http://www.noahsarksearch.com/ NOAH’S ARK Welcome to the home page of noahsarksearch.com, a comprehensive web site dedicated to the Search for Noah’s Ark Corona Satellite Image of Mount Ararat Courtesy of Tom Pickett I have been a Noah’s Ark…
http://www.millennium-ark.net/ Noah’s Ark: 17 April 1999 Visitors Since 11 July 1998 Art Bell: Coast to Coast Radio Jeff Rense: End of The Line Radio Geophysics Live Astronomical Live Special Reports 13 April 1999 Prophecies 18 Oct 1997 Geophysics News 13 April 1999 El Nino,La Nina 13 July 1998…
http://www.megabaud.fi/~lola/english/ark.html Noah’s Ark On theories about Noah’s Ark Historical documents The ark found by Ron Wyatt Email: lola@megabaud.fi Back to the start page…
http://users.aol.com/mkneisler/noah/nahome.htm The Search For Noah’s Ark Select One To Begin Your Search! …
http://home.clara.net/noahsark The Noah’s Ark Society – for the promotion and development of physical mediumship. Website established 1995 The wise man looks not to how long he lives, But to how he dies. For him death has no terrors, Because it is the day of his birth to immortal life. And he will be mindful of those he has left…
http://www.direct.ca/trinity/ark.html Archaeologists, Geologists and Geophysicists Discover Noah’s Ark or Geological Formation? The Dec. 96 issue of Popular Mechanics has the cover story Science Solves Ancient Mysteries of the Bible. They take a look at a number of Biblical Mysteries, including Noah’s Ark. Noah and the Ark Not too…
http://www.jumpnet.com/~cmbc/noahsark.html visitors Noah’s Ark Home Benefits Daycare Handbook …
http://www.ozemail.com.au/~noahsark/ See the Reef and have a Great Time on Compass, Reef Encounter and Noah’s Ark! Click here for information about Noah’s Ark! Click here for information about Compass! Click here for information about Reef Encounter! Contact information: Phone: Inside Australia (070) 322005 Outside Australia +61 70…
http://home.nycap.rr.com/useless/noahs_ark/noahsark.html The Search for Noah’s Ark is an excellent page for those looking for the latest on the search for the Ark. This page should be checked out by both believers and non-believers. The web page titled Archaeologists, Geologists and Geophysicists Discover Noah’s Ark or Geological Formation? offers some…
http://www.troth.demon.co.uk/pages/noahsark.html The Noah’s Ark Site What’s new…? The Totally Unofficial Noah’s Ark Calendar for December 1998. I am ending the year by returning to one of the first images I captured from Noah’s Ark. This will if fact be the last of the Noah’s Ark calendars. For next year, I am hoping to add sounds and…
http://www.noahs-ark.org/more_54.htm Lions, Tigers, Bears … and more at Noah’s Ark A short trip to Locust Grove brings visitors face to face with all manner of wildlife, from emus to ostriches, white-tialed deer to goats, pigs to tigers, bears to baboons and all kinds of chimps and monkeys. By: S. E. Vanderboom How far do you have…
http://members.aol.com/aspates/noahsark.html Search the Web! Enroll in the Blue Ribbon Caign!Noah’s Ark PageWelcome to Noah’s Ark. You are guest no. since I’ve been counting, or reset the counter.This is the totally useless, but hopefully fun, web page devoted solely to the amusement of my friends and anyone else interested.These are the…
http://members.aol.com/mkneisler/noah/nahome.htm The Search For Noah’s Ark Select One To Begin Your Search! …
http://millennium-ark.net/ Noah’s Ark: 17 April 1999 Visitors Since 11 July 1998 Art Bell: Coast to Coast Radio Jeff Rense: End of The Line Radio Geophysics Live Astronomical Live Special Reports 13 April 1999 Prophecies 18 Oct 1997 Geophysics News 13 April 1999 El Nino,La Nina 13 July 1998…
http://members.tripod.com/~GVAtheist/noahs-ark.htm Noah’s Ark Sporadic reports of the discovery of Noah’s Ark have been made for the past few decades. Without exception they have all proved unreliable. It is the forlorn hope of Christian Fundamentalists that with the discovery of Noah’s boat they might put to rout science and all its godless…
http://www-relg-studies.scu.edu/netcours/hb/dh/flood.htm The Flood Story Below is a translated version of the story of Noah’s Ark. Notice the differences between the text and story told in boldface and the text and story told in regular text. It is blatantly obvious that at least two separate authors wrote this story. If you’re still not convinced, try…
http://www.christiananswers.net/q-abr/abr-a001.html Has Anyone Really Seen Noah’s Ark? Over the last two decades the search for Noah’s Ark has received international attention. Dozens of expeditions to the Ararat region of eastern Turkey, mostly by American Christian groups, have led to numerous claims – but…
http://www.discovered.net/ Welcome to Discovered! Noah’s Ark! Red Sea Crossing Site! The REAL Mt. Sinai! Sodom and Gomorrah! The Ark of the Covenant and MORE! NEWS STORIES Adventist Review axes article on Jebel el Lawz being Mt. Sinai! Rejecting it because the site has little archaeology to identify it with Mt. Sinai…
http://www.noahsark.clara.net/ The Noah’s Ark Society – for the promotion and development of physical mediumship. Website established 1995 The wise man looks not to how long he lives, But to how he dies. For him death has no terrors, Because it is the day of his birth to immortal life. And he will be mindful of those he has left…
http://www.loc.gov/lexico/tgm1/n/Noah_s_ark.html Noah’s ark Broader Term gtShips gtgtVessels gtgtgtVehicles Related Term Biblical events Floods Date Approved 27-Jun-87 Go to: TGM I Home Page Library of Congress Thesauri Home Page Library of Congress Home Page Library of Congress Comments: lcweb@loc.gov 06/13/98…
http://www.icr.org/pubs/imp/imp-231.htm IMPACT No. 231 THE SEARCH FOR NOAH’S ARK: STATUS 1992 by John D. Morris, Ph.D.* Institute for Creation Research, PO Box 2667, El Cajon, CA 92021 Voice: (619) 448-0900 FAX: (619) 448-3469 Vital Articles on Science/Creation…
http://www.ballarat.net.au/~standeyo/ Noah’s Ark: 17 April 1999 Visitors Since 11 July 1998 Art Bell: Coast to Coast Radio Jeff Rense: End of The Line Radio Geophysics Live Astronomical Live Special Reports 13 April 1999 Prophecies 18 Oct 1997 Geophysics News 13 April 1999 El Nino,La Nina 13 July 1998…
http://www.icgno.org/youth/ark.htm Noah’s Ark And God said to Noah, And every living thing of all flesh you shall bring two of every sort into the ark, to keep them alive with you they shall be male and female. Genesis 6:19 Can be copied. Not to be sold. Back…
http://www.christiananswers.net/q-eden/edn-c013.html Could Noah’s Ark have really held all the animals preserved in the Flood? A growing number of scientists believe that geological evidence indicates our world has undergone a catastrophic flood. This is causing them to…
http://home.clara.net/noahsark/ The Noah’s Ark Society – for the promotion and development of physical mediumship. Website established 1995 The wise man looks not to how long he lives, But to how he dies. For him death has no terrors, Because it is the day of his birth to immortal life. And he will be mindful of those he has left…
http://www.angelfire.com/sc/animalsandpets/ Noah’s Ark Animals And Pets Gen 1:20 And God said,Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky. If you like animals, or you have a pet,this is the site for you! Hope you’ll stay and look around! IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT…
http://www.woodcrafter.com/animals.htm Animals Noah’s Ark (image) pr. ea. pr. ea. per 100 per 100 per 100 stock # Size 1-24 25-99 100+ 500+ 1000+ f57 3-14 x 1-1-\/4…
http://www.noahsarkpcb.com/twobytwo.htm Two By Two Live At Noah’s Ark 1997 Free Concerts at 8 and 10 PM Monday – Saturday Nights Starting June thru mid August Each Summer Everyone Welcome Retreat Facilities To Make a Reservation Go Home/ Contact Us/ Winter Ministry/ Summer Ministry/Reservations/Brief History/Links…
http://www.angelfire.com/fl/BriansHouse/inarabia.html Enjoy Brian’s Annex Where Yesteryear’s Treasures Arise Email: brianshouse@yahoo.com Internet Headline #1 Noah’s Ark LocatedIn Saudi Arabia Property Of Whole World(Deuteronomy 29:29) Everyone’s Ancestors Survived On Board American Indian Ancestors On Board Too!(Raven And Dove) E-mail…
http://www.mediacomputing.com/WTMJ/INFO/F1332.HTM ANGIS Noah’s Ark Noah’s Ark STATUS Choices: 0=Do Not Display 1=Display Custom Status 2=Open, 3=Closed 4=Open, No Buses 5=Buses 1hr Late, 6=1.5, 7=2 8=Delayed Open, 1hr Late 9=Delayed 1.5hrs, 10=2hrs 11=Open, Half Day Schedule 12=Closed Optl. Teach Work Day 13=Early Close at Noon…
http://ftp.wi.net/~doodles/ark.html Noah’s Ark [Return to main page…
http://www.millennium-ark.net/News_Files/INFO_Files/MREs.html MRE 101 An Introduction to Fine Dining? 3 July 1998 Additional Information on Other Noah’s Ark Pages: MRE Fast Facts Evaluation and Taste Test of MREs MRE sources Recipes for MREs…
http://www.noahsarkpcb.com/ The purpose of Noah’s Ark is to be an extension of the local churches of the Alabama-West Florida Annual Conference by providing a ministry of witness,