mystery anymore! The best improved turf-type bermudagrass varieties on the market have come together to provide a turf with a different dimension. These top…
http://www.eonline.com/Facts/Movies/0,60,46674,00.html a movie a last name #149Advertising #149Masthead #149Contact Us Beyond the Bermuda Triangle…
http://www.snap.com/directory/category/0,16,-2279,00.html Get Mail! Star Trek The Magazine, new content, subscribe here Home:Oddities:Earthly Mysteries:Bermuda Triangle Advanced SearchSearch Tips Search all of Snap Search only in Bermuda Triangle…
http://members.aol.com/Profiler25/bermuda.index.html World Conspiracy Web Page: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantis, and Pyramids! Bermuda Mysteries of the seas. The Bermuda Triangle has been a great cause of fear for many centuries as countless ships and planes have disappeared within its boundaries. Some believe that the Triangle is a portal to another…
http://www.unex-t.com/thetruth/bermuda.htm For decades arguments have raged about the disappearance of the famous Flight 19 in what became known as The Bermuda Triangle. Is it an area where the normal laws of physics simply don’t apply? Could, under the sea, lie the ancient and mythical city of Atlantis? Are alien forces at work? Might it…
http://gamesdomain.hol.gr/directd/pc/os2/puzzle/bermuda.html Bermuda Triangle [PM] Platform: Os2 File Date: 06/06/95 Description Find lost ships in the Bermuda Triangle. bermuda.zip – 187Kb UK: sunsite.doc.ic.ac…
http://home.earthlink.net/~rebright/xtra/inwo/bermuda.htm [Last Update: document.write(document.lastModified)] The Bermuda Triangle A Little Personality, A Lot Of Power by Rowland Ebright III Cards marked with an * are from the Assassins expansion set. Cards marked with an ^ are from the SubGenius expansion set. The Group cards: Connie Dobbs^ Dr. K’Taden…
http://www.eonline.com/Facts/Movies/0,60,71082,00.html a movie a last name #149Advertising #149Masthead #149Contact Us Bermuda Triangle (1996…
http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/reynoso/bermuda.htm -BERMUDA TRIANGLE- NAME: Bermuda Triangle DESIGNER: David Reynoso ILLUSTRATION: David Reynoso HEIGHT: 130 feet. INVERSIONS: 6 (everest, vertical loop, cobra-roll, hurricane roll, corkscrew) THEME: A paranormal experience for riders awaits as they explore the twisted waves of the Bermuda Triangle…
http://members.aol.com/ssn479/pview1.htm SeaLance The Bermuda Triangle Registered Version – Pearl Harbor Mission Preview Enemy carrier steaming towards United States Naval Base on Oahu. 500 miles due north of Pearl Harbor on December 6, 1941. At 6 a.m. on the morning of December 7, 1941 she will swing…
http://angelfire.com/ok/masbah/bermuda.html The Bermuda Triangle This is allegedly a western Atlantic area between Bermuda, Puerto Rico and the Florida coast, also called the ‘Devil’s Triangle’, notorious for the many ships and planes lost in it leaving no wreckage or survivors, the loss sometimes preceded by garbled radio reports of stange…
http://cyberpenguin.net/penguin/albums/triangle.htm Bermuda Triangle Format : Import CD Live Released : 1989 Label : Flashback Real Audio#153 sound clips for this albumappear courtesy of Music Boulevard. Mick Fleetwood Christine McVie John McVie Bob Welch The Green Manalishi Angel Spare Me A Little Of Your Love…
http://ccwf.cc.utexas.edu/~bilstein/atari2600nexus/library/manuals/bermuda_triangle.html Bermuda Triangle DATA AGE BERMUDA TRIANGLE Deep Sea Survival Basics In a mysterious body of water near the Atlantic Seacost, known as the Bermuda Triangle, an unusual number of planes and ships have vanished under very bizarre circumstances. To this day the Bermuda Triangle remains an unsolved…
http://pages.prodigy.net/shakie/time_in_ne/lyrics/bt.html Bermuda Triangle Music by Barry Manilow Lyrics by Bruce Sussman Jack Feldman We decide to get away And have some fun Book a room and catch a flight For two weeks in the sun She says, Hawaii’s too expensive. I say, Barbados isn’t bad. She says, I’d love to see Bermuda…
http://www.fivepointsix.de/5.6/arbeit/exles/bally/bamdabtr.html Jetzt neu: Bermuda Triangle Bermuda Triangle kann von 1 bis 8 Spielern gespielt werden und dauert immer 12 Runden. In der ersten Runde muszlig jeder Spieler die Zahl 12 treffen. Fuumlr das Treffen des Doppelringes erh#228lt der Spieler entsprechend die doppelte Punktzahl (24 Punkte), fuumlr…
http://ccwf.cc.utexas.edu/~bilstein/atari2600nexus/library/manuals/berzerk.html Bermuda Triangle BERSERK* ATARI GAME PROGRAM INSTRUCTIONS CX2650 *Trademark and (C) of Stern Electronics, Inc. 1980 SPECIAL FEATURE This Game Program contains additional versions for young children. NOTE: Always turn the console POWER switch OFF when inserting or removing an ATARI Game Program…
http://members.aol.com/ssn479/ssnflag.htm SeaLance The Bermuda Triangle SEALANCE BATTLE FLAG The SeaLance Flag is in honor of the fiction submarine SSN-479 SeaLance. The blue field represents the open oceans and the eagle represents the valliant warrior with the powerful swift spear as the purveyor of…
http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Park/3040/mm1.htm THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE with guests Glory Patrick Powers(from Weekend Havoc on Jan 18th) The camera pans over to the set of Bermuda Triangle. Loose debris from shipwrecks and plane wrecks, and an odd skeleton or two are lying around the set. Three wooden beach chairs with red canvas backs…
http://www.eonline.com/Facts/Movies/0,60,47826,00.html a movie a last name #149Advertising #149Masthead #149Contact Us The Bermuda Triangle (1979…
http://www.filmkc.org/newsletters/dgnews/images/bermuda0002.html David Gallagher Newsletter Bermuda Triangle Gallery Previous Next Home dgibtn.jpg 37.10 Kb 640 x 480 dgibtp.jpg 40.01 Kb 640 x 480 dgibtq.jpg 19.61 Kb 346 x 480 dgibtr.jpg 27.34 Kb 640 x 480 dgibts.jpg 38.84…
http://www.wronz.org.nz/hals/phil303/skeptic/bermuda.htm To The Skeptic’s Dictionary – Table of Contents Bermuda Triangle An area in the Atlantic Ocean off Florida where a number of ships and aircraft have vanished. Also known as the Devil’s Triangle, it is bounded at its points by Melbourne, Fla. Bermuda and Puerto Rico. Storms are common in the…
http://members.aol.com/Matthew900/bermuda.html The Bermuda Triangle Does The Bermuda Triangle Exist?Get a crayon and a map, draw line from Bermuda to the Florida Keys, to Puerto Rico, and back to Bermuda, WOW look it does exist!Do Unnatural Ocurances Take Place There? Some people say that everything that ocurres there is no difffrent from…
http://www.bermuda.com/forums/questionsbbmesg/1253.html Re: bermuda triangle Re: bermuda triangle Posted by David In Reply to: Re: bermuda triangle posted by on March 05, 1998 at 09:39:21 AM EST Posting: What’s so interesting? Ships sometimes sink planes some times go down. Happens everywhere. Follow Up Postings: Post a Follow Up…
http://members.aol.com/ssn479/pview4.htm SeaLance The Bermuda Triangle Registered Version – Pearl Harbor Mission Preview Sir, destroyer escorts are closing fast. Hostile incoming weapon bearing three-five-five. Sir, should we deploy countermeasures? Sonar reports enemy carriers have started evasive maneuvers…
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/3334/bermuda.htm The thoughts that are conjured up in me when I think of Miami,Puerto Rico and Bermud are of shores,sun,surfing and a pleasant lifestyle yet when I realize about what I’m thinking I shudder.These locations are the three apexes of the infamous Bermuda triangle. The Bermuda triangle is a known…
http://www.bermuda.com/forums/questionsbbmesg/4316.html Re: bermuda triangle??? Re: bermuda triangle??? Posted by Doug In Reply to: Re: bermuda triangle??? posted by on October 02, 1998 at 01:26:56 AM ADT Posting:In a huge area of the Atlantic well known for unstable unpredictable weather thousands of people travel through by air…
http://hyperion.advanced.org/18033/bermuda.html The Bermuda Triangle ia a region of the western Atlantic Ocean that has become associated in popular imagination with mysterious maritime disasters and where more than 50 ships and 20 airplanes are said…
http://www.bermuda.com/forums/generalbbmesg/4023.html Re: BERMUDA TRIANGLE Re: BERMUDA TRIANGLE Posted by MATT REUER In Reply to: BERMUDA TRIANGLE posted by on November 19, 1997 at 07:35:59 PM EST Posting:HEY- I NEED A SCIENTIST WHO STUDIED THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE Follow Up Postings: Re: BERMUDA TRIANGLE 08:59:20 AM 10/07/98 (1) Re…
http://members.aol.com/ssn479/pview5.htm SeaLance The Bermuda Triangle Registered Version – Pearl Harbor Mission Preview Aye Aye Sir, 3d view of closing destroyer on. Target heading one-six-one, bearing three-four-one, range eighteen miles, and speed thirty knots. Sir, MK48 torpedo has acquired enemy…
http://www.uvm.edu/~ayezersk/mystery.html The Bermuda TriangleThis web page contains four autorads that contain the evidence collectedin the Bermuda Triangle murder case, to get the actual murder story, e-mail Ann Yezerski. Every autorad’sfirst and last lane are clearly marked size standards. The remaining lanescontain the DNA fragments…
http://members.aol.com/Xenia1975/index.htm Claudia#180s Bermuda Triangle … Welcome to my Homepage … and now: that#180s me -1976- and 20 years later -1996- Name: Claudia Date of birth: 15.04.1975 -Aries- Residence: Bargteheide Job: Apprentice as Technical Draftswoman Hobbies: seaQuest, Art (particularClaude Monet…
http://www.aimnet.com/~joeafoe/bermudatriangle.html Bermuda Triangle Player C starts down the court with the puck/ball and stops a little after the goal line. Player A should have catched up to the same spot on the opposite side of the court. He then will be ready to take the pass from C. There, he can chose to pass back to palyer…
http://members.aol.com/ssn479/pview8.htm SeaLance The Bermuda Triangle Registered Version – Pearl Harbor Mission Preview Sir, MK 48 running hot and smooth. All vessels detected by SeaLance can be viewed using the 3D View button and clicking on the letter representing that vessel. Vessels can be display at…
http://members.aol.com/ssn479/pview9.htm SeaLance The Bermuda Triangle Registered Version – Pearl Harbor Mission Preview Sir, Harpoon hit Shokaku carrier, and she has been damaged. Sir, incoming torpedo has been intercepted by Active Torpedo Interceptor countermeasure. Hydrophone effect more torpedos in the…
http://www-sprint.lycos.com/The_Road_Less_Traveled/Conspiracies_and_Hoaxes/Bermuda_Triangle/index.html Click here to visit site The Road Less Traveled: Conspiracies Hoaxes: Bermuda Triangle Alphabetize | Mix It Up | Most Popular The Bermuda Triangle The myths and legends of the Bermuda Triangle are dispensed with on this page. Its author gives detailed explanations of the geography of the…
http://home.talkcity.com/ParadiseDr/hadassah/triangle.html THE BERMUDA TRIANGLES IN OUR LIVES BY KAREN COLEMAN SYG 2000 – Introduction to Sociology Patti O’Regan, Professor July 28, 1997 As I clung to the edge of the bed, I was filled with both emotion and apprehension as I viewed thevideo that I had just received in the mail. Familiar faces of people…
http://www.ee.fit.edu/users/lpinto/bin/Links/Notable_Locales/Bermuda_Triangle/ EBE Online Links: Notable Locales : Bermuda Triangle Top : Notable Locales : Bermuda Triangle | Home | Add a Link | Modify a Link | What’s New | What’s Popular | | Recommended Sites | Random Link | Search | Links: Bermuda…
http://www.zetatalk3.com/density/d18.htm ZetaTalk: Bermuda Triangle The Bermuda Triangle does indeed have unusual qualities, as do other places here and there on Earth. Magnetic anomalies are reported, where compasses swing wildly, clocks stop, and concrete objects fade from sight. What’s causing this? These places, fortunately few…
http://www.geocities.com/~k2cd/lead27.html DX Stories by Paul M. Dunphy, VE1DX The Bermuda Triangle by Hugh Cassidy, WA6AUD Originally published in the WCDXB, 4 May 1976 There was a bit of a north wind last week but we found a protected spot and the visibility was spectacular. And while two of us were industriously passing the happy…
http://www.visitorinfo.com/videostrange/bermudatriangle.htm Bermuda Triangle NOVA: Series It is believed that an average of four boats and two airplanes are inexplicably lost every month in a bizarre area off the Florida coast known as The Bermuda Triangle. Boats veer off course, planes crash, navigating instruments fail, tankers sink…all…
http://www.ozemail.com.au/~wanglese/ufosetc.htm UFO’s, Lemuria, Noah, the Bermuda Triangle, Time Travel and the Virgin Mary On Saturday March 22 1986, William had a session with Our Holy Mother who told him to publish the session she had with another seer Michael, from the US (sorry, I have not been able to track this particular guy down…
http://www.cddb.com/xm/cd/misc/61c1efc2f14f24c4f5891dd2ce3c3dfa.html Ramon Taranco / Music from the Bermuda Triangle…
http://www.vt.edu:10021/J/jbreslin/tomita_albums/bermuda.html Tomita Albums: The Bermuda Triangle A Musical Fantasy of Science Fiction Details As with many of Tomita’s albums, the pictures on early releases of `The Bermuda Triangle’ LP differed from those eventually released on CD – the LP version and a 12 single from the album had a sort of oceanic look…
http://members.aol.com/kessec/private/Copyright/Bermyth.html Bermuda Triangle Myth Solved! ONE OF THE MORE POPULAR paranormal mysteries, the Devil’s Triangle has spawned countless books, pseudo-documentaries, and tabloid headlines. Many people are utterly convinced that something sinister is responsible for the disappearance of dozens…
http://www.stargalaxy.com/img_page/IG/0/2/9/0/movie_496_1.html David Gallagher Bermuda Triangle (1996 tv movie) Page 1 last page update : April, 13 1999 Star Galaxy Menu: [Home Page] [Star Gallery] [Movie Gallery] [New upload pages] Addy (webmaster of Star Galaxy) This is not an official WWW site for any of the actors or movies to be…
http://www.ufomind.com/catalog/isbn/used/triangle/ Here Product Description Bermuda Triangle Used Book Assortment An Assortment of Out-of-Print Titles Our Item Code: (See variations below…
http://www.yahoo.com/regional/regions/caribbean/bermuda_triangle/ Personalize Help – Check Email Home gt Regional gt Regions gt Caribbean gt Bermuda Triangle all of Yahoo! just this category Inside Yahoo!Y! Get Localzoom in on your zipY! Weatherforecasts, maps, and news.Y! Travelplan your trip!Y! Clubscreate your own Bermuda Triangle – attempt to…
http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/653/301 TV The Sci-Fi Channel WONDER WOMAN Bermuda Triangle Date: 10/20/98 From: JBow A few things I noticed that made me laugh today:1. Steve says that Manta was named after one of the oceans most fearsome creatures. The manta ray. meanwhile, a manta ray is…
http://www.tamec.org/map_eval/maps/map662/Bermuda_Triangle.txt Map=Bermuda Triangle Description: The famous Bermuda Triangle is in the center of the map. Many Ships have crashed there by some inhuman force! DONT LET IT HAPPEN TO YOU. Each Player starts on either west or east. Instructions….. DO NOT PUT THIS IN THE /CaveDog/Totala/Maps folder! It works like…
http://www.sfsu.edu/~avitv/avcatalog/80926.htm AV# 80926The Case of the Bermuda TriangleHorizon SeriesVideo Cassette – 53 minutes – Color – 1976Takes a scientific look at the phenomenon of the Bermuda Triangle, where hundreds of ships and planes have mysteriously disappeared. Investigates such factors as weather, ocean currents, and magnetic…
http://people.frankfurt.netsurf.de/john/cdrs/html/cd.fle.btri.shtml E-Mail me Main list Fleetwood Mac CD Bermuda Triangle Flashback 10.89.0107 A+ Live in Los…
http://www.kidsdomain.com/~djh/directd/pc/os2/puzzle/bermuda.html Bermuda Triangle [PM] Platform: Os2 File Date: 06/06/95 Description Find lost ships in the Bermuda Triangle. bermuda.zip – 187Kb UK: sunsite.doc.ic.ac…
http://www.chem-inst-can.org/ncw/93mystery.html THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE MYSTERY SOLVED? The mysterious loss of a ship and all of its crew. The disappearance of aircraft and the pilots as well. These mysterious phenomena have been reported over a certain area of the Atlantic Ocean near Bermuda. While studying gas hydrates…
http://www.bcpl.net/~harmless/tmbt.html The Mysterious Bermuda Triangle Here is some text that may be garbled above: A Square marks a ship or aircraft that disappeared. A Triangle marks a ship or aircraft that was found abandoned. A Circle marks a shp or aircraft that sank, crashed, ran aground, or capsized. Note that there is even a…
http://www.stargalaxy.com/img_page/MG/0/4/9/6/idol_290_1.html Bermuda Triangle (1996 tv movie) with David Gallagher Page 1 last page update : April, 13 1999 Star Galaxy Menu: [Home Page] [Star Gallery] [Movie Gallery] [New upload pages] Addy (webmaster of Star Galaxy) This is not an official WWW site for any of the actors or movies to…
http://www.ministryofthought.com/babs07.htm FLIGHT 207 LOST IN THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE. 250 MISSING FLIGHT 207 LOST IN THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE. 250 MISSING As if things weren’t bad enough, the plane ride is a living hell. Wind and sleet beat against the plane as the passengers are hurled about the cabin. Visibility is nil. You get sick…
http://www.bermuda.com/forums/experiencebbmesg/968.html Re: Bermuda Triangle Re: Bermuda Triangle Posted by Bridget Damara In Reply to: Bermuda Triangle posted by on February 24, 1998 at 08:12:47 PM EST Posting:How did you get lost for three weeks? Did you have food and water? Did you fly or were you on a boat? Follow Up Postings…
http://www.file.net/bermudatrianglepicture.htm BERMUDA TRIANGLE LOOKING SOUTH FROM APEX OF TRIANGLE Bermuda triangle starts here! Location of camera and soon to be live video. Return to home page Bermudatriangle The information contained herein is for entertainment purposes only. This is a live real photo taken from the south shore of Bermuda…
http://trojan.sfcc.pvt.k12.wv.us/Bermuda.htm Bermuda Triangle Report by M.D. The Bermuda Triangle is supposedly a gateway to other dimensions(Carnegie), but it is not. The Bermuda Triangle stretches from San Juan, Puerto Rico, to Bermuda, and then to Miami, Florida. It is 14,000 square miles(36,260 square kilometers). Some say…
http://www.coolrunning.com/crisp/kev0225.htm The Runner’s Bermuda Triangle Kevin Crispell Kevin Crispell It was running author Bob Glover who first coined the phrase, the runner’s triangle of life. In his words, the runner must balance the physical side of running, the intellectual and career side of life, and the…
http://www.cronum.com/ukanno98.htm Bermuda triangle-coin is named’Coin of the Year’ for 1998 A Bermuda triangle-coin issue (struck by the British Royal Mint for the Bermuda Monetary Authority) has been named ‘Coin of the Year’ for 1998 for issues dated 1996 in the competition sponsored by the numismatic magazine World Coin News…
http://explorer.scrtec.org/explorer/explorer-db/html/783750665-447DED81.html Magnetic Fields Bermuda Triangle Click here to receive a 4 KByte Text HTML file. Click here to receive a KByte Acrobat file. Resource Type Lesson Plan Physical Media Downloadable File Grades 8 9 10 11 12 Description The magnetic field around a permanent magnet, like the gravitational…
http://www.flashback.se/arkiv/98/1/BERMUTRI.TXT The Bermuda Triangle and Parapsychology By Dave Beall . Although not embraced by the parapsychological community, the Bermuda Triangle phenomena is an intriguing topic to the public. Jane Roberts’ Seth claims the mysterious disappearances of ships and planes is the result of a coordination…
http://www2.shore.net/~wingman/wwwboard/messages/380.html Re: Bermuda Triangle Experiments [ Follow Ups ] [ Post Followup ] [ Wingman Discussion Board ] [ FAQ ] Posted by viper on August 18, 1998 at 14:22:33: In Reply to: Bermuda Triangle Experiments posted by Indiana Jones on August 18, 1998 at 12:47:48: : : : : : : : This discussion board is kind…
http://www2.shore.net/~wingman/wwwboard/messages/379.html Bermuda Triangle Experiments [ Follow Ups ] [ Post Followup ] [ Wingman Discussion Board ] [ FAQ ] Posted by Indiana Jones on August 18, 1998 at 12:47:48: In Reply to: Re: Wrong Topic posted by Beth Chaisson on August 18, 1998 at 09:27:01: : : : : : This discussion board is kind of getting out…
http://www2.shore.net/~wingman/wwwboard/messages/385.html Re: Bermuda Triangle Experiments [ Follow Ups ] [ Post Followup ] [ Wingman Discussion Board ] [ FAQ ] Posted by Glenn Dumproff on August 18, 1998 at 14:49:56: In Reply to: Re: Bermuda Triangle Experiments posted by viper on August 18, 1998 at 14:22:33: : : : : : : : : : This discussion board…
http://www.au.spiritweb.org/Spirit/bermuda-triangle.html SPIRITWEB ORG, PROMOTING SPIRITUAL CONSCIOUSNESS ON THE INTERNET.Subjects Lightwork Ancient Cultures Misc. Researching Atlantis, Mu and Lemuria: Accessible Remains of Atlantis Living Crystals of Atlantis Scientism = Atlantean Children of Darkness/Belial The Bermuda Triangle ET…
http://www.stargalaxy.com/img_page/MG/0/4/9/6/idol_290_2.html Bermuda Triangle (1996 tv movie) with David Gallagher Page 2 last page update : April, 13 1999 Star Galaxy Menu: [Home Page] [Star Gallery] [Movie Gallery] [New upload pages] Addy (webmaster of Star Galaxy) This is not an official WWW site for any of the actors or movies to…
http://www.rpi.net.au/~ghostgum/castle/bermuda.html The Bermuda Triangle lies in the Atlantic Ocean between Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Fort Lauderdale, Florida. It received it’s famous nick name in 1964 by writer V. Gaddis who wrote and article entitled The Deadly Bermuda Triangle in an issue of Argos, a fiction magazine. A book called The…
http://web.selah.wednet.edu/SOAR/BermudaTriangle.html Lost in the Bermuda Triangle Part I It all began on June 5, 1987 when I answered the phone. The call was from my grandma in Jamaica and she didn’t sound too happy. As my mom talked in a quiet voice, I remembered my parents telling me how my grandpa wasn’t too well. When mom got off the phone…
http://insiders.com/bermuda/sb-watersports.htm Back to Watersports Bermuda Triangle A Softer Stance on the Sinister Isosceles Bermudians are often asked when they go abroad, What about the Bermuda Triangle? Well, what about it? Does it make us worry about flying to Florida? Not a bit. Thousands of us go every year. Before we get ahead of…
http://tvnation.spe.sony.com/tv/kids/xgb/journals/journal9page2.html THEBERMUDATRIANGLECONTINUED… But, not surprisingly, these explanations aren’t good enough for some. Surely there are many places in the world with dangerous currents and directional anomolies. So… why is the Bermuda Triangle host to so many unfortunate accidents…
http://www.kids-space.org/story_96/_0396/Josee.html BERMUDA DISASTERby JOSEE HELEN MONTFORT Bermuda My name is Janey Poter and I live in Ohio. Today me and my mom are flying from Ohio to Cuba. We will also be flying over the bermuda triangle. When we got on the plane and settle in, our flight started. we were just about in the BERMUDA TRIANGLE…
http://www.bermuda.com/forums/questionsbbmesg/1277.html Re: Bermuda triangle Re: Bermuda triangle Posted by Glen Cuoco In Reply to: Bermuda triangle posted by on March 14, 1998 at 03:41:47 PM EST Posting:People have been traveling, safely, through the Bermuda Triangle for years. However, I know of some policitians over here that…
http://www.bermuda.com/forums/questionsbbmesg/2436.html Bermuda Triangle Brewery Bermuda Triangle Brewery Posted by Jon Posting:Hey all you beer fans! If you like Bermuda AND beer, you MUST check out Bermuda Triangle Brewery on your next trip! You can stop by, get unlimited sling and take a tour of the brewery..ALL FREE. This is…
http://www.oz.net/jz/sphinxu.html ATLANTIS AND THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE CRYSTAL Nestled in the hands, four feet directly below the ceiling rod gem point, was a crystal sphere four inches in diameter…. by Geoffrey Keyte The area of the Atlantic Ocean popularly referred to as the Bermuda Triangle is a complete enigma and has…
http://www.umcs.maine.edu/~orono/collaborative/spring/scen4.html Scenario #4: Kate’s Investigation of the Bermuda Triangle(Sub-section of Double Entry Journals and Learning Logs) Kate (a pseudonym) is a middle school student. She is fascinated by stories about the Bermuda Triangle, but she has read that some scientists think the triangle is a hoax. Does the…
http://www.byu.edu/tmcbucs/arts-ed/5-8/b2-ab/bermud.html CREATIVE THINKINGgrades 5-12 (1-4)Educational Objective: The students will demonstrate their ability to create a dramatization.Materials Needed: Bermuda triangle story, background music, masking tape.Hook: Bermuda Triangle mystery story (on next page), background music, darkness.Step 1: Setting…
http://www.byu.edu/tmcbucs/arts-ed/9-12/c2.ab/create.html Creative Thinkinggrades 5-12Educational Objective: The students will demonstrate their ability to create a dramatization.Materials Needed: Bermuda triangle story, background music, masking tape.Hook: Bermuda Triangle mystery story (on next page) , background music, darkness.Step 1: Setting…
http://esotericworldnews.com/bermuda.htm Bermuda Triangle We have lots on this subject. I was privileged to meet Charles Berlitz when I helped put on a metaphysical convention in Ft. Lauderdale with Mel Saunders. Charles Berlitz is the person who made people aware of the Bermuda Triangle with his book of the same name. Anyone had strange…
http://tqjunior.advanced.org/3717/credits.html BERMUDA TRIANGLE CREDITS Information: Collins, Jim, The Bermuda Triangle: Contemporary Perspectives, Inc. 1977 Gaffron, Norma, The Bermuda Triangle:Opposing Viewpoints. St. Paul Minn.: Greenhaven Press, 1988 HOME …
http://www.nottheumum.bm/links/links.html LINKS This Bermuda Triangle site is owned by Rich Smith. Want to join the Bermuda Triangle Web Ring? [Skip Prev] [Prev] [Next] [Skip Next…
http://tqjunior.advanced.org/3717/what.html BERMUDA TRIANGLE WHAT IS IT? The Bermuda Triangle is an imaginary triangle in the Atlantic Ocean. It starts in Florida and goes to Puerto Rico then to Bermuda then back to Miami. There have been many unexplained disappearances in that area, although many ships and planes go through safely…
http://www.astronpub.com/pr022597.htm Astron Publishing, Inc. For Release 9 a.m. EDT, February 25, 1997 Press Release Game of the Month ClubTM Releases SeaLance: The Bermuda Triangle Beltsville, MD. , February 25, 1997: The Game of the Month ClubTM (GOMC) announces release of SeaLance: The Bermuda Triangle as the March 1997 Game of the…
http://www.yawp.com/3rd-i/issue_002/pp/putnam.html The Putnam Paralellogram: Iowa’s Answer to the Bermuda Triangle? submitted by Dr. Leonid Rosenweitz Tesla Research Labs: In Fayette County, near the town of Putnam, there is a section of rural farmland bordered by four county roads that has been called the Putnam Parallelogram. This area…
http://www.bermuda.com/forums/questionsbbmesg/2454.html Re: Bermuda Triangle Brewery Re: Bermuda Triangle Brewery Posted by Laura In Reply to: Bermuda Triangle Brewery posted by on June 27, 1998 at 03:51:42 PM ADT Posting:Last summer my husband and brother-in-law went to the brewery and loved it! I don’t know how they managed to…
http://www.cspi.qc.ca/anjou/anglais/bermuda.htm The Legend of the Bermuda Triangle This part of the world is called : the unlucky charm ocean, the devil ocean, the death triangle and the leaving port. You certainly guessed that we are talking about the Bermuda Triangle, the mysterious part of the ocean. Situated in…
http://www.masoncounty.lib.mi.us/reference/ref100.asp 100sPhilosophy Metaphysics, paranormal, philosophy, psychology, logic, ethics, etc. Site Name Description Keyword The Bermuda Triangle Text links to info. explaining the facts of the Bermuda Triangle. Bermuda Triangle [Top…
http://www.eduweb.co.uk/news/april/flight4.asp Flight 19 The Case For The Case Against Cast Your Vote Back to Fact or Fiction? Do You Believe in the Bermuda Triangle? Was Flight 19 abducted by aliens in the Bermuda triangle? Or did the planes fly out to sea and crash in the deep waters of the Atlantic Ocean? Here’s your…
http://paes1.paes.com/Students/Brian.htm The U. S. Board of Geographic Names does not recognize the Bermuda Triangle as an official name and does not maintain an official file on the area. The Bermuda or Devil’s Triangle is an imaginary…
http://www.calweb.com/~kwdavids/witchcraft.html Witchcraft No, this article is not about sorcery, it’s about a boat named Witchcraft which disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. This is an old story of yet another mysterious disappearance in the Bermuda Triangle (not an official geographic designation). I came across it…
http://server2.greatlakes.k12.mi.us/explorer/desc/783750665-447DED81.html Magnetic Fields Bermuda Triangle Click here to receive a 8 KByte ClarisWorks file. Click here to receive a 7 KByte Acrobat file. Resource Type Lesson Plan Physical Media Downloadable File Grades 8 9 10 11 12 Availability ECnet Description The magnetic field around a permanent magnet…
http://www.terminator3armageddon.com/conspira/ancient.html ANCIENT CIVILIZATION CONSPIRACIESATLANTIS AND THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE CRYSTAL — an essay by Geoffrey Keyte, an expert on the subject of Atlantis. It will make you believe.THE ATLANTIS HOMEPAGE – Everything related to Atlantis is on this page.ATLANTIS – PEACEFUL PROMISE WITHIN — a breif outline of…
http://www.solutions.ibm.com/k12/teacher/ocean2s.html Exploring the mysteries of the ocean – grades 6-8 Activity #1: Ocean careers Activity #2: Weather watchers Activity #3: Enter at your own risk – The Bermuda Triangle Activity #4: Attack! Activity #5: The dangers of the deep Activity #1: Ocean careers In this activity you will explore different…
http://members.wbs.net/homepages/d/e/v/devilssea.html Devils Sea Hi!! This is my Devils Sea homepage!! DER!!! Well, everyone out there should know that the Devils Sea is the Bermuda Triangle. I was going to explain all about the Bermuda Triangle on this page and I will but I will also explain what the name Devils Sea means to me. This was an article…
http://www.zingmagazine.com/zing3/uscha/last.html BT exploration: To use myself as both speciman and test pilot,to navigate a cigarette boat at top speed with a crew of three, to survey the Bermuda Triangle. The Bermuda Triangle plays with our myths and fears of what the space of the triangle is within ourselves, the history of what we…
http://meninblack.com/meninblackmag/Volume4/Phenomena.html During the past 100 years, more than 20 planes and 50 ships have met their doom in the Bermuda Triangle, and area of the Caribbean that boasts corners at Bermuda, Miami, and San Juan, Puerto Rico. Also known as the Devil’s Triangle, this unexplained phenomena has provided an le battlefield…
http://zen.sunderland.ac.uk/~ha5mdo/unexp.htm ….THE UNEXPLAINED…. !!!THE UNEXPLAINED!!! Welcome to my page of THE UNEXPALINED There are so many things in the world which science and logic have no answer for. It is these which grab our attention the most. Do you believe in ALIENS, GHOSTS, THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE? If you do why? and does…
http://www.dcopperfield.com/modc/show10a.html A CONVERSATION WITH DAVID COPPERFIELD Show broadcast on March 12, 1989 On Saturday, March 12, 1988 at 8:00 p.m. ET, on the CBS Television Network, the man who’s been called the greatest illusionist of all time challenges the dangerous complexities of the Bermuda Triangle in The Magic of David…
http://www.forbes.com/asap/100796/110.htm The Technology Bermuda Triangle High tech IPOs have reduced some serious venture capitalist wealth.But some big promiseshave vanished without a ripple. By Howard Anderson Andy Warhol once predicted that in the future everyone would be famous…
http://users.otenet.gr/~sailor/b_triang.htm The apexes of the Bermuda Triangle Back to The Bermuda Triangle Fact Sheet …
http://www.asb.com/usr/indtvprd/nextwave/y2s6.htm Year 2 Episode #6 Airdate: 11/13/98 Guest Stars Fri, Nov 13 BERMUDA TRIANGLE EPISODE After the electronic navigating system dies and a downed fighter-pilot who’s convinced it’s still the 1940s is rescued, Capt. Kennedy (Robert…
http://calypso.nwci.net/journeys/grouph.htm Group H The Bermuda TriangleGroup H’s Biosystem Project Group H’s biosystem, The Bermuda Triangle, is named so because of its triangular shape. Inside the system is a yellow box (the terrestrial area) with blue-green rocks in the aquatic part. One group…
http://www.dowsing.com/Pyramid/Back_issue/timewarp.htm TIME WARPS – ALTERED TIME FLOW Merrigan Clock Mystery 3, Time Warps 9, Everlasting Now 10, Bermuda Triangle Time Dilation 30, Form Time 51. Also see: Anti-Gravity – Levitation, Bermuda Triangle, Crystals, Higher Energies, Human Sensitivities, Mind-Brain, Metal…
http://www.lesbianation.com/comedy_messages/429.html Re: More Blonde Jokes… [ Follow Ups ] [ Post Followup ] [ LesbiaNation Comedy Club ] [ FAQ ] Posted by a on August 09, 1998 at 03:39:00: In Reply to: Re: More Blonde Jokes… posted by Jack Meoff on March 28, 1998 at 15:21:19: What do blondes and the bermuda triangle have in common?They both…
http://www.lesbianation.com/comedy_messages/433.html Re: More Blonde Jokes… [ Follow Ups ] [ Post Followup ] [ LesbiaNation Comedy Club ] [ FAQ ] Posted by Makay Ence on August 09, 1998 at 18:37:46: In Reply to: Re: More Blonde Jokes… posted by a on August 09, 1998 at 03:39:00: : : What do blondes and the bermuda triangle have in common…
http://www.bochum.de/english/insehe1.htm Bermuda Triangle Longitude: 7 degrees 13 minutes 33 seconds east, Latitude: 51 degrees 28 minutes 20 seconds north. Bochum’s pub district with its numerous pubs, cafes, restaurants and discotheques, known to insiders as the Bermuda Triangle, is well-known far beyond the city’s boundaries. Near the…
http://www.suncompsvc.com/johnd/caribean.htm caribbeantravel.com Welcome to the Islands Caribbean Index Caribbean Information Office Windsurfing Capital of the World Caribbean Weather Bahamas Hurricane Tracker and more Caribbean Travel Planner Bermuda Triangle More Bermuda Triangle You are Caribbean cruise passenger number counted…
http://www.stargalaxy.com/img_page/MG/0/4/9/6/index.html Bermuda Triangle (1996 tv movie) Index Page last page update : April, 13 1999 Search for reviews Input Any Movie General pictures page 1 Pictures of Michael Cillo page 1 page 2 Pictures of David Gallagher page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4 page 5 page 6 page 7 Star Galaxy Menu: [Home Page…
http://www.musik.uni-osnabrueck.de/homepages/bands/wow/audio.htm WAY OUT WEST AUDIO SLES Hier gibt es zum hereinhoumlren ein paar Sles. Viel Spass!! WAV (11khz, mono) Real Audio, mono RealAudio in voller Laumlnge Standard: Fuumlr normale Internet Verbindung ISDN: fuumlr schnelle ISDN Verbindung Stede Stede Bermuda Triangle Shorts Standard…
http://www.musik.uni-osnabrueck.de/homepages/bands/wow/audioe.htm WAY OUT WEST AUDIO SLES Some Sles. Enjoy listening to them. WAV (11khz, mono) Real Audio, mono RealAudio Full length Standard: For normal Internet connection ISDN: for fast ISDN connection Stede Stede Bermuda Triangle Shorts Standard Bermuda Triangle Shorts ISDN Out of Limits Out of…
http://www.eastnet.ecu.edu/schofed/lset/project/enigma.htm TITLE: Enigmas AUTHOR Sandy Montgomery, Broken Arrow, OK GRADE LEVEL/SUBJECT Fourth and Fifth OVERVIEW This lesson plan may be used to introduce a study of ‘Mysteries’. It could include any of the following mysterious subjects: Easter Island, Bermuda Triangle…
http://www.dcopperfield.com/modc/show10.html The Bermuda Triangle 1988 Interview Illusions Deathsaw Run Duck Run Poultry in Motion Matchbox Baby Ducks Making of Bermuda Bermuda Triangle. Featuring Lisa Hartman Biography | Illusions | Achievements | Television | Tour Register | Bulletin Board | Comments | Magic Central #1691997 LateNite…
http://edweb.sdsu.edu/courses/EDTEC596/Units/Bermuda/SocialStudiesDirectory.html Social Studies Lesson 1Watch video and answer questions Lesson 2Practice mapping distinguish and practice latitude and longitude. Lesson 3Create a board game using ideas from the Bermuda Triangle Lesson 4The students will create a dramatization of the Bermuda Triangle Lesson 5The students will…
http://edweb.sdsu.edu/courses/EDTEC596/Units/Bermuda/LArtsDirectory.html Language Arts Lesson 1The students will read a brief history on the Bermuda Triangle. Lesson 2The students will be assigned readings and they will record facts and myths surrounding the triangle Lesson 3The students will practice reading, writing, and listening skills when they conduct a Pass-O…
http://home.webserve.net/~swabby/bbs.html Last Updated July 30, 1997 People Visited Here Information About Our Service Files Needed to Start aBBS Pictures Of The Bermuda Triangle (underconstruction) Links to Other Great Websites! Protect YourselfFrom the Newest Nuker!!(July 5, 1997) A This Website is ALWAYS…
http://edweb.sdsu.edu/courses/EDTEC596/Units/Bermuda/MathDirectory.html Mathematics Lesson 1Explore the Bermuda Triangle using ratios Lesson 2Area and Perimeter Lesson 3Probability, Percentages, and the Bermuda Triangle Lesson 4Explore the Cartesian Coordinate System using the game of Battleship Lesson 5Examination Return to main menu…
http://newdom.vrx.net/archive/newdom3/942.txt This is sort of the Bermuda Triangle of the Internet. Everything goes in, criticisms, new RFC’s, comments, endless reams of discussion, suggestions, ideas and nothing comes out again. Except mysteriously determined decisions that usher from the haze and myst as law forever and ever, ahmen…
http://www.continentaldeli.com/specialtybrands/appetizers/freds/onions/onion-toc.htm Product List About Onions Bermuda Triangle – Mild Bermuda Triangle – Original Gourmet Crumb Onion Rings Gourmet Crumb Skinny Rings Steak Cut Onion Rings Homestyle Breaded Onion Rings Battered Unrings Onion Strips Red Hot Strips Pre-Formed Onion…
http://argo.net.au/login/bbslist/3THBETRB.htm The Bermuda Triangle BBS System The Bermuda Triangle BBS Sysop Phillip Morgan Phone (03) 9876-5294 Multi-Line [2] FidoNet 3:639/251 Baud V.22 V.22bis V.23 V.32 V.32bis V.34 V.FC…
http://ntdwwaab.compuserve.com/homepages/andypage/report57.htm 1971 – Bermuda Triangle This encounter occurred in 1971, while aboard the aircraft carrier, USS John F. Kennedy CVA-67 (now CV-67) in the Bermuda Triangle. I was assigned to the communications department of the Kennedy and had been in this section about a year. The ship was returning to Norfolk, VA…
http://www.remy.dk/opbbanan.htm OPSKRIFTER MED BOLS CREME DE BANANES Bermuda Triangle Blue Amour Monkey Mix Olι Rising Banana Bermuda Triangle 1 del Bols Creme de Bananes 1 del hvid rom 3 dele ananassaft…
http://www.file.net/bermudatriangle.htm BERMUDA TRIANGLE Live pictures (soon to be live video 24 hours a day ) looking south ( on top of the triangle) from the northern apex of the Bermuda Triangle Click here to see picture Created by M.Markham copyright 1998 best viewed with Netscape Gold…
http://www.r8esc.k12.in.us/res_req/vid2/2106_00.html Region 8 ESC Resource CatalogResource #: 2106.00 ID#: 2106.00Title: BERMUDA TRIANGLE, THE Year: 1976Grades: J H Format: Color 60 min.Publisher: NOVA Subjects: SOCIAL STUDIES / SCIENCE Description: NOVA takes a look at the watery graveyard of the Bermuda Triangle which has claimed so many lives and…
http://www.pom.edu/p304/ch8ppt/tsld031.htm Capacity Expansion Strategies: Growth Stage Capacity Expansion Strategies: Growth Stage “Bermuda Triangle” of operational complexityManagement difficulty exceeds management ability
http://www.cus.bt.com/CusWorld/pub/ScienceNet/database/Geography/9810/g00109d.html Can anyone explain the strange happenings in the Bermuda Triangle? There is one scientific explanation which is currently believed to provide the best theory of the…
http://www.sciencenet.org.uk/database/Geography/9810/g00109d.html Can anyone explain the strange happenings in the Bermuda Triangle? There is one scientific explanation which is currently believed to provide the best theory of the unusual phenomenon…
http://www.psifactor.com/psifactor/f/program/112.shtml Return to Filmography list Episode 112 (aired week of 1/20/97) Devil’s Triangle Synopsis–A lawyer and his client set out on a leisurely cruise through the Bermuda Triangle. When the lawyer returns to port without his client he tells authorities that he has been floating aimlessly for weeks with…
http://www.eduweb.co.uk/news/april/flight3.html Flight 19 The Case For The Case Against Cast Your Vote Back to Fact or Fiction? The Case Against Flight 19 Vanishing in the Bermuda Triangle People who don’t believe in the Bermuda Triangle say that there is no mystery about the disappearance of Flight 19. They claim that the…
http://softwarelabs.com/win95/win95104.htm SEALANCE – THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE v1.0a Category GAMES: ACTION, ARCADE 3-D OS WIN95 File Size 2421271 bytes Click Here To View Software Screen Shot Click Here To Download (Netscape Users) Click Here To Download (All Others Browsers) Last update: 9/11/96 Take the helm of the US Navy’s…
http://marcon.org/sites/paraufo.html Paranormal/UFO Related Sites Web Sites [Jump to Newsgroups] Astral Projection Home Page Bermuda Triangle Bermuda Triangle (another one!) Groom Lake Desert Rat The Paranoid News Hot, Strange Links Jarmo’s Ufo-links Paranormal Links and Sources The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Spirituality…
http://www.eduweb.co.uk/news/april/flight2.html Flight 19 The Case For The Case Against Cast Your Vote Back to Fact or Fiction? The Case For Flight 19 Vanishing in the Bermuda Triangle Weather conditions were clear when Flight 19 took off from Fort Lauderdale. The members of the crew were all experienced, the aircraft were in…
http://www.islamicity.org/dialogue/Q151.HTM Devil: Powers of the devil Q151 :Could you please give your view on the mysteries like the Bermuda Triangle where ships and aeroplanes are said to have disappeared without a trace. Who is responsible for such actions? They cannot be of Allah’s doing, but could they be the work of the devil or…
http://site034145.primehost.com/en/bermuda3.htm Pyramid Schemes: A Brief History of the Mysterious Monuments Impossibly huge and geometrically precise stone constructs, withstanding the ravages of time as if by the will of the gods. Unlike the Bermuda Triangle and Atlantis, of course, pyramids are decidedly real. What is in question is their…
http://st3.yahoo.com/underground-films/worldofunknown.html Has there been a conspiracy against truth regarding the Bermuda Triangle, UFO’s, Mind Control Energy and faith healing? Now for the first time, the truth is revealed in a mind-boggling film, which boldly explores these crucial questions.Why are extraterrestrial life forms apparently guarding our…
http://videos4you.com/videos2/nova.htm Free for all links page ADD YOURS Internet Shopping Mall of Nova Series Videos. NOVA- Aircraft, NOVA- In Search of Human Origins, Nova- Tornado, Bermuda Triangle, UFOs- Are We Alone? Our Special-Interest Video CD-ROM catalog is your source for thousands of the World’s Best…