http://www.fatima.org/ Jesus wishes to make use of you in order to make Me known and loved. He wishes to establish devotion in the world to My Immaculate Heart. Welcome to THE FATIMA NETWORK 10/15/97: new update added…
http://www.MoroccoDoc.com/ WELCOME TO MOROCCO An inspirational Journey of hope through the extraordinary diversity of the North African Kingdom of Morocco. This is the story of one young woman’s fight for life. Paralyzed at the age of 20, Fatima has been imprisoned in…
http://www.fatimatoday.com/fatres.html Fatima Resources Fatima Centers Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima P-2496 Fatima CODEX Portugal (351) 49 53 21 22 Fatima Family Apostolate c/o Father Robert J. Fox St. Mary of Mercy Church…
http://www.tfp.org/proclaim.html America Needs Fatima Dear Friend of Mary, As a Fatima Proclaimer you can have a unique opportunity to touch someone’s heart today! Give him or her a beautiful flyer on Our Lady of Fatima. With America Needs Fatima’s unique caign, you too can help spread Mary’s saving…
http://www.angelfire.com/id/fatimaonline/index.html Fatima Online: Prophecies Apparitions If your looking for any of the following topics: Fatima Prophecies Catholic Prophecy Fatima Apparitions Look no further. You’ll find it at…
http://www.cam.org/~chann000/fatima.html Basilica and Capelinha das Aparicoes in Fatima. This famous catholic pilgrimage site is the place where according to believers, the virgin Mary appeared to three peasant kids in 1917.Some people handle sleep deprivation better than others!Port wine tasting complete with cheese and crackers, right…
http://www.sunlink.net/~stbernch/ourlady.htm Our Lady of Fatima Mission Church Welcomes You Our Lady of Fatima Mission Church is located in the village of Promised Land in Promised Land State Park. Liturgies are celebrated here at 7:00 p.m. on Saturdays during the summer months from Memorial Day Weekend until Labor Day Weekend for our…
http://www.catholictreasures.com/descrip/10954.html FATIMA PRIEST The Story of Father Nicholas Gruner Francis Alban. This is the amazing story of the life and apostolate of Father Nicholas Gruner, the Canadian priest who has devoted his priesthood to keeping alive the Message of Our Lady of Fatima. If the warning in that Message were silenced…
http://rights.amnesty.org/english/actions/ibrahim.html Her hands are now at rest. Once they were bound, both by her convictions, and by the strong arm of her government. Fatima Ibrahim. A writer, a speaker, a union leader for Sudanese women’s rights. Her husband won an International Peace Medal. At the same moment he was executed, she was…
http://www.catholictreasures.com/descrip/30174.html APPARITIONS AT FATIMA The Angel of Portugal appears to three shepherd children at Fatima asking for prayers of reparation for the sins of the world. Soon after, Mary, the Mother of God, begins Her stunning mission of mercy to mankind. Apparitions at Fatima recreated with great integrity the times…
http://www.catholictreasures.com/descrip/10234.html FATIMA: TRAGEDY AND TRIUMPH Frere Francois de Marie des Agnes. In this book, Brother Francios de Marie des Agnes completes Brother Michael’s in-depth study of Fatima. It tells how the Hierarchy chose to follow their own lights instead of the dictates of Heaven. It also points out what must be done…
http://shia.org/BibiFatima.html The Daughter of the Holy Prophet and the Wife of Imam Ali Hazrat Fatima Zahra (AS) Leader of the Women of Paradise Name – Fatima Title – Az-Zahra Kunyat – Umm-ul-Aimma Born…
http://www.hotelcity.com/portugal/cinqentenario.htm Hotel Cinquentenario Fatima, Portugal Hotel Cinquentenario is located in Fatima, in the very heart of Portugal. Fatima is one of the most famous and visited religious centers in the world. The Fatima Sanctuary…
http://www.tfp.org/anf.html America Needs Fatima The American TFP’s America Needs Fatima caign was launched in 1982 when the icy winds of the Cold War still blew around the globe. Fatima makes worldwide headlines as Russia continues to spread its errors in a very evident and palpable way. Today, communism continues…
http://www.parascope.com/articles/0297/fatima.htm Has the third prophecy of Fatima been uncovered? A Portugese professor believes so. Final Prophecy of Fatima: Revealed at Last? by D. Trull Enigma Editor dtrull…
http://www.bluearmy.com/index.html Win a free pilgrimage for two to Fatima, Portugal! Register below, today . . . Sister Mary John will place your registration in the drawing box. You are the person to access this website since May 20, 1998…
http://city-spry.lycos.com/assist/cityguide/articles/1012_t.html Fatima, Portugal Millions of Catholics worldwide know the name Fatima, one of the most visited pilgrimage destinations in the world and the site of a miraculous happening in 1915. In that year, three humble peasant children were allegedly visited by a series of angels and finally the Virgin…
http://www.tot.net/ffa/russia/russia.htm The Site for the Fatima Shrine in RussiaThe Fatima Family Apostolate is the only Catholic movement in the world which has been building a shrine to Our Lady of Fatima in Russia. It is being built in thanksgiving for…
http://www.catholic-church.org/barnabites/b53olfs.html NATIONAL SHRINE BASILICA OUR LADY OF FATIMA 1023 Swann Road Lewiston, New York 14092 Fatima, Portugal Fatima, U.S.A. Scheduled Events Directory Facilities Directions Virtual Tour of the Shrine The North American Voice of Fatima The North American Voice of Fatima On…
http://www.catholictreasures.com/descrip/10043.html THE AWESOME FATIMA CONSECRATIONS Father Paul Trinchard S.T.L. What are these Fatima Consecrations? What makes them awesome? Why are the especially for these end-times? How and why are the ignored and disobeyed? Why do the highest ranking Church officials lie about their horrible sins of…
http://www.angelfire.com/id/fatimaonline/ Fatima Online: Prophecies Apparitions If your looking for any of the following topics: Fatima Prophecies Catholic Prophecy Fatima Apparitions Look no further. You’ll find it at…
http://web.frontier.net/Apparitions/fatima.html Our Lady appears to three children Fatima, Portugal 1917 Homepage Tony Pacheco’s Fatima Site May 13, 1981: Pope John Paul II was seriously wounded by an assassin’s bullets. The Pope was saved from death when he turned to look at a young girl in the crowd wearing a picture of the Virgin of…
http://www.tulane.edu/~meche/gs/azul/fatima.html Visitors since September 5, 1997 AZUL This page on Fatima’s death is dedicated to the tens of thousands of people who have died amidst the political violence that is destroying Algeria. There is hardly any family which has not lost a relative or more. Some families have been completely…
http://area51.upsu.plym.ac.uk/~moosie/ufo/txt/civ/030.htm Subject: Fatima/Mary/UFOs Date: 29 Jan 1995 22:30:08 GMT Fatima was not a Marian apparition if by that phrase is meant a mass sighting of Mary. Like Lourdes, the only persons to have seen Mary were the principle players in the drama, not the crowds. Fatima’s public aspect, however…
http://www.newage.com.au/library/fatima.html NewAge On-Line Australia [www.newage.com.au] The Secrets of Fatima From the House Of David Teaching Center – Library File A paper on the Third Secret of Fatima apparitions written by the principal seeress Lucia dos Santos who is still living today in Fatima as a Carmelite nun known as Sister Lucy…
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/9463/fatima.html Our Lady of Fatima The Fatima Message is the Message for today. — Fr. Nicholas Gruner The Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, appeared six times to three shepherd children near the town of Fatima, Portugal between May 13th and October 13th 1917. Appearing to the children, the Blessed Virgin…
http://www.tot.net/ffa/messenger/message.htm Editorial from the January-February-March 1997 Issue of the Immaculate Heart Messenger The Heart of the Fatima Message The Fatima Family Apostolate has been blessed during its eleven years of existence. This was evident during 1996 when so many wonderful…
http://www.shepherds-of-christ.org/FATIMA/spiritf.htm The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje by Fr. Edward Carter, S.J. [Pictures From the Book] Shepherds of Christ Ministries PO BOX 193 Morrow, Ohio 45152-0193 The publisher recognizes and accepts that the final authority regarding apparitions rests with the Holy See of Rome, to whose judgment we…
http://members.theglobe.com/freetime2/fatima.html PHOTO OF FATIMA Fatima IN 1915 IN A SMALL village just outside of Lisbon Portugal, called Fatima one of the most significant events in this century was about to take place. On October 13th Lucia Dos Santos and her two cousins Francisco and Jacinta Marto were playing in the hilly…
http://fenric.cam.org/~chann000/fatima.html Basilica and Capelinha das Aparicoes in Fatima. This famous catholic pilgrimage site is the place where according to believers, the virgin Mary appeared to three peasant kids in 1917.Some people handle sleep deprivation better than others!Port wine tasting complete with cheese and crackers, right…
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/3362/fatima2.html The apparitions of Fatima The apparitions of Our Lady were advanced one year before by three apparitions of an angel who prepared the little seers to become messengers of the Mother of God. The apparitions of the Angel First apparition In spring in 1916 Lucia Dos Santos age 9, and her cousins…
http://catholicgoldmine.com/apparitions/fatima.html Index: Apparitions: Fatima, Portugal 1917 The Fatima Network: Our Lady of Fatima on-line (open in new window) Blue Army Of Our Lady of Fatima (open in new window…
http://www.catholicbooks.org/ All About The Angelsby Father Paul O’Sullivan Opens our eyes to the world of the blessed spirits who love us and humbly desire to guide and assist us daily – IF we will only acknowledge their presence and call upon them for assistance. Fatima, The Great Sign by Francis Johnston Finely detailed…
http://www.fatimatoday.com/fatpro.html Fatima’s Prophecies At the third apparition the children experienced a deep fear, but this seems to have been fear of the vision that was shown to the children rather than fear of the personage that was showing the vision.. They said that they were shown a frightening vision of hell, an…
http://www.capecod.net/~mjones/fatimapics.htm Pictures from Fatima Jacinta Lucia Francisco from left to right, Jacinta, Francisco, Lucia. Oct. 13, 1917, Watching the Miracle of the Sun Oct. 13, 1917, Watching the Miracle of the Sun (Hit your browser back button to return to Miracles and Wonders of Fatima…
http://w1.554.telia.com/~u55402678/boks/fatima.html Fatima The Story (From: Fatima Home Page) Fatima is a village in the center of Portugal about 70 miles north of Lisbon. It was there in 1915 that three humble peasant children began having a series of apparitions of angels and, later, the Virgin Mary. The children were: Lucia Santos and…
http://www.fatimatoday.com/history.html Fatima History Fatima is a village in the center of Portugal about 70 miles north of Lisbon. It was there in 1915 that three humble peasant children began having a series of apparitions of angels and, later, the Virgin Mary. The children were: eight-year old Lucia Santos and her two cousins…
http://catholictreasures.com/descrip/30174.html APPARITIONS AT FATIMA The Angel of Portugal appears to three shepherd children at Fatima asking for prayers of reparation for the sins of the world. Soon after, Mary, the Mother of God, begins Her stunning mission of mercy to mankind. Apparitions at Fatima recreated with great integrity the times…
http://mymodels.com/fatima.html Fatima Altura: 172 cm Pecho: 89 cm Cintura: 60 Cadera: 91 Talla: 38 Pelo: moreno Ojos: marrones …
http://www.christusrex.org/www1/apparitions/pr00011.htm Fatima, Portugal Our Lady of Fatima The Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, appeared 6 times to 3 sheperd children Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta between May 13 and October 13, 1917. She came to the little village of Fatima which had remained faithful to the Catholic Church during…
http://www.pitt.edu/~aagst8/mir/fatima.html At Fatima: A Eucharistic Call to Grace and Mercy The ‘True Presence’ Will Bring ‘True Peace’ The Shrine of Fatima The apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Fatima, Portugal in 1917 to three shepherd children are most remembered for the incredible signs and secrets given there…
http://www.youngstownnet.net/shrine.htm Since 1954, Our Lady of Fatima Shrine has become a place of natural beauty, art communal prayer, and renewal to thousands who visit the unique buildings and grounds each year The magnificence and natural beauty of the Shrine is highlighted by an awe-inspiring Dome Basilica covered with two layers…
http://www.littleflowertours.com/8dayfatima.htm 8 DAY FATIMA PILGRIMAGE AUGUST 9 – 16, 1999 ******************************************************* TOUR NO. FA809 AUG. 9: Depart NEWARK on your overnight flight to LISBON. AUG. 10: Upon arrival in Lisbon, we are transferred to FATIMA. En route we stop at SANTAREEM where we will have the…
http://www.littleflowertours.com/tourpilfatlou.htm 11 DAY PILGRIMAGE TO FATIMA, LOURDES LISIEUX TOUR NO. FLL1000 DAY 1: Departure from JFK or NEWARK airport on our overnight flight to LISBON. DAY 2: Upon arrival in the Portuguese capital, we board our motorcoach for the scenic ride through the Portuguese countryside. En route, we stop at…
http://www.immaculateheart.com/Mary/html/fatima.htm [1stSaturdays] [Im.Conception] [Im.Heart] [Fatima] [PerpetualHelp] [Lourdes] [54Days] Novena to Our Lady of FatimaHere is another simple, but very beautiful novena that has been known to…
http://mmp-usa.net/ On the 8th of May, 1972, Father Stefano Gobbi, a priest from Milan, Italy, was taking part in a pilgrimage to Fatima. While praying in the Chapel of the Apparitions for some priests who, besides having given up their own vocations, were attempting to form an association in…
http://beadsman.com/ The Beadsman The Beadsman for Catholic books, prayer books, icons and art The Beadsman offers Roman Catholic books, booklets, prayer books, images, icons, prayer cards, holy cards and commissioned art of the Virgin Mary (Our Lady of Guadalupe, Fatima, Lourdes), and all the saints…
http://www.catholicgoldmine.com/apparitions/fatima.html Index: Apparitions: Fatima, Portugal 1917 The Fatima Network: Our Lady of Fatima on-line (open in new window) Blue Army Of Our Lady of Fatima (open in new window…
http://www.101foundation.com/fatlourdes.html 101 Home Pilgrimages Garabandal 1999 Fatima Fatima Lourdes Ireland Guadalupe 2000 Victory Peace Flight Fatima Rome Oberammergau Reservation Form 1999 Fatima…
http://catholictreasures.com/descrip/30102.html THE MIRACLE OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA A beautiful, breathtaking tale in the tradition of The Song of Bernadette and Keys of the Kingdom, The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima is a glorious tribute to the triumph of human faith – and a memorable movie recreation of events which 70 years ago changed the…
http://www.leaflets.on.ca/fatima.htm IS THE STORY OF FATIMA FOR TODAY? Go Main Menu Contact Us Free Rosary 1916, SPRING 1916, MID-SUMMER 1916, FALL 1917, MAY 13th 1917, JUNE 13th 1917, JULY 13th 1917, AUGUST 13th 1917, AUGUST 19th 1917, SEPTEMBER 13th 1917, OCTOBER 13th 1930 1942, OCTOBER 31st 1952, JULY 7th 1982, MAY 13th Take a…
http://www.christianchristian.com/fatima.htm Fatima The Story Fatima is a village in the center of Portugal about 70 miles north of Lisbon. It was there in 1915 that three humble peasant children began having a series of apparitions of angels and, later, the Virgin Mary. The children were: Lucia Santos and her two…
http://scc.com.eg/saint.htm SCC Distributors in Sant Fatima…
http://www.nd.edu/~fatima/rg1.html WHAT IS OUR CALL? by Sr. Rose Goodrow, csc Over the years, I have become firmly convinced that when we are called by God at our final day, we will be judged on the way each one of us has tried to live our lives in responding to our own individual call. How do we know what that call is? When do we…
http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/5691/fatimai.html El Salvador Our Lady of Fatima We thank Mr. Juan Harrison, who has provided us with all this information, and who is our contact on the town or Cojutepeque in El Salvador. The town of Cojutepeque in el Salvador has the only original replica of the…
http://www.apparitions.org/fatima.html Our Lady appears to three children Fatima, Portugal 1917 Homepage Tony Pacheco’s Fatima Site May 13, 1981: Pope John Paul II was seriously wounded by an assassin’s bullets. The Pope was saved from death when he turned to look at a young girl in the crowd wearing a picture of the Virgin of…
http://www.bluearmy.com/august19.html The Words of Our Lady of Fatima, August 19, 1917 I want you to continue going to the Cova da Iria on the 13th, and to continue praying the Rosary every day. In the last month, I will perform a miracle so that all may believe. Lucia asked what to do with the money that people were…
http://www.ncinter.net/~ejt/fatapp.htm OCTOBER 13, 1930 The Approval Of Fatima: A Pastoral Letter After thirteen years of discerning the events that occurred at Fatima, the Catholic Church determined that the Lady had indeed come from heaven. The following is the text of the Pastoral Letter released by Dom Jose Carreia da Silva, Bishop…
http://www.colomsat.net.co/fatima/ Mire profundamente estos ojos y déjese penetrar por ellos…
http://www.nd.edu/~fatima/enngrm.html Enneagram Retreat/Workshop May 14-16, 1999 Nov 12 – 14 1999 What is the Enneagram? When studying human behavior we become aware of the beauty and the mystery of the personality of every person. We also see confilct and stuff that seems to alternate back and forth, up and down between healthy and…
http://www.fatimatoday.com/fatdev.html Fatima Devotion The Fatima Devotion, also known as the First Five Saturdays, is based on a subsequent apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Fatima visionary Sister Lucia on Christmas day 1925. According to Lucia, the Virgin appeared to her accompanied by the Christ child, elevated on…
http://www.tourlil.com/Pages/fatima.html FATIMA AND LOURDES 10 – DAY TOUR WHAT YOUR TOUR INCLUDES Scheduled Trans – Atlantic Flights via IATA Carriers Transfers from Airports and Hotels Deluxe Air – Conditioned Motorcoach ACCOMODATIONS 8 Nights Superior First Class Hotels with Private Baths (Double Basis) on the 10 – Day Tour and 3 Nights…
http://catholictreasures.com/descrip/10233.html FATIMA – THE GREAT SIGN Francis Johnston. This is undoubtedly the most comprehensive and best book ever written on Fatima and all that it entails. Our Lady holds out the power to every man, woman and child in this world, through the practice of her Fatima Message, to bring down miracles of God’s…
http://home.earthlink.net/~johnsevans/prayer/prayer_15.html Last Updated 03/31/99 Our Lady of FatimaO Most holy Virgin Mary, Queen of the most holy Rosary, you were pleased to appear to the children of Fatima and reveal a glorious message. We Implore you, inspire in our hearts a fervent love for the recitation…
http://space.mit.edu/geocosmo/fatima.html ~ F#193TIMA ~ Shrine at F#225tima Courtyard at F#225tima and the Chapel where the Virgin appeared F#193TIMA Across the scrub-covered limestone hills of the Serra de Aire, lies F#225tima, an important Roman Catholic pilgrimage site which will be the last stop of the tour. This great…
http://webevents.broadcast.com/iss/rosary/Slide-03.htm The Fatima Song La Cancioacuten de Fatima [Por favor canten en Ingles.] Our Lady of Fatima, sent from above, appeared to three children to tell of God’s love: Refrain: Ave, Ave, Ave Maria! Ave, Ave, Ave Maria! 1. In Fatima’s Cove on the thirteenth of May, the Virgin Maria…
http://www.theworkofgod.org/Aparitns/Fatima/Fatima.htm OUR LADY OF FATIMA An angel who identified himself as the angel of Peace appeared first to the three shepherds of Fatima they were prepared by the angel before the apparitions of Our Lady about a year later. The three children were Lucia dos Santos, age 9, and her…
http://www.hoteiscristal.com/marinha/ingles/fatima.html Sanctuaries of Fátima Evocation of the heaven in Portuguese ground. An altar of the World. Local of pilgrimage and of encounter with the spirit, the life and the faith. Wonderful Center of the Christendom and of withdrawal where day by day, executes felt promises and…
http://www.webcom.com/~way/night2.html The Way:Night of Lights, Fatima and The Way [2]Night of Lights, Fatima and The Way – 221 Nov 1994Peace to all the Sons of the Earth, blessed be the Daughters of Earth andof Ma.I am writing this to answer some of the many questions we have receivedconcerning the Night of Lights prophecy. But first…
http://hotelcity.com/portugal/cinqentenario.htm Hotel Cinquentenario Fatima, Portugal Hotel Cinquentenario is located in Fatima, in the very heart of Portugal. Fatima is one of the most famous and visited religious centers in the world. The Fatima Sanctuary…
http://www.bluearmy.com/aparitio.html The Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima In 1917, for six months in a row, on the 13th of each month, (with the exception of August, when she appeared on the 19th), Our Lady appeared at Fatima to three shepherd children: Jacinta, Francisco and Lucia. Our Lady prophesied the spread of communism…
http://catholictreasures.com/descrip/10043.html THE AWESOME FATIMA CONSECRATIONS Father Paul Trinchard S.T.L. What are these Fatima Consecrations? What makes them awesome? Why are the especially for these end-times? How and why are the ignored and disobeyed? Why do the highest ranking Church officials lie about their horrible sins of…
http://catholictreasures.com/descrip/10241.html THE FORGOTTEN SECRET OF FATIMA Msgr. Joseph A. Cirrincione with Thomas A. Nelson. The Forgotten Secret of Fatima reveals the real message of Fatima, a message of overriding significance , a message which has caused the revelations of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima to be called a summary of…
http://catholictreasures.com/descrip/10231.html FATIMA IN LUCIAS OWN WORDS Contains the memoirs and letters of the last surviving seer of the Fatima apparition, Lucia dos Santos, now Sister Mary of the Immaculate Heart. Describes her own life and the character, life and deaths of the other two children – Jacinta and Francisco. Includes visions…
http://www.avivtours.com/mt/FatimaLourdes/FatimaLourdes.html Pilgrimages to the Marian Shrines of Europe with the choice of a variety of Pilgrimages, visiting Fatima – Lourdes – Paris – Lisieux – Nevers – Avignon – Rome – Assisi – Loreto – Lanciano – Padre Pio – Ireland – London Fatima Lourdes available for as few as two participants Tour Host benefits…
http://home1.gte.net/sophist/links.htm Listings of Apparitions and other Resources Our Lady of Fatima Recent developments of the Marian Apparitions Our Lady of Guadalupe (patroness of the pre-born) Eucharistic Apostles of Divine Mercy (with.Blessed.Sister.Faustina) The Blessed Virgin Mary Page (source for weekly art…
http://bestcatholic.com/amazing/shrines/fatima/index.shtml SELECT Home Contact US Our Itineraries The Holy Shrines FATIMA Fatima and Santiago de Compostella in Spain constitute the great pilgrimage sites of the peninsula, with Fatima receiving greater numbers. It must count as one of the world’s great ironies at this, holiest site in the Iberian…
http://www.familylifecenter.net/catalog/sjck/b166.html St. Joseph, Fatima and Fatherhood Reflections on the Miracle of the Sun By Msgr. Joseph Cirrincione 62 page booklet that explains the significance of the neglected aspect of the miracle at Fatima. He comes to some profound conclusions…
http://www.ascend.net/throughprayer/fatima.htm Email Pray Index He is Risen The Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, appeared six times to three shepherd children (the Three Seers…
http://ncinter.net/~ejt/fatTOC.htm INDEPTH Comparison: The Word Of God Vs. The Lady Of Fatima’s Words October 13, 1930 The Approval Of Fatima: A Pastoral Letter Table Of Contents Sections-Title: Section 1: Christ, The Center Of God’s Word Mary: The Mother Of Jesus The Lady Of Fatima: 1917 Section 2: Giving Rise To A Need For…
http://www.stedward.com/fatima.htm RATZINGER REJECTS RUMORS ON SECRET OF FATIMA VATICAN (CWN) Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger has directly contradicted a recent report regarding the content of the mysterious third secret of Fatima. In an interview with the Italian publication Gazettino di Venezia, the prefect of the Congregation for the…
http://catholictreasures.com/descrip/10544.html OUR LADY OF FATIMA’S PEACE PLAN FROM HEAVEN Our Lady of Fatima said: I have come to warn the faithful to amend their lives and ask pardon for their sins. They must not continue to offend Our Lord, Who is deeply offended.The Blessed Mother can no longer restrain the Hand of her…
http://catholictreasures.com/descrip/10230.html FATIMA AND THE GREAT CONSPIRACY Deirdre Manifold. This is an extraordinary presentation on how the international conspiracy to achieve a materialist world dictatorship is being pursued. The facade of ideologies and parliamentary politics is unerringly penetrated, to reveal the hidden mechanisms of…