http://www.laserresale.com/ Welcome to the Laser Resale Home Page. Last updated on December 3, 1999. WE ARE THE LARGEST USED LASER MARKET IN THE USA! Laser Resale, Inc. provides a marketplace for the purchase and sale of used lasers, laser systems, laser associated equipment, and optical laboratory…
http://www.prclaser.com/ Welcome to PRC, a world leader in industrial lasers. We’re always looking for new ideas and new laser applications. Please share your idea with us, let’s see if its…
http://www.qpeak.com/ Welcome to Q-Peak, Incorporated! Q-Peak produces an innovative line of standard and custom products based on diode-pumped, solid state lasers Q-Peak carries out contract research and development on advanced solid state lasers and associated nonlinear optics…
http://www.grapevinelaser.com/ Argon Plasma Tubes, Argon Lasers, 532nm Lasers, Green Beam Lasers, Nd:YAG Lasers, New Lasers, Used Lasers, Ophthalmic Lasers, Forensic Lasers Free Classified Advertising Available!! Grapevine Laser, Inc 214.364.8669 V 206.374.5366…
http://www.oxfordlasers.com/index.shtml For More Information: North America Oxford Lasers, Inc. 33 Nagog Park PO Box 2620Acton, MA 01720-6620 Tel: (978)264-9110Fax:(978)263-2868E-mail:More Info Rest of the World Oxford Lasers, LtdAbingdon Science ParkBarton LaneAbingdon,Oxon OX14 3YRTel: +44 1235 554211Fax: +44 1235 554311E-mail:More…
http://www.midwest-laser.com/ Site last updated 12/01/99 What’s New:·High-power red laser diode modules.·Lower prices on red laser diode modules…
http://www.linkcafe.co.uk/business/photomedix/CLINAPPS.HTM Photomedix Clinical Applications of Lasers Skin Treatments Present day systems can be applied to many types of skin conditions including vascular malformations, tattoos, benign pigmented lesions, hair, wrinkles etc. Many of these treatments involve scar-free removal of unwanted blemishes or…
http://www.scimedia.com/chem-ed/optics/sources/lasers.htm Lasers Introduction A laser is a coherent and highly directional radiation source. LASER stands for Light lification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. A laser consists of at least three components: a gain medium that can lify light that passes through it an energy pump source to create a…
http://www.smgifts.com/hene/hene.html Spectral elio-neonHELIUM-NEONLASER HEADSSPECTRAL manufactures a new line of helium-neon (HeNe)laser tubes and modules employing the more suitable technologies and materialsto assure reliability and performances.FEATURES Low thermal expansion hard borosilicate glass construction Coaxial…
http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/ode/laser.html Manufacturers and Users of Lasers for Refractive Surgery The Office Of Device Evaluation (ODE) and Office of Compliance (OC) have issued several documents concerning Manufacturers and Users of Lasers for Refractive Surgery. These documents are available from the CDRH World Wide Web site and from…
http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/laser797.html Information about Lasers An Important Letter to Ophthalmologists About Lasers for Refractive Surgery Dear Doctor: This is to provide an update on the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) policies regarding lasers for refractive surgery. When we last wrote you on October 10, 1996, we…
http://www.achilles.net/~jtalbot/amateur/movies/index.html Lasers in the Movies Under construction !!! Some of this information may be wrong … Contributions are Welcome ! Introduction Ever since their invention, optical lasers were used as a gimmick in the movies sometimes as ‘brute force’ death rays like in Star Wars but more as ‘gadgets’ or personal…
http://canopus.lpi.msk.su/dqrf.html DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM RADIOPHYSICS Theoretical Radiophysics Lab Dynamics of nonlinear systems, Non- Head Prof .A. Oraevsky classical optics, X-ray optics. Laser Plasma Lab Interaction of superpower light flows with Head Prof. G. Sklizkov plasma…
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http://guernsey.uoregon.edu/~phdemo/demo/Light_and_Optics/LO-LH.html Lasers and Holography Demos Available: Lasers Available: Big Red Modulating Metrologic HeNe Laser Small Red HeNe Metrologic Laser Green HeNe Laser Two diode laser pointers Holography White light holograms Laser Holograms Projection Holograms More Demos with Lasers: To see some more exles of…
http://www.slackinc.com/eye/os/oshome.htm A publication of SLACK Incorporated Ocular Resources On This Page: Search Profile Abstracts Editors Staff Subscription Free Issue Update Service Instructions to Contributors SEARCH Find articles either from the entire Slack website or just from Ophthalmic Surgery and Lasers To use more…
http://www.achilles.net/~jtalbot/G1975/index.html Under construction !!! LIFICATION IN RECOMBINING PLASMAS (PLASMA LASERS) by Gudzenko, L.I., Shelepin,L.A., Yakovlenko,S.I.: P.N. Lebedev Physics Institute, USSR Academy of Sciences, I.V. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy 1975, Sov.Phys.Usp., 17, 848. Abstract: A review is given of the…
http://canopus.lpi.msk.su/qrf-str.html INSTITUTE OF QUANTUM RADIOPHYSICS DIRECTOR Prof. N. BASOV Department of Quantum Radiophysics. Head Prof. N. Basov Theoretical Physics Lab Gas Lasers Lab Laser Plasma Lab Photochenlical Processes Lab Nonlinear Optical Phenomena Lab Frequency Standards Lab Chemical Lasers Lab Laser…
http://www.doctorpage.com/findit/Cosmetic_Surgery_and_Medicine/Lasers/ doctorpage :: Cosmetic Surgery and Medicine / Lasers Add a Site Get A Free Site Find Physicians Diseases Conditions Cosmetic Surgery Surgical Procedures Healthcare Biz Other Medical Findit…
http://www.laserdentistry.org/patient_info.htm Home Page Certification Conference Membership Mailing List Academy of Laser Dentistry Patient Information Suggested Reading By visiting a laser dentist, you#146ll have the opportunity to experience a new and exciting technology. We would like to give you some basic information…
http://www.li.net/~stmarya/stm/lights.htm Visible Light and Lasers Wavelength – 7.60*10^-7 to 3.80*10^-7 meters. The Discovery Zone Who discovered Lasers? Albert Einstein (1917) proposed the mechanism of stimulated emission – the principle of laser’s action. Einstein’s spontaneous emission discovery, a process that…
http://www.nvo.com/optomiclasers Home Optomic Lasers Ltd.COMPANY Home Contact Information Pictures…
http://formentor.uib.es/Photonics/index.html VISITORS: Jorge Tblackicce, Univ. du Nice, 10/96-10/98. Main Research Topics: High speed modulation of semiconductor laser devices. Jitter and chirping. Optical Feedback and lasers with injected signal. Modeling semiconductor lasers physics. Multistripe and Broad Area semiconductor…
http://sslasers.com/ Welcome to Decade Optical Systems, Inc. and Decade Products Inc.’s Home Page Decade Optical Systems, Inc. and Decade Products Inc. annouce a new solid-state laser product catalog available for mailing in early March 1997. The products offered include diode and flashl pumped solid-state lasers…
http://www.apache-laser.com/ …offering a growing line of innovative construction leveling lasers, receivers,and accessories…
http://pages.prodigy.net/rita3/lasers.htm Cool Lasers Here is some music to listen to. Do you like laser pointers? I got a whole bunch of sites that you can see and all of them have different, cool laser pointers. All of them have pictures of laser pointers. Also some of them even have laser pointers that you can buy online. I also got…
http://www.laser-light-show.com/ #1A Manufacturer and Wholesale Distributors of Award Winning Laser Lightshow Hardware, X29 Software, Equipment, and Systems for Laser Light Shows. COOL PICs, Including Cute Laser Chicks! Home | About | Software | Hardware | Systems Specials | Graphics | Money | Info | Contact Us Download Demo…
http://fnlib.fnal.gov/MARION?S=LASERS LASERS Lasers. (15 titles) Lasers — Adverse effects — Handbooks. (1 title) Lasers — Collected works. (1 title) Lasers — Congresses. (9 titles) Lasers — Experiments. (1 title) Lasers — Handbooks, manuals, etc. (1 title) Lasers in isotope separation. (1 title) Lasers — Industrial…
http://www.construction-lasers.com/ Certain products can now be purchased online for shipping in the United States. Where you find it, just click the ‘Order Now’ button on product pages to take you to our online store and order your products over a secure, encrypted internet connection.International Orders…
http://members.tripod.com/lasr_one/typesof.html TYPES OF LASERS There are many different types of lasers. Some lasers are gas-based, some are crystal-based, and some use diodes. The three main types of lasers are solid lasers, gas lasers, and liquid lasers. Solid lasers include crystal-based lasers, glass-based lasers, and semiconductor lasers…
http://www.instrumentsales1.com/construction-lasers.htm Construction Lasers If you are searching for any of the following construction lasers: Lasers or Laser levels Manual Lasers Automatic self-leveling Lasers Rotary Lasers or rotating lasers Look no further. You’ll find it at INSTRUMENT SALES! We are the total…
http://photon.bu.edu/selim/leos/leos.html IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Central New England Council Chapter This page serves as the gateway to various activities of the LEOS Central New England Council Chapter (also referred as the Boston Chapter). Our local chapter follows the LEOS mission statement . CURRENT…
http://sbfel3.ucsb.edu/ keywords: fel, free electron laser, fir, far infrared, millimeter wave, terahertz, undulator, coherent radiation, free electron lasers The UCSB Free-Electron Lasers provide tunable, coherent, kilowatt level radiation for scientific research in the far-infrared portion of the spectrum (2.5mm to…
http://members.tripod.com/al_galb/tl1.html Lasers By Ahmed Qassimi Types of laser Semiconductor lasers: Semiconductor lasers are the most compact lasers, semiconductor lasers consist of a junction between layers of…
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http://www.texasplasticsurgeons.com/ Home About Services Q A’s Before After Request Form Location Email Comments on our web site? E-mail our office Dr. Robert J. Capriotti is one of the leading laser cosmetic surgeons in the country. He is known nationally for his use of the laser and was one of the first surgeons in…
http://washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/sports/longterm/sportusa/ca/lasers.htm San Jose Lasers Lasers Articles From AP Lasers Articles in The Post Latest League News Official Lasers Site ABL’s Lasers Site Unofficial Lasers Page Lasers Observer copy Copyright 1998 Washingtonpost.com Back to the Top…
http://www.cohr.com/ Laser Excellence and Innovation Since 1966 Coherent is recognized as a world leader in the design, manufacture and marketing of lasers and laser-based systems for medical, scientific and commercial applications. Founded in 1966, the company…
http://members.tripod.com/al_galb/tl2.html Lasers By Ahmed Qassimi Liquid lasers: Liquid lasers are inorganic dyes contained in glass vessels. They are pumped intense flash ls in a pulse mode or by a glass laser…
http://business.virgin.net/holmium.lasers/index.htm MOBILE SURGICAL LASERS (UK) LTD. Who are we ? MSL (UK) offer a valuable service to UK healthcare providers, offering Holmium:YAG laser systems for hire on an as when and needed basis, thereby enabling hospitals and clinics the opportunity to utilise state of the…
http://members.tripod.com/al_galb/lap2.html Lasers By Ahmed Qassimi Lasers and entertainment: Lasers have been used for entertainment and leisure purposes. Lasers are used to demonstrate light shows which are formed by lasers. Lasers are also used to watch…
http://www.cas.org/vocabulary/06975.html [ Top Page/Search Vocabulary ] [ Top Terms Index ] [ Categories Index ] [ Alphabetical Listing L ] Lasers Used For Quantum electric lifiers Broader Terms Oscillators Light sources Narrower Terms Chemical lasers Dye lasers Free electron lasers Gamma ray lasers Gas lasers IR lasers…
http://members.tripod.com/durranis/lasers/lasers.html The Lasers Lasers – Middlebelt’s specialty. With the different energies that he can control, besides making them into energy balls, he does it also fire powerful lasers from his hands or possibly his mouth. There are many different lasers that Middlebelt have. There are special laser modes that…
http://members.tripod.com/al_galb/con.html Lasers By Ahmed Qassimi Conclusion: Lasers have improved our lives a lot and we can not live without them anymore. Lasers play a very important role in our earth and our world. Lasers are being used everywhere today…
http://www.holoshop.com/lasers/lasers.html Laser sales exchange – surplus, refurb and pre-owned laser sales. All makes and models. Industrial, commercial, scientific, education and hobby. Laser sales exchange – surplus, refurb and pre-owned laser sales. All makes and models. Industrial, commercial, scientific, education and hobby. Laser…
http://www.lasersforsurgery.com/ Confidentiality assured: All inquiries and transactions are conducted in confidence. We never reveal the names of customers or publish a customer list. This has always been our policy. We offer expert…
http://www.uslasercorp.com/ Engineering Practical Solutions to Manufacturing Problems Through Laser Technology For the last 18 years, U.S. Laser Corp. has been supporting the industrial materials processing community with Turn-Key Systems for welding, cutting…
http://members.tripod.com/al_galb/lap1.html Lasers By Ahmed Qassimi Lasers in scientific research: Laser beams are highly directional and monochromatic, because of these characteristics the changes due to matter can be detected and verified. By using this…
http://www.seord.com/ Welcome to the Schwartz Electro-Optics (SEO) WWW Home Page. SEO is a diversified US company involved in the research, development and manufacture of advanced lasers, and laser-based electro-optic systems. Please choose among the items below and find out more about our company and its…
http://www.itlasers.com/ ITL is a leading High-Tech Electro-Optics company, develops and manufactures a wide range of advanced and innovative products and systems designed to enhance the full range of Night Fighting capabilities as well as Daytime Electro-Optical solutions Demanded by modern warfare. Laser, Infra-Red…
http://www.slackinc.com/eye/os/ostoc.htm A publication of SLACK Incorporated Table of Contents Ocular Resources About Ophthalmic Surgery and Lasers Volume 30, Number 1 Volume 30, Number 2 Volume 30, Number 3 Volume 30, Number 4 Volume 30, Number 5 Volume 30, Number 6 Volume 30, Number 7 Volume 30, Number 8[LATEST ISSUE] Now…
http://www.innovativelasers.com/ INNOVATIVE LASERS CORPORATION PRODUCTS PRESS RELEASES ABOUT ILC EMPLOYMENT CONTACT US HOMEPAGE A supplier of Trace Gas Sensors, Sensor Calibration Systems, Automated Gas Standards, and Laser Sources …
http://www.parallax-tech.com/ Parallax Technology, Inc. We manufacture CO2 lasers and CO2 laser tubes for OEM medical and industrial applications. We also service, regas and manufacture replacement CO2 laser tubes for Sharplan, Surgilase, Laserscope, Heraeus, PLC, LEI and other DC excited…
http://www.lbp.co.uk/ Welcome to Laser Beam Products. We specialise in the manufacture, and design of laser optics for the infra red, especially high power CW and pulsed lasers. Please visit our site for product information, up to date applications and research findings…
http://www.surefire.com/ Flashlight, Flashlights, Tactical Lighting Systems and Lasers, SURE-FIRE by Laser Prodcut Flashlights, tactical weapons mounted lights, lasers, and accessories for police, military, and professional use Professional Quality…
http://www.yag-lasers.com/ YAG Lasers – The leader in designing and manufacturing small pulsed YAG laser systems. Our compact, proven, cost-effective YAG Lasers are used in a variety of applications for failure analysis, LCD repair and other Semiconductor and Scientific laser applications…
http://lasag.com/ A Company of the Swatch Group Who We Are LASAG INDUSTRIAL LASERS is a manufacturer of solid state industrial pulsed Nd:YAG (Neodymium:Yttrium-Aluminum Garnet) laser sources. Our lasers are primarily used for welding, cutting, and drilling of metals. Please feel at home and…
http://www.eos.ncsu.edu/bae/research/blanchard/www/465/textbook/lasers/links/ Related Links Diode Laser Gas Sensing Frequently asked questions about lasers Introduction to lasers Veterinary Medicine surgical Laser Laboratory Center For Laser Surgery, Washington, D.C. ** Laser Surgery of the Eye TLC The Laser Center EXCIMER Lasers Laser Surgery (Reference) The Surgery Laser…
http://www.bcm.tmc.edu/plastic.surgery/Wed_Conf/1996_wed_conf/August/8-21_lasers/lasers.html Lasers: Aesthetic and Therapeutic Below are some links related to the aesthetic and therapeutic uses of lasers. Please use these resources until this presentation becomes available. Available Internet ResourcesTopicResource LocationLaser SurgeryIndications and expectations This site last updated on…
http://www.nvginc.com/ DIODES NVG, Inc. LASERS LASER DIODES LASER DIODE MODULES DIODE LASER PRODUCTS Manufacturers of OEM LASER PRODUCTS Short Long Wavelengths High Low Powered Diodes Visible Infrared Diodes OEM Laser Diode…
http://kalama.doe.hawaii.edu/hern95/pt019/product/ceasar/laser.htm Lasers Electronics Resource Page Lasers Surfing the internet on Lasers as my topic has given me lots of information. On a particular web page,I found out that a student named Kevin Broderick has done a Term Paper on Lasers. His term paper is similar to the information that I am researching…
http://www.nuvonyx.com/ Technology’s New Horizon Nuvonyx brings advanced semiconductor laser technology from the laboratory to industry for materials processing applications. Founded by an…
http://www.activefibres.nrc.ca/ Fibre Lasers and lifiers Laboratory Welcome to the Institute for National Measurement Standards (INMS) Fibre Lasers and lifiers Laboratory home page. INMS is one of the National Research Council of Canada’s 16 research institutes…
http://www.newstarlasers.com/ An ISO 9001 Certified Company New Star Lasers Inc. designs, manufactures and markets Nd:YAG and Ho:YAG medical lasers for the Aesthetic Surgery, General Surgery, and Cardiovascular markets. New Star Lasers is FDA, GMP, (QSR) qualified, and ISO 9001 certified…
http://members.tripod.com/shadowsclaw/3.html Lasers Lasers are direct-energy weapons capable of cutting through ‘mech armor. There are three types of these bad boys small , medium and large . The size represents the amount of damage done by the weapon , but it also represents the heat the weapon creates when fired…
http://www.lightbrigade.com/w4la.htm Lasers as a Tool Lasers are important and fascinating tools. Applications for lasers will continue to expand. Learn how a laser works and see the different types of lasers and their applications. The video was developed for the Optical Society of America. Outline Lasers…
http://www.northeast.isd.tenet.edu/lee/webless/Harper/laserwebquest.htm Introduction to Lasers A Webquest Treasure Hunt about Lasers By Thomas W. Harper Introduction | The Questions | Internet Resources Introduction Use this activitiy to learn about lasers and their modern day applications from science and medicine to entertainment. Looking through the…
http://www.kigre.com/ Kigre, Inc: Solid State Laser Glass, Laser Components and Laser OEM’s KIGRE, INC.Leaders In Solid State Laser Components Our Recent New Products and Services RF-1 Reactive Samarium Filter Kigre, Inc. will be introducing a new filter for Nd:YAG pump chambers this fall called RF-1. This will be…
http://www.lightbrigade.com/w4lg.htm Fiber Optic LEDs, Lasers and Detectors Fiber Optic LEDs, Lasers and Detectors covers the active components used in transmitters and receivers to convert electrical circuits to optical circuits and vice versa. It addresses the components and their operation, wavelength compatibility…
http://www.centrak.com/prod03.htm New and Reconditioned Lasers Centrak offers a wide variety of new lasers and reconditioned lasers. Generally, reconditioned lasers are more economical for most applications. Our growing stock of good, operating used laser changes constantly, so the best thing to do is…
http://www.suresite.com/ky/l/lasers/ Click IndustrySearch Below To Locate Lasers, Laser Distributors, Laser Services, Laser Manufacturers Lasers, Laser Manufacturers, Laser Distributors, Laser Suppliers, Laser Representatives Lasers, laser manufacturers, laser distributors, laser suppliers, laser representatives, laser marking service…
http://www.centrak.com/ Laser Shows and Displays, Laser Show Equipment, Custom Laser Optics, and Laser Projectors About Centrak Lasers, Inc… Centrak has been creating spectacular laser shows since 1985. We’ve staged hundreds of laser light shows and customized special events for some…
http://www.edinst.com/laser/welcome.htm Laser and Electro Optics Division For the last three decades Edinburgh Instruments has enjoyed a market leading position and world wide reputation for our PL range of infra red gas lasers. These lasers cover the wavelength ranges : 5.2 – 6.0 #181m (Carbon Monoxide) 9 – 11 #181m (Carbon…
http://www.edinst.com/ Welcome to theHome Page Who are we? Edinburgh Instruments develops and manufactures laser systems and other light sources, as well as a range of steady state and time resolved fluorimeters for the world wide scientific research community. EI also manufacture high quality reliable gas sensors based… Science on High-Energy Lasers: From Today to the NIF has moved. It is now located at
http://www.llnl.gov/science_on_lasers/–please update your bookmarks to reflect the new location. Last modified on March 26, 1996 and LLNL Disclaimers Science on High-Energy Lasers: From Today to the NIF UCRL-ID…
http://www.amazing1.com/laser3.htm Site Index Acoustics – Listening Devices Anti Gravity Books – Technical, How-To CD ROMS – Technical Classified Ads Company Policies Dog and Rodent Control General Science High Voltage Devices Hobbiest Kits – All Types Home Security…
http://www.diacorinc.com/lasers.htm CENTRALITE® Lasers: Let Diacor help you with all your laser needs. The CENTRALITE Laser line of products represent the very best in design, reliability, and servicablity. Diacor offers three products in our CENTRALITE Laser line of products. Choose one to learn more. [PRODUCTS] [ ABOUT…
http://www.library.nwu.edu/journal/apblo/ Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Access Connect to Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics via the Web Restrictions Restricted Access for the Northwestern Community Only Description Subject Area Radiation–Periodicals. Lasers in chemistry–Periodicals.Physics–Periodicals.Nonlinear…
http://www.engineering.ucsb.edu/~hegblom/semiconductor_laser_intro.htm HEG’s Brief Introduction to Semiconductor Lasers: Semiconductor lasers are a type of laser made from crystals of semiconducting materials like gallium arsenside or indium phosphide which use electrical current to make laser light. Applications Advantages/Disadvantages Basic theory of…
http://www.laserweb.co.uk/ You are being redirected to the new Lasers On The Web Site, now called Please wait…… If you are not automatically redirected, please click on the logo above…
http://www.asianproducts.net/products/lase_70.htm Are you looking for lasers Look no further! Asian Sources Online gives you instant access to different suppliers of lasers and other related products from across Asia. Our comprehensive database features over 54,000 product profiles from more…
http://mwkindustries.com/A-f/argon.htm 170mW Multiline Air-Cooled Argon LASER Head ! High-Power Argons, Kryptons and White-Light LASER heads. Argon Laser Supply Plans Argon Laser Upgrade Optics Air-Cooled Argon Umbilical Cable…
http://www.mwkindustries.com/ LASER LIGHT SHOWS – ARGON LASERS- KRYPTON LASERS -HELIUM NEON LASERS Welcome to MWK Laser Products, the world’s best source for lasers…
http://www.unitekmiyachilasers.com/ Unitek Miyachi Lasers: Laser Welding Systems, Pulsed Nd:YAG Welders for Spot and Seam Welding, including Hermetic Sealing, Laser Markers Unitek Miyachi Corporation, World Leader in the manufacturing of the Worlds best equipment Unitek Miyachi lasers: laser welding systems, pulsed Nd:YAG welders for…
http://www.optoelectronics-world.com/ PennWell Advanced Technology DivisionOptoelectronics Group Laser Focus World provides in-depth editorial coverage of optoelectronics–lasers, optics, detectors, imaging, fiberoptics, and instrumentation. Each month, Laser Focus World reports on the technology and business…
http://www.alphalas.com/default.shtm PRODUCT INDEX Lasers PICOLAS MONOLAS PULSELAS Eye-Safe Laser Kit etc. Optical Components Laser Mirrors Polarization Optics…
http://www.quantasystem.com/ QUANTA SYSTEM S.r.l. INTERNATIONAL HOME PAGE Via Venezia Giulia 18 – 20157 Milan (Italy) tel: ++39-2-33200239 fax: ++39-2-3575140 Nowadays Quanta System S.r.l. is a worldwide recognised company leader in the field of solid state pulsed lasers for the scientific, industrial and medical communities…
http://www.cco.caltech.edu/~bliss/atomphys/tpwdl.html Teaching physics with 670nm diode lasers Teaching physics with 670 nm diode lasers – construction of stabilized lasers and lithium cellsK.G. Libbrecht, R.A. Boyd, P.A. Willems, T.L. Gustavson, and D.K. Kim, Am. J. Phys, 63 (8), August 1995. Abstract: We describe the construction and operation of…
http://www.americaneye.com/ NEW: Vision Improvement Excimer Laser Technology Play is the business of childhood and its continuation in later life is the prolongation of youth. American Eye Institute, in affiliation with Image LaserCare Centers, is dedicated to the improvement of the quality of life through ocular…
http://www.laserjobs.com/jobs/aco4310.htm Staff Development Engineer Lasers Location: Santa Clara, CA Please Reference Job Code: ACO-4310WP E-mail this position to a friend Your name Your friend’s Email address Company: This company is a leader in the…
http://www.laserjobs.com/ Placing professionals in the Laser and Optics industry Sign up to receive new position updates: Click Here For …
http://www.ttp.net/htm/journals/Lasers-in-Materials-Scien.html Trans Tech Publications Journal-Title: Lasers in Materials Science Home – About Us – Title Index – Search – New Titles – Journals and Series – Download – How to order – Preview Service…
http://www.laserscience.com/ Site Map | Company…
http://www.laresdental.com/ Periodontal Therapy Patients Will Say Yes To — Laser PDM For The General Or Specialty Practice Delights Patients With NO Scalpel, NO Suture Surgery, While Boosting Practice Income – Click Here Your cutting edge…
http://www.advr-inc.com/ Specializing in visible and near to mid IR lasers HomeCompany Profile Products Advanced Technology Park 910 Technology Blvd. Suite K Bozeman, MT. 59718 PHONE: (406) 522-0388 FAX: (406) 522-0387…
http://photon.bu.edu/PRIDE/SC570/pages.html SC570 Lasers SC570 is a technical elective in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Course Description/Catalog Data Prerequisite Material: CAS PY313 Waves and Modern Physics Topics: Review of wave optics. Gaussian and Hermite-Gaussian optical beams. Planar…
http://home2.ecore.net/amgx/laserfaq.htm Safety, Info, Links, Parts, Types, Drive, Construction A Practical Guide to Lasers for Experimenters and Hobbyists Back to Sam’s Laser FAQ Welcome Page. Expanded Table of Contents – HTML, diagrams, photos, and schematics. Comprehensive Table of Contents – Direct links to every chapter and section…
http://www.planetquake.com/LFire/WOD/wod.html Weapons of DestructionAbout Weapons of Destruction The Weapons Of Destruction mod is the sure cure for the deathmatch doldrums. How could one get bored, what with trip lasers, homing rocket launchers, machine-rocket guns, freeze rays, cataclysm grenades, flamethrowers, machine shotguns…
http://www.therapeuticlaser.com/ Introduces TLC 2000#153 Biostimulation Therapeutic Medical Laser Designed and developed as new, state-of-the-art, non-invasive medical lasers. Medical lasers have been used in the past to help those with painful chronic, acute, and traumatic hard-to-treat…
http://www.rli.com/ The LaserNetreg is operated by: Rockwell Laser Industries, Inc. Putting Laser Safety In A Whole New Light RLI Training Institute On-line Course Registration Laser Safety Consulting RLI Products Products and Price List RLI Laser Accident…
http://www4.nas.edu/beyond/beyonddiscovery.nsf/web/laser?OpenDocument Help on the Internet Using Visible Light? Physics in the 20th Century Semiconductor Lasers Optical Fibers Emerge…
http://nervm.nerdc.ufl.edu:80/~jyoon/ The PZ Laser Lab at the University of Florida Semiconductor Laser Science and Technology The PZ Laser Lab at the University of Florida, under the direction of Dr. Peter Zory, possesses capabilities in a wide variety of semiconductor laser fabrication and testing areas. Our laser effort is focused…
http://www.bell-labs.com/history/laser/ Arthur Schawlow biography Charles…
http://www.cohr.com/clg/clg_home.html Welcome to Coherent Laser Group Coherent is recognized as a world leader in the design, manufacture and marketing of lasers and laser-based systems for medical, scientific and commercial applications. The markets we serve consist of commercial customers, including many of the Fortune 500…
http://www.laser-works.com/ Welcome to Laserworks — Your one-stop shopping center for high-speed precision optical scanners (galvos), laser diodes, mirrors, laser entertainment systems, and complete laser scanning systems. This site under Re-construction….watch for new products and features Click Image For Details click on…
http://www.sciam.com/1998/0498issue/0498berns.html Laser Scissors and Tweezers Researchers are using lasers to grasp single cells and tinier components in vises of light while delicately altering the held structures. These lasers offer new ways to investigate and manipulate cells by Michael W. Berns ……….. SUBTOPICS: Putting Lasers to…
http://www.crystalaser.com/ Miniature Low cost Low noise High reliability CrystaLaser manufactures cost effective ultra-compact diode-pumped crystal lasers. Our lasers feature with low noise, high stability, high efficiency, high reliability and excellent laser beam…
http://www.lasermate.com/ VCSELs | Communication Lasers | Photodiode Receivers | Fiber Optical Transceivers | Book Store | On Sale Items | Green, Red, Infrared Laser Diode Modules | Laser Diodes | Laser Accessories | Laser Products…
http://www.optopower.com/ Opto Power Corporation is a leading manufacturer of high power, near infrared (790-980nm and 1.8#181m) diode lasers and arrays for the industrial, commercial and medical markets. Our comprehensive product line enables users to benefit from the latest advances in diode laser technology, whether…
http://lasers.llnl.gov/lasers/education/ed.html …
http://www.specialtymile.com/laserprod/ Laser Laser Productions Laser Laser Productions is a laser light show company producing laser light shows and art for special events, trade shows, grand openings, holidays, conventions, corporate events, awards ceremonies, promotions, new product launches. We can project on walls, ceilings…
http://www.respondsystems.com/ Laser therapy and pulse magnetic therapy for your animals : Respond Systems Home …
http://www.nickslasersystems.com/ Email. Company Address. Lasers-Laser Show Systems and more!!! If you have dead Laser we want it…
http://mwkindustries.com/ LASER LIGHT SHOWS – ARGON LASERS- KRYPTON LASERS -HELIUM NEON LASERS Welcome to MWK Laser Products, the world’s best source for lasers…
http://laser.amrichau.com/ Amrich Laser Division …. …. making light work for Western Australia …. Our mission is to serve by promoting knowledge and understanding of lasers and the benefits to be derived by their use, and by promoting the use of lasers so that those benefits can be realised. Laser…
http://www.cheaplights.com/ Mail order retailer of pro dj equipment, special effects dmx intelligent lighting equipment and pro audio. Dealer for dj lights, lasers, fog machines, strobes, pin spots, replacement bulbs, mixers, s, speakers for DJs, Clubs, Bowling centers. Located in Houston Texas, USA…
http://www.gamma.se/ Welcome to Nordic supplier of lasers optronics Gamma Optronik AB is the exclusive sales and service representative of a number of world leading companies in the field of optronics. We operate in the Nordic countries. Below is a brief description of some of our main principals. If you have any…
http://www.spot-optics.com/ SH wavefront sensor (SHWFS): The general purpose Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor for telescopes and lasers SenSoft: The intuitive graphical user interface for SHWFS Download article on the capabilities of the SH system (presented at SPIE San Diego July 1997) FAQ on SHWFS See results of…
http://www.aetlasers.com/ Advanced Entertainment Technologies provides new technologies for entertainment, special events, advertising, and commercial displays. We specialize in the use of lasers, robotics, pyrotechnics special effects to make your event or display unique and visually stunning! Hi, I’m…
http://www.lasergas.com/ Excimer Laser Gases for Vision Correction (PRK and Lasik), Microlithography, and Micromachining, including Fluorine premixes, Hydrogen Chloride premixes, and rare gases such as Xenon and Krypton. Mixes available for use in lasers made by Lambda-Physik, Lumonics, MPB, Summit, Visx, Photon Data…
http://www.laser-magic.com/ copyright 1998 LASER MAGIC PRODUCTIONS…
http://www.sopra-sa.com/ SOPRA is a French compagny founded in 1948 manufacturing highly-resourceful scientific instruments for more than twenty years. SOPRA is the leader in the field of high energy Excimer Lasers, Ultra-High Resolution Spectrometers and Spectroscopic Ellipsometers for both RD and Production. On this…
http://www.clzr.com/ Candela announces the GentlePeel System – CLICK HERE Developers of Innovative Medical Laser and Aesthetic Systems Contact Us | Site Map | CandelaSpa Site | Employment | Workshops Candela Corporation has been helping physicians and patients achieve results that were once unimaginable – from the…
http://www-lasers.llnl.gov/ …
http://www.qsl.net/wb9ajz/laser/laser.htm April 1997) Old Mail archives: format laserYMM.txt, Y=year digit, MM=month digits (summaries at beginning of each!) Link to the best source of other links! Jim’s collection of laser links K3PGP’s Laser Web Page AA1A’s Laser Web Page N1BUG’s Intro to Laser Comm Page
http://www.oxfordlasers.com/mm/mmd.htm For More Information: North America Oxford Lasers, Inc. 33 Nagog Park PO Box 2620Acton, MA 01720-6620 Tel: (978)264-9110Fax:(978)263-2868E-mail:More Info Rest of the World Oxford Lasers, LtdAbingdon Science ParkBarton LaneAbingdon,Oxon OX14 3YRTel: +44 1235 554211Fax: +44 1235 554311E-mail:More…
http://www.dyelaser.com/ gt (Sorry this page uses frames, but your browser doesn’t support them.) Welcome to LumenX Technologies the leader in coaxial flashl pumped pulse dye lasers. Our Mission * To manufacture the most reliable pulse dye lasers ever produced…
http://www.bluchip.demon.co.uk/main.htm Lasers On The Web LinkExchange Member Visitor Number since 7th January 1997 Your first stop for PAL Laserdiscs and Cult-TV videos…
http://www.anglianet.co.uk/island/lynton/Lynton.html Lynton Lasers HomePageThe Lynton Lasers HomePage has moved. Please follow this link to their new site…
http://www.1above.com/laser_sights/ Catalog Download 1 Above Home Page Laser Pointer Home Laser Sights Home Online Order Form Laser Pointer Uses Laser Sights Beamshot…
http://lasers.llnl.gov/lasers/about.html …
http://www.asah.dk/ Why use lasers ? Legal Notice Asah Medico A/S manufactures a wide range of high-quality lasers for Surgical and Therapeutic applications. The product range includes CO2 lasers, diode lasers and scanners. The products are sold world-wide through a net…
http://www.aaaamazingdentallaser.com/index.html GERALD G. WILHELMY, DDS [Home] [HomePage] [Feedback] [Contents] [Search] [Map] [AAaAmazingDentalLaser,GeraldG.Wilhelmy,DDSHome] [AAaAmazingDentalLaser,Gerald…
http://elmed.com/lasvselec.htm LASER VS ELECTROSURGERY KARL HAUSNER In recent years laser technology has gained wide-spread use in almost all fields, including surgery. The laser is intensified light, and a laser beam can cut or coagulate. Both laser and electrosurgery work on a similar biological principle — the…
http://www.keypre.com/ surveying instrument, total station, EDM, topcon, nikon, data collector, FS-2, HP-48, TDS, electronic transit, digital transit, level, auto level, level transit, digital level, electronic level, rotating laser, visible beam laser, green beam laser, interior laser, pipe laser, slope laser, machine…
http://mwkindustries.com/index.html LASER LIGHT SHOWS – ARGON LASERS- KRYPTON LASERS -HELIUM NEON LASERS Welcome to MWK Laser Products, the world’s best source for lasers…
http://www.ulsys.com/ Make Laser PROFITS not PAYMENTS United Laser Systems RENTS Aesthetic Lasers Continuum BiomedicalregQ-switched YAG Coherentreg UltraPulse 5000C Cynosurereg Pulsed Dye Laserreg Join our family of satisfied customers. United Laser Systems serves the East Coast. If you are outside our service…
http://www.pulsar-eo.com/ Postal Mail: 9 Brush Hill Rd, Suite 304, New Fairfield, CT, 06812, USA Unfortunately, due to market conditions Pulsar Electro-optics Inc. will no longer be selling or servicing Solid-State Green Lasers. For laser sales or service, please contact Excellence Optoelectronics Inc. Thank You…
http://www.achilles.net/~jtalbot/ Plasma Laser Astrophysics Plasma recombination lasers in rapidly cooled stellar atmospheres. Physicist Dr. Y. P. Varshni of the University of Ottawa made the startling discovery that some stars within our galaxy produce laser radiation. The Hubble Space Telescope and the Kuiper Airborne Observatory…
http://www.portcityplate.com/ Laser Cutting at Port City Plate Burning Navigation Facilities Oxyfuel Burning Plasma Burning Drilling/Machining Laser Cutting…
http://www.calpaclab.com/lasers/ Laser Pointers – Select from the following categories: …
http://www.ccountry.net/~andrus/laser/laser.htm Laser projects Page I am currently working on many lasers. Click on the picture or name of the laser you would like to see more about. Go to my Argon Ion Lasers page Go to my prototype page Here are some lasers made by Chris Chagaris There are many resources available to those who…
http://www.oehs.upenn.edu/laser/laser_manual.html University of PennsylvaniaLaser Safety ManualTable of Contents 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Scope 3.0 Responsibilities 4.0 Personnel Training and Qualification 5.0 Medical Surveillance 6.0 Exposure Incidents 7.0 Laser Hazard Analysis 8.0 Laser Classification 9.0 General Laser Safety…
http://www.halcyon.com/lasers/ THE CARBON DIOXIDE LASER An intense beam of invisible light cuts through a steel plate in a shower of sparks… A physician uses a precisely focused infrared beam to remove a disfiguring tumor from a man’s face… While in a small trophy shop, a personal computer guides a white-hot laser spot…
http://www.nrpb.org.uk/Is1-98.htm Laser Pointers The misuse of laser pointers (sometimes referred to as laser pens) reported in the press has generated public concern over the safety of these devices. The following provides basic information on the properties of laser radiation, the different laser Classes and summarises NRPB’s…
http://www.moxietraining.com/os_laser_safety.htm The Laser Safety Training Program Lasers are at work in almost every human endeavor, and in some areas they pose serious hazards if not handled properly or if special precautions are…
http://www.laser-systems.net/mems.html MEMS Laser Applications – New Wave Research has been designing and manufacturing small pulsed Nd:YAG laser systems since 1990. Our compact, proven, cost-effective lasers are used in a variety of applications such as LCD FPD Repair, Laser marking, MEMS, Resistor Trimming…
http://www.hpdinc.com/ HIGH POWER DEVICES, INC. When Price and Performance really matter… HPD manufacturers a wide variety of high power laser diodes currently used worldwide in medical and commercial applications. If standard…
http://www.weautomate.com/usedco2lasers.htm Used CO2 Lasers – New and Used Industrial CO2 Laser Equipment M.A.S. Machine Automation Systems We Automate Your Business…
http://www.nacuttingsystems.com/usedco2lasers.htm Used CO2 Lasers – New and Used Industrial CO2 Laser Equipment NORTH AMERICAN CUTTING SYSTEMS…
http://pubweb.nwu.edu/~sjt064/holo/laser.html Laser stands for Light lification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Today, the word laser has come to represent most any coherent beam, whether it be microwaves, x-rays, or light. The laser was developed in 1960 as a natural off-shoot of the development of the…
http://www.aeriform.com/t10/nlgas17.html argon argon and more argon.argon and krypton (rare gas) ion lasersClick hereback to table of contents. argon and krypton (rare gas) ion lasers introduction: ———— argon and krypton lasers find applications in many diverse fields including very high performance printing, copying…
http://www.pimall.com/nais/n.lazer.eaves.html LASER EAVESDROPPING SYSTEMS What they are. How they work. By Insight Technologies Click Here To Go To Surveillance Equipment Page Laser eavesdropping systems differ significantly from traditional audio surveillance and monitoring systems in that they are completely removed from the room being…
http://www.yag-lasers.com/engraving.html New Wave YAG Laser Marking and Engraving laser systems. …
http://www.amlaser.com/ Laser Corporation is recognized as a world leader in the design, manufacture and marketing of lasers and laser-based systems for medical, scientific and commercial applications. Founded in 1970, the company continues to be on the cutting edge of laser technology. copy 1998 Laser…
http://www.pp.okstate.edu/ehs/hazmat/labman/chapt6.htm OSU Laboratory Safety Manual CHAPTER 6.0 – LASERS All users of lasers shall be expected to follow the guidelines, policy and procedures established by the Cus Laser Safety Officer, Laser Safety Committee, and Laser Safety Manual. Laser Safety Reminder…
http://www.rotemi.co.il/lasers.htm Technologies – Lasers and Laser systems Main Activities : Development, design and production of lasers and laser…
http://www.lasercomponentsusa.com/ LASER COMPONENTS, INC. LASER COMPONENTS, Inc. (LCI) is the exclusive U.S. distributor of key components for a wide variety of laser and electro-optical systems spanning the ultraviolet (UV) to the far infrared (IR). Staffed by personnel with many years of technical…
http://olemag.com/ Europe’s leading magazine for optics, lasers, optical fibres and optoelectronics Opto Laser Europe is a technology-transfer magazine for the European optics industry. It…
http://www.kentek-laser.com/ Educational Products Laser Accessories Eye Protection Curtains Partitions Signs Labels Replacement Parts Laser Tools Manufactured Lasers Laser Helpers Accessories Acrylic…
http://www.laserinstitute.org/default.htm LIA TODAY Flexibility of Use Causes Greater Demand for Laser Safety Curtains The American National Standard Z136.1 requires engineering controls to be in place for all class 3b or 4 lasers. Where safety latches or interlocks are not feasible, such controls often include permanent walls or even…
http://laserinstitute.org/ LIA TODAY Flexibility of Use Causes Greater Demand for Laser Safety Curtains The American National Standard Z136.1 requires engineering controls to be in place for all class 3b or 4 lasers. Where safety latches or interlocks are not feasible, such controls often include permanent walls or even…
http://www.ilda.wa.org/laserist/back_issues/97spring.html A Quarterly Publication of the International Laser Display Association Spring 1997Volume 8, No. 2 In This Issue Lakeside Laser Show Draws The Right Crowd Rimini `97 Highlights Beam Shows ILDA News Report Urges FAA to Speed Safety StudyClean Optics for Brighter BeamsProduct FocusNew Tools for Eye…
http://www.laserclear.co.uk/ LaserClear Laser assisted hair removal SUITE D 22 HARLEY STREET LONDON W1N 1AA Tel: 0171 436 1151 Fax: 0171 436 1171 WHAT IS LASER HAIR REMOVAL…
http://www.holoshop.com/ Welcome to Holograms Lasers International Click below to look inside our hologram store featuring one of the largest hologram collections and limited edition holography galleries on the planet! View hundreds of cool 3D holograms and shop for great gifts including…
http://vcs.abdn.ac.uk/ENGINEERING/lasers/lasers.html LASERS Objectives To outline the behaviour and Nature of Light To describe the processes of Absorption and Emission of Light To discuss the processes of lification of Light and The Laser To describe some of the common Types of Laser and their application How to use the Application…
http://www.fas.org/spp/starwars/program/abl.htm FAS | Space Policy | Star Wars | Programs |||| Index | Search | Join FAS Airborne Laser The ABL weapon system will use a high-energy, chemical oxygen iodine laser (COIL) mounted on a modified 747-400F (freighter) aircraft to shoot down theater ballistic missiles in their boost phase. A crew of…
http://www.creol.ucf.edu/~killer/home.html Welcome to Kijun Park’s Home Page Home of Submm/FIR/THz pGe lasers – ¹Ú±âÁØÀÇ È¨ ÆäÀÌÁö ÀÔ´Ï´Ù also known as HL2AMO These pages are still under construction – Never ending process of learning Center for Research and Education in Optics and Lasers – CREOL University of Central Florida…
http://www.ktmarketing.com/laser.html Return to Main Page This is the begining of a page on my home constructed CO2 laser. I will be updating it and adding content as I go. Check back to see my progress. Here are some links I have found interesting or helpful. CO2 Laser Optics Calculation Page Sam’s Laser FAQ LEOT (Laser/electro-optics…
http://www.holoshop.com/new/laser1.html It#146s Here! The Professional Laser Light Show Experience…at home! New Laser One creates exciting patterns in light on your walls and ceilings. Just turn it on and watch the spectacular array of light designs form right before your eyes! The brilliant red laser beam draws hundreds of…
http://www.misty.com/~don/laserdio.htm Back to Sam’s Laser FAQ Table of Contents. Diode Lasers Sub-Table of Contents Basic Characteristics, Structure, Safety, Common Types Introduction to Diode Lasers and Laser Diodes Exles of Common Laser Diodes Differences Between LEDs and Laser Diodes Comparisons of Diode Lasers with Other…
http://www.derm.ubc.ca/laser/eyesafety.html , MD,FRCPCFrom the Lions Laser Skin Centre, Division of Dermatology,Vancouver Hospital Health Sciences Centre,and University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.Presented at the American Academy of DermatologyAnnual Meeting Poster Session,Washington, D.C.February 10-15…
http://www.sandiegodermatology.com/about_lasers.html Lasers – Light lification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation Dermatology Associates/Cosmetic Laser Associates of San Diego County, Inc., has more than 20 different lasers to treat a variety of skin problems. In addition to developing the Laser Peel to remove wrinkles…
http://www.yag-lasers.vision-systems.net/laser_marking.html Laser Marking – New Wave Research has been designing and manufacturing small pulsed Laser Marking systems since 1990. Our compact, proven, cost-effective Laser Marking systems are used in a variety of applications for failure analysis, LCD repair and other…
http://www.lasertraining.org/laser1.htm This site is best viewed with Internet Explorer – other browsers may result in distortion of some potions of the site [Home] [LayPublic] [LaserTrainingInstitute] [BiomedicalCourses] [NursingCourses] […
http://www.lasermachining.com/applications/processes/processes.htm Laser ProcessesIndustrial lasers concentrate high amounts of energy into a small, well defined spot – approximately .003 – .006 inch in diameter when using short wavelength lasers in cutting and drilling type applications. A larger spot size is appropriate for other applications…
http://www.specialiseinstruments.com/main/laser.htm LASERS GSI LUMONICS INC., CANADA Excimer Lasers : Energy upto 850mj, Repetition rate upto 200 PPS. Industrial Excimer Lasers: Energy upto 60 mj,rep.rate upto 200 PPS. Co2 Pulsed Lasers : Industrial Lasers, General Purpose Lasers. Dye Lasers for Q-Switched and Excimer Lasers. Click here to contact…
http://www.lasersurgery.com/ THE CENTER FOR LASER SURGERY was established in 1990 to serve as a comprehensive state-of-the-art outpatient facility for the treatment of congenital and acquired skin disorders amenable to laser therapy. The center was founded by nationally recognized dermatologist and laser surgeon Robert M…
http://www.thieme.com/onGJHJMAEJEMGFG/display/522 Lasers in Maxillofacial Surgery and Dentistry Lewis Clayman DMD, MD Chairman, Department of Dentistry/ Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Sinai Hospital of Detroit Associate Clinical Professor, University of Detroit-Mercy School of Dentistry, Detroit, MI, USA Paul Kuo DMD Visiting…
http://www.worldstartech.com/what.htm What is Laser Module ? Introduction Semiconductor laser diode technology has been growing very fast for the past several years. Semiconductor diode lasers are widely used because they are very small in size and can produce a laser beam a few milliwatts in power, that can be focused to a very small…
http://www.cemarelectro.ca/ Developer and manufacturer of laser based equipment for various applications: Company Information Incorporated in 1981 CEMAR ELECTRO INC. came into beeing to fill a specific need for small, economic and reliable low powered lasers, and related electronics. Originally the…
http://www.plasticsurgery.org/surgery/lasersrg.htm Lasers in Plastic Surgery If you’re considering laser resurfacing … In laser resurfacing, sometimes called laser peel, a carbon dioxide (CO2) laser is used to remove areas of damaged or wrinkled skin, layer by layer. The procedure is most commonly used to minimize the appearance of…
http://www.premierlaser.com/ Premier Laser Systems develops, manufactures and markets several lines of proprietary medical and dental lasers, fiber optic delivery systems and associated products for a variety of dental, ophthalmic, dermatologic and surgical applications. Premier Laser Systems Shows Five New…
http://www.diomed-lasers.com/ SURGICAL AESTHETICPHOTODYNAMIC THERAPYOEMINDUSTRIALNEWS RELEASES Why Diomed Lasers are unique… Diomed have pioneered and patented the efficient coupling of the output from multiple, high power laser diodes into a single optical fibre. The unique features of this technology result in the…
http://laser.org/ssi.html International Laser Class Association – North American Region Chionship Regatta Guidelines Table of Contents Introduction Laser Class Chionship Regattas – Duration Standard Sailing Instructions 1. RULES 2. ENTRIES 3. NOTICES TO COMPETITORS 4. CHANGES TO INSTRUCTIONS 5. SIGNALS MADE ASHORE 6…
http://www.mdpublishing.com/e-news/medicaldealer/medicalequipment/equipmentlistings/LasersSurgical.htm News and Information for the Medical Equipment Industry Equipment Listings Lasers / Surgical PhotoVac Laser Corp. Inc. Offered: Laser Tubes and Service Offered: Accesories Service and Support Offered: Scientific Glass Services Offered: Reconditioned Lasers PHONE: 888-FIX-TUBE FAX 614-529…
http://www.pacificdentalcare.com/Laser/laser.htm Erb:YAG Laser Advantages of the Laser FAQ about Laser Dentistry History of Laser Dentistry Case presentation Home Laser Dentistry As leaders in dental innovation in the Seattle…
http://www.pacificdentalcare.com/Laser/history_laser.htm Home History of Dental Lasers Thirty years ago when lasers were first considered for dental use, it was thought they would replace the mechanical drills used to remove cavities. In 1964 lasers were reported to vaporize dental enamel using a pulsed…
http://ehssun.lbl.gov/ehsdiv/pub3000/CH16.html Chapter 16 LASERS Contents Approved by Ken Barat, LSO Revised 12/97 16.1 Policy 16.2 Common Questions/Summary of Chapter 16.3 Classes of Lasers Class 1 Lasers Class 2 Lasers Class 2a Lasers Class 3a Lasers Class 3b Lasers Class 4 Lasers 16.4 Beam Hazards 16.4.1 Retina 16.4.2…
http://www.bio-laser.org/ MIDWEST BIO-LASER INSTITUTE The Midwest Bio-Laser Institute (MBLI) is an association of health care professionals, biomedical researchers and students who are interested in the medical applications of lasers. The MBLI holds quarterly meetings in Chicago, publishes Bio-Laser News , and organizes…
http://www.qed-global.com/ QED Introduces New Series of DPSS Green Lasers High Quality Specifications with Competitive Prices PRESSRELEASE …
www.lasers.org.uk LASeRnetwork -a directory of people using lasers Name: Ken Watkins Address: Laser Engineering Group Department of Engineering University of Liverpool Brownlow Street…
http://www.lasershoppe.com/index.html Laser Diodes Green Red, Power Supply, Breadboard, Holography, laser light shows, Micro-Diode Pumped Solid Lasers, Hi Power Semi Conductor Laser Diodes, Goggles Glasses, Laser Plans Specs, HeNes, Used Equipment, KTP Doubling Crystals, CCD Camera, Collimator, more…
http://www.opto-electronics.com/index.htm Opto-Electronics Inc is a manufacturer of high resolution OTDRs, high speed detectors and short pulsed diode lasers. COMPANY PROFILE …………………….. PRODUCT LIST AND SPECIFICATIONS……… LOCATION AND REPRESENTATIVES …………….. OPTO-ELECTRONICS…
http://www.laserconcept.com/ Founded in 1989, Laser Concept has gone the distance in helping clients free themselves from nicotine addiction, unhealthy eating habits, and chronic pain, from such ailments as carpal tunnel syndrome, migraine headaches and more, through the use of laser therapy. Laser Concept is located in Fort…
http://howthingswork.virginia.edu/lasers.html HOW THINGS WORKhowthingswork.virginia.edu LasersLouis A. Bloomfield, Professor of Physics, The University of Virginia Think of this site as a radio call-in program that’s being held on the WWW instead of the radio. If you ask how something works, using the button below, I’ll try to provide an…
http://www.ptoehigh.school.nz/~sugilite/index.htm Are Amethyst Geodes crystals such as Elestials eluding you? How about Diamantina Lasers or perhaps Cathedral crystals? Well, sit back relax. They are all here, at MajesticQuartz, where the prices are always sure to please…
http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~sugilite/index.htm Are Amethyst Geodes crystals such as Elestials eluding you? How about Diamantina Lasers or perhaps Cathedral crystals? Well, sit back relax. They are all here, at MajesticQuartz, where the prices are always sure to please…
http://www.justsail.com/laser_topics.htm Laser® Topics Price list of parts for your Laser -Thecompetition just can’t compete! Laser Upgrade List How to improve an old boat with advice from the Class Association’s Vice President. Everything you need to know to fix up that mature Laser is here. Laser Chart…
http://cmslaser.com/ Welcome to Control Micro Systems…the Internet home for solution engineered laser marking and material processing systems. Established in 1983, CMS is the leader in applying a diverse range of industrial lasers to product identification and manufacturing challenges. We are the only company with…
http://homepages.tig.com.au/~flavios/Welcome.htm Welcome Hello, and welcome to Nightlase, Over the past 7 years I have been studying, building, and experimenting with laser and nightvision technologies. Both these fascinating pieces of technology are used in everday living, the lasers that provide us with a second chance to see, to those…
http://www.id-ideas.com/lasers/keychain.html – to view more pages, scroll to drop down window titled Quick Jumps near bottom of any page – – Go To – The Monthly Laser Special page. LASER P O I N T E R S Single Dot …
http://www.slicorp.com/ Semiconductor Laser International Corporation (SLI) is a volume manufacturer of high power semiconductor diode lasers from 635 nm – 1060 nm. Both multimode and single mode devices available…
http://www.iae.nsk.su/~shapiro/index.html Tunable UV Laser Group The Tunable UV Laser Group was born in 1990 in the Institute of Automation and Electrometry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences. The group is the part of Laser Physics Laboratory under the direction of prof. S.G.Rautian . Objectives Continuous short-wave lasers are…
http://www.estec.esa.nl/spdwww/future/html/lisa.htm The LISA Mission and System Design Introduction The primary objective of the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) mission is to detect and observe gravitational waves from massive black holes and galactic binary stars in the frequency range 10-4 to 10-1 hz. Useful…
http://www.evergreenlaser.com/ Now accepting On-line Support Welcome to Evergreen Laser Corporation. The leaders in laser rejuvenation…
http://lorien.creol.ucf.edu/research_topics/lasers.html Lasers Martin Richardson Ultrahigh Intensity Femtosecond Pulses – Fusion Studies Tunable, High Average Power Cr:LiSrAlF6 Tripled to 290nm – Remote Sensing of CB Agents New Solid-State Lasers – X-Ray Lasers Peter Delfyett External Cavity Semiconductor Lasers and lifiers – Seeding Lasers Bruce…
http://www.thorlaser.com/ Manufacturers of Low Level LaserTherapy Equipment for professionalsNEWSFLASH- NASA USING LASER THERAPY About Thor About Laser Therapy Product details and how to purchase email Links…
http://www.sunautorx7.com/ About Us: We’ve been in business since 1976 and we are a Specialty salvage yard. Our sole focus is on the Mazda RX-7 , Mitsubishi Eclipse, Plymouth Laser and Eagle Talons.We buy these cars whole and save every nut and bolt so that other vehicles may…
http://www.education.mcgill.ca/mchs/ISThesesJosephRyanEcharri.html The Human and Technological Benefits of Laser Surgery inOphthalmologyby Joseph Ryan EcharriMacdonald Cartier High SchoolInternational Studies ProgramMini-MemoireMentored by an OpthamologistAbstractThe advancement of technology within the last 50 years has producedthe laser. This report focuses on…
http://www.linkcafe.co.uk/business/photomedix/intrlas2.htm Photomedix INTRODUCTORY GUIDE TO : LASERS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS and LASER/TISSUE INTERACTIONS by MIKE MURPHY B.Sc.(HONS), (formerly DERMA-LASE LTD), GLASGOW, SCOTLAND. Section 2) LASER/TISSUE INTERACTIONS Tissue Parameters – Optical When the topic of laser/tissue interactions is…
http://python.swan.ac.uk/laser/laser.html Laser Physics. The Staff Current Research RIS using tunable dye lasers. VG Time of Flight mass spec. Resonance Ionisation Mass Spectroscopy (RIMS) Laboratory. One of the major lines of research at the Department of Physics in Swansea is Laser Physics. At present the Laser and…
http://rrmhs.pasco.k12.fl.us/msmedia/erickson/17/junk10.html LasersWhat is A Laser?A laser is a tool that gives off light waves in a singlewave length.Lasers can be as big as a house or as small as a pin.Lasers are very powerful objects which are used to cut metal, repair eyedamage, treat certain cancers, and align buildings. Lasers are so powerful that they…
http://www.europhotonics.com/index.html european coverage of product developments in optics, lasers, imaging,fibre optics, electro-optics and optoelectronics About EuroPhotonics: Published six times each year, EuroPhotonics presents a uniquely European perspective on the photonics industry. Its coverage of the technology and business of…
http://www.lasersurgery.com/Hair_removal.html LASER HAIR REMOVAL Drawing upon years of experience in the field, the Center for Laser Surgery has developed an advanced technology in laser-assisted hair removal. Our Center has various laser systems for hair removal enabling us to treat all skin types, including those of African Americans…
http://www.pic.troitsk.ru/1700.htm Russian(CP1251) PHYSICS INSTRUMENTATION CENTER Links Lasersfor RD MedicalLasers TechnologicalLasers LidarSystems PowerSupplies FluxgateMagnetometers Excimer Lasers SERIES 1700 plastic discharge tube small price simple in use remote control unit…
http://www.betterjob.com/index.html Tap the hidden job market or find talented new employees. Choose from the menu below. Our Clients are expanding and have asked us to find talented Management and Engineers with experience in: optics, lasers, marketing, electronics, field service, training and manufacturing. We specialize in…
http://www.controllaser.com/ Committed to providing complete marking solutions through cost optimized process development, excellence in product design and comprehensive,responsive customer support. About Control Laser Laser Technology Library Awards Associations…
http://www.lsdlaser.com/index.html Excellence in Laser Entertainment LASERLIGHT SHOWS DEVICES 568 South Waterman Ave., Suite M San Bernardino, CA. 92408 Toll Free (888) GOT LASERS Phone (909) 383~5221 Fax (909) 383~9200 About LSD lasers. (Who we are what we do.) LSD laser’s client list. The LSD Laser Photo Gallery. ( A…
http://ranier.oact.hq.nasa.gov/Sensors_page/Laser/LaserOv.html NASA SpaceInstrument and SensingLaser Sensing TechnologyOn this page:Laser Sensing Technology Program Goals and ObjectivesLaser Sensing Technology Program AccomplishmentsLaser Sensing Technology Program Milestones and Road-mapsLaser Sensing Technology Program Progress ReportsAdditional…
http://www.beautyandthebeam.com/ About The Authors | The Magical Laser Beam | Cosmetic Laser Surgery Procedures | Frequently Asked Questions Links / Resources By Deborah S. Sarnoff, M.D. Joan Swirsky, R.N. A Complete and Fully Illustrated Guide to the…
http://www.atlanticfo.co.uk/ Welcome to the Atlantic Fibre Optics Web Site We make Fibre Optic Test Sets with Plug-in MODULES High Performance OPTICAL POWER METERS with: LASERS – LEDS – TALK SETS – VISIBLE FAULT LOCATORS CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT MORE Atlantic Fibre Optics Lynton House – 7 Lynch…
http://www.lighthousemedical.com/laser.htm Laser Eyewear Please choose a link below to investigate the available laser eyewear from Lighthouse Medical. If you are not able to find the type of eyewear you require, please contact us. Since there are so many different types of lasers in use, we have chosen to include the eyewear…
http://www.bomco.com/ State-of-the-Art Laser Cutting System Drastically Reduces Production Time, Improves Precision and Quality ISO 9002 / AS 9000 Registration Places Bomco in Top 1000 Suppliers Precision Formed Metal Products For OEMs…
http://ehs.sc.edu/rsm/lasers.htm UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA RADIATION SAFETY POLICY, NO. 2 Laser Products A. Policy and Purpose Due to the growing use of lasers on all University cuses, the radiation safety office has developed the following laser safety policy. This policy is developed from the American National…
http://www.neec.com/education/prkcourse/syllabus.html PRK COURSE OUTLINE Laser Physics and Beam Tissue Interaction Laser Safety Worldwide Clinical Results 6.0 mm Clinical Investigational Data U.K. 6.0 mm Clinical Data PRK Treatment Procedure Regulatory Labeling and Approval Requirements Laser Physics and Beam Tissue…
http://www.shol.com/cmos/LASER.HTM LASERS Iwill buy used and broken, lasers and laser parts. Such as dead heads, dead power supplys, high voltage components, capacitors, transformers, diodes, ect. Email me. Here are some links to laser related sites. Nitelite Lasers Lasers: LC Science Tracer Bullet MWK Industries…
http://www.leoma.com/ LEOMA The Laser and Electro-Optics Manufacturers#39 Association…
http://maxwell.airforcelink.com/au/awc/awcgate/cst/occppr02.htm Back to Center for Strategy and Technology LASERS IN SPACE TECHNOLOGICAL OPTIONS FOR ENHANCING US MILITARY CAPABILITIES by Mark E. Rogers, Lieutenant Colonel, USAF November 1997 Occasional Paper No. 2 Center for Strategy and Technology Air War College Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama Lasers in Space…
http://www.geosys.co.nz/ GPS, LASERS, SURVEYING, MAPPING MEASURING INSTRUMENTS SOFTWARE FOR: SURVEYING, FORESTRY, CONSTRUCTION, ENGINEERING GIS DATA CAPTURESales, Support. Service, Training, Hire Geo-Systems Ltd (NZ) are a group of internationally experienced professionals and specialists qualified in…
http://mrlxp2.mrl.uiuc.edu/~laser/llhome.htm Ultrafast laser systems: The Millennia, an Nd:YVO laser, pumps the Tsunami Ti:Sapphire Laser (bottom) for femtosecond output pulses. The Antares Nd:YLF laser (top) synchronously pumps two dye lasers available in the MRL Laser Lab.The MRL Laser Facility is an ideal laboratory environment for laser…
http://www.gunindex.com/ Search by Keywords: Products…Firearms ManufacturersAmmunition ReloadingScopes, Sights LasersHolsters, Cases ConcealmentComputer SoftwareAccessories (other)Dealers…General DealersAntiques CollectiblesRanges, Training Safety…Target/Clay Shooting Products ServicesRangesDefense…
http://beam.helsinki.fi/programme/laser.html Laser Physics and Physics of Molecules at the Accelerator Laboratory Laser Physics and Physics of Molecules at the Accelerator Laboratory Research based on utilization of laser beams Nonlinear Laser Spectroscopy of Gases Development of Stabilized Lasers Physics of Molecules Our principal…
http://www.spectrumgraphics.com/newsletter/newsletter2.html Laser Alignment Inc. has entered a new era a time of innovation and perfection, of renewal and growth. LAI has presented itself to its customers for the past 30 years, with a highly innovative and competitive product line. Our services have been used by…
http://www.drcanada.com/laser.htm FAQs Laser Surgery What is laser resurfacing of the skin? Laser resurfacing, also known as laser dermabrasion, is a technique for smoothing fine wrinkles of the skin. Various types of lasers, made up of energetic beams of focused light, can be applied to the skin in short pulses to remove irregular…
http://www.new-wave.com/ New Wave Research has been designing and manufacturing small pulsed Nd:YAG laser systems since 1990. Our compact, proven, cost-effective lasers are used in a variety of applications.Our semiconductor product line includes the EzLaze and QuikLaze systems designed for failure analysis, LCD repair and…
http://www.teched.mankato.msus.edu/TLA/TLA2.html ————————–TITLE: LASER BEAM CHARACTERISTICSAUTHOR: Joe McCade, Hines Middle School, Newport News, VAObjective: As a result of completing this learning activity you will identify the basic characteristics of a laser and how these characteristics effect the usefulness…
http://www.td.anl.gov/LAL/ Laser Applications Lab The Laser Applications Laboratory (LAL) in Argonne’s Technology Development Division carries out research and development on laser-based applications for materials processing and aerosol or spray characterization. Collaborative research and development activities with…
http://www.betterjob.com/default1.htm Find the hidden job market with blue lasers, solid state lasers, UV lasers, diode pumpeld lasers Find the hidden job market.Apply online for the many positions in laser and optics,Engineering, Manufacturing, Quality, Field Service, Software, Electronics or Management. We have positions with gas…
http://www.cosmetic-lasersurg.com/ The Cosmetic Laser Surgery Institute is at the forefront of non-invasive treatment for skin irregularities. It is operated by Drs. Diana D. Parnell, Francis W. Parnell, Jodi S. Grossfeld, and Elisabeth K. Shim. The…
http://www.webcorners.com/ American Metal Fab. Inc. – High volume metal fabricator (stings, welding, robot welders, lasers, turret presses, and 6 axis back gauging press brakes.). Our major clientele include the electronic, office furniture, medical, R.V., and automotive industries. Located in West Michigan. AMF…
http://eureka.belspo.be/home/ek-news/bro-las2.htm Laser Development Projects:Selected Summaries These summaries were originally published in the brochure accompanying the Laser Technology Project Folder of 1993. EUREKA 83 – EUROLASER-HPL25 has a dual purpose: to build a 25 kW CO2 laser better than anything commercially available, and to…
http://www.strauss.lanl.gov/outgoing/VUV/VUVmain.html Vacuum Ultra-Violet laser light The Vacuum UV (VUV) is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum just beyond the far Ultra-Violet region, spanning the wavelength range 100 to 200 nm. It’s name comes from the fact that light shorter than 200nm is strongly absorbed by most gases, and, in particular…
http://www.holoshop.com/cgi-bin/start.exe/shop/laser1.htm It#146s Here! The Professional Laser Light Show Experience…at home! New Laser One creates exciting patterns in light on your walls and ceilings. Just turn it on and watch the spectacular array of light designs form right before your eyes! The brilliant red laser beam draws hundreds of…
http://www.yag-lasers.vision-systems.net/ablation.html Laser Ablation – New Wave Research has been designing and manufacturing small pulsed YAG laser systems since 1990. Our compact, proven, cost-effective YAG Lasers are used in a variety of applications for Laser Ablation, failure analysis, LCD repair and other Semiconductor and…
http://www.yag-lasers.vision-systems.net/ YAG Lasers – New Wave Research has been designing and manufacturing small pulsed YAG laser systems since 1990. Our compact, proven, cost-effective YAG Lasers are used in a variety of applications for failure analysis, LCD repair and other Semiconductor and Scientific laser…
http://brightled.com/ High Brightness LED’s This is a public service Internet Library Site dedicated to enlightening the business, education, and investment communities about the field of High Brightness LEDs and Blue Spectrum Laser Diodes…
http://atom.kyunghee.ac.kr/Laser/laser.html Welcome to the Laser Spectroscopy Group! This is the home page for Laser Spectroscopy group, Korea During 1992-1997 This page is for the laser spectroscopy group in Korea. The members of this group are composed of chemists and physicists who use lasers. We gathered every two months to share our…
http://www.wehn.com/Therapy/EquineTherapyCatalogue/lasers.html LasersEach of these lasers is a unique offering. We couldn’t get along without any of them.Equi-light Equine Therapy SystemThe Equi-light therapy system takes advantage of advances in diode technology to deliver monochromatic light to treat a broad range of muscloskeletal and neurological problems…
http://dialspace.dial.pipex.com/f.cross/page13.htm John von Neumann invented Monte Carlo modelling as a tool to describe the paths of neutrons duing nuclear fusion experiments and the method is also used to predict the paths of photons in tissue during laser-tissue modelling experiments.Other Laser ResourcesUse these hypertext links to find other…
http://www.lasermed.com/ What can the most competitively priced argon curing laser on the market can do for you? Fast: Laser curing provides high-grade restorations, fast. Curing composites in as little as 5 seconds saves you time, up to 10 days per year. Simple: Our one-touch laser is ready to use the moment you get…
http://members.tripod.com/~SportsmansAdvantage/index.html Click On Below To View Laser Sights, Pointers, And Other Products We Sell: The Famous Laser Shot Series…: Laser Sights Fit Both Automatic Pistols, Revolvers, Rifles, And Shot Guns. Spectra Laser Pointer: 300 Yard Range (Sunlight May Effect Range) The Midget…
http://www.almtech.com/laser2.htm Laser Marking Laser Engraving Pad Printing Screen Printing Industrial Printing Wait ’til you see what Laser Marking, Laser Engraving, and Pad Printing can do for your product! Contact Us! Our Nd:YAG and Co2 lasers create an incredibly durable mark with…
http://www.rli.com/college.html Universities and Colleges University of California – San Diego Laser Safety Guide of the Department of Environmental Health Safety University of Central Florida The Center for Research and Education in Optics and Lasers (CREOL) Concordia College Laser Safety…
http://www.prk.com/www.prk.com1.1/whatisPRK.html Laser Eye Surgery, PRK, LASIK In this section you will find out what exactly PRK is, what’s involved with the procedure and the results of PRK treatment in terms of safety and history. We have added a new section on another vision correction procedure called LASIK. Disclaimer – Care and…
http://www.industrial-lasers.com/products/index.html New Products Index New Products – Week of September 22, 1999 Laser measuring system Laser safety barriers New Products – Week of September 12, 1999 Flying-optics laser cutter Noncontact measuring machine New Products – Week of September 6, 1999…
http://www.exciton.com/laserdyerefs.htm REFERENCES FOR LASER DYES 1. Efficient Laser Emission in Para-terphenyl Tunable Between 323 and 364 nm, B. Godard and O. de Witte, Optics Commun., 19(3), 325 (1976) 2. Ultraviolet Organic Liquid…
http://advancedhygiene.com/ Advanced Hygiene Concepts, Inc – Dental Hygiene Consulting for General Dentists including those using Lasers in their practice and in their Hygiene Department. Improve the quality and profitability of your hygiene department. Proven in over 200 practices. Faculty Member, PAC…
http://www.sci.osaka-cu.ac.jp/chem/laser/laser.html Laser Chemistry Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University[Japanese / English] Research Interests 1) Reaction kinetics: Multiphoton reactions via hot molecules using VUV ¥ UV lasers 2) High intence laser chemistry: Multiple charged ions of C60 Time-resolved Xray…
http://www.u-oplaz.com/crystals/crystals20-21-1.htm Laser Crystals Nd:YVO4 Nd:YAG Ti:Al2O3 Cr:Mg2SiO4 Yb:YAG Cr4:YAG Laser crystals are used to generate laser radiations. The commonly used laser crystals include Nd:YAG, Nd:YVO4 and Nd:YLF for near IR lasers, and Ti:Sapphire for tunable near IR output. Specifically…
http://www.datarecognition-il.com/laser.htm datarecognition-il.com Laser scanners are an excellent choice for applications requiring working distances beyond the range of CCD scanners. While not as durable as CCDs, lasers are very easy to use, offer excellent depth of field (long range versions can…
http://www.phys.soton.ac.uk/pgbook/laser.htm Laser Physics Professor D C Hanna FRS Professor J J Baumberg Dr W S Brocklesby Dr W A Clarkson Dr R W Eason Dr R T Harley Dr D P Shepherd Dr A C Tropper Dr N I Zheludev 6 research fellows 15 research students [The laser physics group also has its own pages for postgraduate recruitment.] The…
http://www.nvginc.com/bowlsers.htm Archery Sights – High Precision Archery/Bow Laser Sights Systems GO TO INSTRUCTION PAGE Compatible with Browning Cobra PSE Sight Master and All Others…
http://www.laserinternational.org/ Welcome to the website of the SITE UPDATED: 8/12/99 International Laser Class Association This web site is produced by ILCA for all those who share an interest in sailing Lasers. It is financed by ILCA’s members worldwide. On the site you will find news and items of interest, the…
http://www.cdmusicworks.com/Schools/Lighting_Lasers.htm LASERS Lasers are an effect-specialists prime tool for adding a sophisticated look and feel to any event. Lasers add excitement and can be a show in and or itself. We can do…
http://www.glockworld.com/gwo/lasers.html Laser System CatalogsMain Catalog Page Laser Catalog Links from GlockWorld Click on the vendor of interest to go to their Website. You may order products or request a catalog. Fits under the…
http://www.solarchromic.com/ with the WORLD’S MOST ADVANCED SUNGLASS TECHNOLOGY! Solaz sunglasses with solar-powered laser dye coated lenses make colors so bright… so clear… so vivid…that you will hardly believe your eyes! Discovered by accident and…
http://awesomegifts.com/Lasers2.HTM Laserburst Laserburst Light Display Add some laser excitement to your next light show with this lightweight, low-voltage laser. The bright 4.9mW red diode laser beam produces an exciting, animated lighting effect which is greatly heightened when used with fog. Laserburst comes with 16…
http://www.crcpress.com/catalog/3508.htm Handbook of Laser Wavelengths Author: Weber Marvin J. Description This volume represents the most complete, up-to-date compilation of wavelengths of lasers in all media. Divided by type – solid, liquid, and gas – and listed in order of increasing wavelength, Handbook of Laser…
http://www.elgineye.com/index.html + Comprehensive Eye Exams + Laser Surgery to Eliminate Glasses + Radial Keratotomy + State-of-the-Art Cataract Surgery + Diabetic Eye Care + YAG Argon Lasers On-Site + Hundreds of Frames Contact Lenses + Designer Sports Eyewear…
http://omlc.ogi.edu/ Search What’s New? Publications Staff Links Map Site Map Oregon Medical Laser Center Welcome to our new website Featuring PDT Cancer Treatment Program Monthly NewsEtc. on biomedical optics and lasers Radiative Transport Software Optical Spectra A collaboration of Providence…
http://www.rmdsm.com/ the DSM Division of Prototype Sway Bars for the 1G All-Wheel-Drive 1990-1994 Eclipses/Talons/Lasers Have Been Shipped by the Vendor and Final Testing Will Begin in Mid-December. Production Bars are Tentatively Scheduled for March 15, 2000. Click this Link for Technical Information. A Preview of…
http://www.lens.unifi.it/proposal_96.html This page has been visited times – Date: Time: CALL FOR PROPOSALS TMR Large Scale Facility Cluster for Laser-Matter Interactions and non-linear Processes. High Resolution Spectroscopy in the Time and Frequency Domain. #160 #160 #160 #160 In the framework of the TMR European Community project…
http://www.laurin.com/Content/Jul97/busUltra.html S I N C E 1 9 5 4 J U L Y 1 9 9 7 Laser Ultrasonics Drive the Nondestructive Testing Market Laser-based systems will drive ultrasonic testing to the forefront of the nondestructive testing (NDT) market, says an analysis of the US NDT market released by Maxtech International. The…
http://www.optima.co.uk/lasers/index.htm UpSoftwareNewFocusFilmMeasurementAnti-VibrationTrainingLasersOptics Lasers Optima Research supplies a wide range of lasers, including: A unique swept-frequency laser specifically designed for demanding WDM work A range of telecoms-wavelength lasersC…
http://www.asge.org/resources/manual/564.html TECHNOLOGY STATUS EVALUATION DEVELOPMENTS IN LASER TECHNOLOGY NOVEMBER 1997 INTRODUCTION In order to promote the appropriate use of new or emerging endoscopic technologies which impact on endoscopic practice, the ASGE Technology Committee has developed a series…
http://alphalas.com/lasers.htm PRODUCT INDEX Lasers PICOLAS MONOLAS PULSELAS Eye-Safe Laser Kit etc. Optical Components Laser Mirrors Polarization Optics Tunable Waveplates…
http://www.kentek-laser.com/compon/index.htm Laser Components Replacement Parts We provide direct OEM replacement parts for all flashl pumped lasers, such as linear and helical flashls, laser rods, flow tubes, cavities, O-rings, laser pump chambers, laser heads, l reflectors, l electrodes, lenses, and…
http://confocal.med.unc.edu/wwwLeica/Operation/OP_Laser_saftey.html Important Laser Safety The LeicaTCS-NT confocal system utilizes three lasers for the excitation of fluorophores. Each lasers generates 25 mW or more of light power, and are categorized as Class 3B lasers for safety purposes. The power emitted from each laser is…
http://confocal.med.unc.edu/wwwLeica/Operation/OP_laser_saftey_classifications.html Laser Safety Classifications The lasers on the Leica confocal are rated as Class 3B laser products. Direct eye exposure to the beam will result in unavoidable retinal damage. Lasers are classified to describe the capability to produce injury to personnel. Class I laser product – poses no threat…