http://web.mountain.net/~havoc/rational/turin.html The Shroud of Lirey-Chambeacutery-Turin Perhaps the most holy relic and most studied archeological artifact in the world is the so-called Shroud of Turin. The Shroud is a herringbone twill weave, 8 cubits by 2 cubits (4.6m x 1.1m). It possesses what appears to be a vivid picture of a…
http://hyperion.advanced.org/2838/turn2000.htm TURIN Turin has a population of approximately 1,000,000. It is similar in size to Phoenix, Arizona and is at the heart of one of Italy’s major industrial regions. It is an important city for a variety of reasons. The first is the shroud of Turin. The next is the major industry in Turin, the…
http://occ-env-med.mc.duke.edu/shroud/member.htm Membership in CSST Due to increased interest and recent new developments in research on the Shroud of Turin and related Relics, the Board of Directors of the Council for Study of the Shroud of Turin (CSST) is pleased to announce its acceptance of Associate Members. CSST is a tax-exempt…
http://www.intranet.ca/~magicworks/knights/shroud.html The Templars And The Shroud Of Turin In their book, The Hiram Key: Pharaohs, Freemasons and the Discovery of the Secret Scrolls of Jesus, Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas theorize that the image on the Shroud of Turin is in fact that of the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar, Jacques de…
http://home.fireplug.net/~rshand/reflections/messiah/shroud.html Photographic negative of the Turin Shroud The Shroud of Turin Reputedly Christ’s burial cloth, the Shroud of Turin has been a hallowed religious relic since the Middle Ages. To believers it was divine proof the Christ was resurrected from the grave, to doubters it was evidence of human gullibility…
http://gilligan.mc.duke.edu/shroud/newbook.htm The Shroud of Turin: An Adventure of Discovery Thank you very much . . . for sharing with me all of your discoveries of the Shroud of Turin. I am grateful to God and to you for the sacrifices you have made . . . to bring others to a deeper faith through the Shroud…
http://tqd.advanced.org/2838/turn2000.htm TURIN Turin has a population of approximately 1,000,000. It is similar in size to Phoenix, Arizona and is at the heart of one of Italy’s major industrial regions. It is an important city for a variety of reasons. The first is the shroud of Turin. The next is the major industry in Turin, the…
http://www.shroud.com/ Welcome To Our Website The Shroud of Turin is a centuries old linen cloth that bears the image of a crucified man. A man that millions believe to be Jesus of Nazareth. Is it really the cloth that wrapped his crucified body, or is it simply a medieval forgery, a hoax perpetrated by some clever…
http://web.dbtech.net/~ttt/B-shroud.htm THE SHROUD OF TURIN The Shroud of Turin is a piece of linen nearly four feet wide and over 14 feet long which bears the image of someone who apparently was subjected to a punishment and crucifixion much like that to which Jesus was subjected. I can remember seeing reports on the…
http://dmi-www.mc.duke.edu/shroud/mission.htm Our Mission *To study, research, and publish the findings from the Shroud of Turin and related Relics of the Passion and to disseminate this knowledge and promote general awareness. *Established in 1994 as a scientific research and educational nonprofit corporation…
http://dmi-www.mc.duke.edu/shroud/default.htm Welcome to the Council for Study of the Shroud of Turin! Shroud of Turin Face image Tremissis coin…
http://www.uthscsa.edu/mission/spring96/shroud.htm Spring 1996 Science the shroud Microbiology meets archaeology in a renewed quest for answers High magnification close-up of a shroud fiber (108k) By Jim Barrett Hoax or holy grail? The argument about the Shroud of Turin spans centuries. No one has proven it is the burial cloth of Jesus of…
http://www.dreamscape.com/morgana/despina2.htm Despina [Click on the name of the moon above for astronomical information.] Despina was a nymph, the daughter of Demeter and Poseidon (Neptune). (Moon of Neptune.) The Shroud of Turin Jesus died quickly on the cross. Mark, the earliest Gospel, says that his body was wrapped in a linen cloth before…
http://www.angelfire.com/ma/tomchase The Shroud of Turin, Comet Hale-Bopp, The New Age and Astrology – prophecies of the future, world events and the economy The Truth is Above There I will discuss in this web site the Shroud of Turin and its connection to comets, my new theories on astrology and New Age subjects, my…
http://www.unisa.ac.za/dept/press/dearte/51/dearturn.html Images on the Shroud of Turin Verification of the Nature and Causes of the Photo-negative Images on the Shroud of Lirey-Chambeacutery-Turin by Nicholas P L Allen A comparison between the 1978 Shroud of Turin Research Project (STURP) data concerning the qualities of image formation on the Shroud…
http://www.eden.com/~mainlink/tx/sat/art/rai Religious Art Imagery Welcome To Our Exciting Gallery Of 3 D Religious Art! World renown images included in our catalog embody the Shroud Of Turin, The Last Supper, The Sacred Heart, The Crucifixion and many more images. Our three…
http://www.mcri.org/vm_shroud_update.html UPDATE FOR THE VINLAND MAP AND THE TURIN SHROUD Update for the Vinland Map (Map) and the Turin Shroud (Shroud) For nearly 30 years, the Vinland Map and the Shroud of Turin have been objects of contention between those who believe both to be authentic and those who have analyzed them micro…
http://www.mcri.org/Shroud.html THE SHROUD OF TURIN RESEARCH AT McCRONE RESEARCH INSTITUTE The Shroud of Turin According to Dr. Walter McCrone and his colleagues at McCrone Associates, the 3+ by 14+ foot cloth depicting Christ’s crucified body is an inspired painting produced by a Medieval artist just before its first appearance…
http://occ-env-med.mc.duke.edu/shroud/whanger.htm Research by Dr. and Mrs. Whanger Studies on the Shroud of Turin by Dr. Alan and Mrs. Mary Whanger have been underway in Durham, North Carolina since 1979. Dr. Whanger is Professor Emeritus at Duke University Medical Center and is skilled in photography and video. The Whangers were challenged…
http://www.shroud.com/nature.htm Radiocarbon Dating of the Shroud of Turin by P. E. Damon,1 D. J. Donahue,2 B. H. Gore,1 A. L. Hatheway,2 A. J. T. Jull,1 T. W. Linick,2 P. J. Sercel,2 L. J. Toolin,1 C.R. Bronk,3 E. T. Hall,3 R. E. M. Hedges,3 R. Housley,3 I. A. Law,3 C. Perry,3 G. Bonani,4 S. Trumbore,5 W. Woelfli,4 J. C. Ambers…
http://www.ien.it/users/sindone/others.html Shroud of Turin Related Websites: The Shroud of Turin The Shroud of Turin (with Shockwave Movie) Council for the Study of Shroud of Turin (CSST) McCrone Research Institute Shroud of Turin The Shroud of Turin Centro Internazionale di Sindonologia…
http://www.gvo.it/vdsf/t.shroud.html . The Shroud of Turin A brief summary of facts The shroud at Torrione Castle 1171 – Almaric, the last Christian King of Jerusalem visited Emperor Manuel I Commenus of Constantinople, his father-in-law. William, Archbishop of Tyre, in his Livre d’Eracles wrote […] nothing was hidden. Nothing…
http://www.unisa.ac.za/dept/press/dearte/52/shroud2.html How Leonardo did not fake the Shroud of Turin How Leonardo did not fake the Shroud of Turin Nicholas Peter Legh Allen Note: Readers may be interested in reading Dr Allen’s previous article entitled Images on the Shroud of Turin, De Arte 51, July 1995. ABSTRACT In this article, I…
http://www.fireplug.net/~rshand/reflections/messiah/shroud.html Photographic negative of the Turin Shroud The Shroud of Turin Reputedly Christ’s burial cloth, the Shroud of Turin has been a hallowed religious relic since the Middle Ages. To believers it was divine proof the Christ was resurrected from the grave, to doubters it was evidence of human gullibility…
http://shroud.com/index.shtml Welcome To Our Website The Shroud of Turin is a centuries old linen cloth that bears the image of a crucified man. A man that millions believe to be Jesus of Nazareth. Is it really the cloth that wrapped his crucified body, or is it simply a medieval forgery, a hoax perpetrated by some clever…
http://www.familyland.org/shroud_of_turin.htm Shroud of Turin Exhibit at Catholic Familyland The Holy Shroud of Turin has for centuries been the source of veneration and controversy. It is the actual burial cloth of Jesus Christ. See the evidence for yourself, presented in this factual, history based…
http://shroud.com/ Welcome To Our Website The Shroud of Turin is a centuries old linen cloth that bears the image of a crucified man. A man that millions believe to be Jesus of Nazareth. Is it really the cloth that wrapped his crucified body, or is it simply a medieval forgery, a hoax perpetrated by some clever…
http://www.frandzen.dk/mystery/religion/shroud.html Shroud of Turin In the mid-14th century a mysterious shroud showing the outlines of a male body, surfaced in southern France. The outlines was supposed to be of Jesus Christ. In the 19th century the shroud was forgotten and only few people believed in it. Then in 1899 an Italian…
http://www.selectivehouse.com/ The Christ Clone Trilogy by James BeauSeigneur What begins as a scientist’s plan to prove the existence of extraterrestrial life by cloning live cells found on the Shroud of Turin, turns into a nightmare of worldwide destruction and the ultimate battle between good and evil. Tightly woven around…
http://dmi-www.mc.duke.edu/shroud/ Welcome to the Council for Study of the Shroud of Turin! Shroud of Turin Face image Tremissis coin…
http://www.xnet.com/~wbrink/shroud.html Article of Faith? My letter to the Editor about the Shroud of Turin On May 18, 1998, I wrote a letter to the Chicago Sun-Times in response to John Bobek’s letter about the Shroud of Turin. He claimed that there was irrefutable proof that the Shroud was authentic. Since it’s so obvious that the…
http://www.herbaria.harvard.edu/~brach/shroud.html Evidence of Flowers on the Shroud of Turin Research on the Flower Images and Pollen on the Shroud Botanical Report: Flora of the Shroud of Turin by Avinoam Danin, Alan D. Whanger, Uri Baruch, and Mary Whanger Council for Study of the Shroud of Turin (CSST) Newsletter No. 1 Pressed Flowers – Where…
http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/theism/christianity/shroud.html Library: Modern Documents: Theism: Christianity: Shroud of Turin Shroud of Turin Special thanks to Steven Schafersman, author of the Skeptical Shroud of Turin Website for inspiring this page. New Shroud Claims Challenged as Spurious (Off Site) (1996) (CSICOP)Replies of skeptical…
http://www.shroud.com/esopus.htm First InternationalHoly Shroud Guild Seminar (The 1996 Esopus Conference) August 23rd-25th, 1996 Esopus, New York The Holy Shroud Guild was formed in 1951 by Father Adam Otterbein, C.Ss.R., to promote devotion to and the scientific investigation of the Shroud of Turin. Father Otterbien has been…
http://www.vwam.com/vets/rshand/shroudshock.html Click on the image to stop the movie. The Shroud of Turin The image on the Shroud of Turin has been the model and inspiration for many Medieval artists in their depictions of Christ. Using Photoshop, I enhanced the features on a negative image of the face and altered the hue to a flesh tone. Only…
http://www.shroudofturin.com/ TURIN SHROUD CENTER of Colorado Research and Education on the Shroud of Turin Check out our Shroud 2000 pilgrimages and our comprehensive Shroud video series! Last Updated: Monday, October 11, 1999…
http://www.secular.org/library/modern/theism/christianity/shroud.html Library: Modern Documents: Theism: Christianity: Shroud of Turin Shroud of Turin Special thanks to Steven Schafersman, author of the Skeptical Shroud of Turin Website for inspiring this page. New Shroud Claims Challenged as Spurious (Off Site) (1996) (CSICOP)Replies of skeptical…
http://www.dcn.davis.ca.us/~btcarrol/skeptic/shroud.html Robert Todd Carroll SkepDic.com The shroud is now on display in Turin’s San Giovanni Cathedral shroud of Turin All empirical evidence and logical reasoning concerning the Shroud of Turin will lead any objective…
http://www.pacificnet.net/~hill/shroud.html The Shroud of Turin: The burial cloth of Jesus? The story of this famous relic is the most intruiging mystery of the many I investigated for the Leonard Nimoy In Search Of… TV series. The face as it appears on the Shroud curiously resembles a photographic negative. The highest areas of the…
http://dranet.dra.com/SHROUD.HTML Sindon : a layman’s guide to the Shroud of Turin / Frank O. Adams contributing science editor, John A. DeSalvo. Author: Adams, Frank O., 1905- DeSalvo, John A. Published: Tempe, AZ : Synergy Books, c1982. Subject: Holy Shroud. Material: xii, 144 p. : ill. (some col…
http://web.mountain.net/~havoc/rational/turinhis.html A History of Doubt From it’s very beginnings, the genuine nature of the Shroud of Turin was doubted. It was first brought to light in 1349 when the French knight Geoffry de Charny wrote of his intentions to build a Church of St. Mary at Lirey, France. This is where, in 1355, the first…
http://www.mariancomm.org/Pages/Shroud.html Shroud of TurinThe Shroud of Turin, long thought to be Jesus Christ’s burialgarment, has inspired the faithful for centuries. But one veryimportant question remains-is it authentic or merely a medievalforgery? The shroud, a…
http://www.imswebs.com/holy-shroud/right.htm The Holy Face of Jesus from the Shroud of Turin…
http://catholicpilgrimagetour.com/shroud.html The Shroud of Turin August 06 – October 22, 2000 From Saturday, August 26, 2000 through Sunday, October 22, 2000, the famed Shroud of Turin will be on public display at the Cathedral of Turin. Pilgrimage International’s Shrines of Italy Pilgrimages scheduled between late August and late…
http://gsurlak.home.mindspring.com/shroud_page.htm Shroud of Turin Authenticity of the Shroud (Essay) To be extremely brief, the Shroud of Turin is held by many-myself included-as the burial shroud in which Jesus Christ was placed in after His death. As I do not dare claim to be an expert in testing for legitamacy, I have included links to…
http://shroud.com/message.htm To Main Menu A Message From Your Host Dear Guest: It is with great pride and excitement that I welcome you to this web site. My name is Barrie M. Schwortz, and I am your host. As the Official Documenting Photographer for the Shroud of Turin Research Project, Inc., (STURP), I was privileged to be…
http://www.sightings.com/ufo/turinev.htm SIGHTINGS New ‘Evidence’ Found In Shroud Of Turin Mystery 6-7-98 The argument over the authenticity of the Turin Shroud has taken a new twist after researchers say they may have found fresh evidence that the cloth bears the face of Christ. …
http://web.mountain.net/~havoc/rational/turinlink.html Shroud Sites These are a few of the major sites with information on the Shroud of Turin. I have tried to use those that have scientific attitudes, as that is what I deal with here. Appeals to faith are irrelevant in proving or disproving the Shroud’s authenticity, so I avoid those sites…
http://www.iea.com/~bradh/shroud The Holy Shroud of Turin Carbon-14 Dating of 1988 HOAX BEHIND THE TESTEXPOSED! In The Catholic COUNTER-REFORMATION in the XXth Century of March — April, 1991 (Nos. 237 and 238) and again of April, 1997 (No. 295) Brother Bruno Bonnet-Eymard, the foremost Catholic expert on the Holy Shroud of…
http://www.shroud.com/examine.htm To Main Menu Examine The Shroud of Turin Shroud of Turin (Ventral Image) Master Photograph Point and click on any area in this photo to examine closeupsSee more information and Dorsal Images below The image on the Shroud of Turin is very subtle. The closer you get, the less distinct it becomes…
http://www.shroudofturin.com/Research/thirteenpartseries.htm #147The Shroud of Turin: Imprint of Mercy#148 A thirteen part interview series on the Holy Shroud with Fr. Harold Cohen, S.J. Dr. John P. Jackson and Rebecca S. Jackson Filmed at the studios of WLAE in New Orleans, Louisiana… Shown nationwide and around the world on the Eternal Word…
http://space.tin.it/scienza/bachm/ARTICLES.HTM ARTICOLI SCIENTIFICI SULLA SINDONE SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES ON THE SHROUD ACCETTA, J.S. – J.S. BAUMGART – Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy and Thermographic Investigations of the Shroud of Turin – Applied Optics, Vol. 19, No. 12, June 15, 1980, pp. 1921-1929. ADLER, A.D. – Updating Recent Studies on…
http://wheel.dcn.davis.ca.us/~btcarrol/skeptic/shroud.html Robert Todd Carroll SkepDic.com The shroud is now on display in Turin’s San Giovanni Cathedral shroud of Turin All empirical evidence and logical reasoning concerning the Shroud of Turin will lead any objective…
http://www.hist.unt.edu/09w-rel6.htm The Shroud of Turin 990905 Collegamento pro Sindone. The website is both in Italian and English version and it shows brief historical and scientific pages, a guide to an easy reading of the Shroud image, a page with the latest news about the Shroud world and a page for the…
http://catholicgoldmine.com/prayers/shourd.html Index: Prayers Devotions: Shroud of Turin Shroud of Turin (Open in new window) The Shroud of Turin (Lots of pictures) (Open in new window) Shroud of Turin (Open in…
http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Parc/4752/shroud.html The Face on the Shroud of Turin The Shroud of Turin – the face What did He look like? Sculptor Willem Branca read about the history of the Shoud of Turin in Time magazine (20 April 1998) and was deeply moved by the story and photographs. He was inspired to try and sculpt the face of the man in the…
http://jfaltot.com/spirit/shroud.html Reflections The Shroud of Turin Sorry, your browser doesn’t support Java. …
http://www.shroud.com/nice.htm International Scientific Symposium On the Shroud of Turin (The 1997 Nice Symposium) May 12th-13th 1997 Westminster Hotel Nice, France On May 12th, 13th and 14th of 1997, the International Center for the Study of the Shroud of Turin (CIELT), the largest Shroud study organization in France…
http://shanmonster.bla-bla.com/jesus/proof/010.html The Shroud of Turin I’ve been searching around the ‘net for funeral shrouds. They all seem to be quite expensive, but none as nice as this. Jesus really set the trend here. We can be nothing but pale imitators of his keen fashion sense. And get this, the patterns on the shroud…
http://www.best.com/~dolphin/turin.html The Shroud of Turin Enigma By Lambert Dolphin This spring huge crowds clamored to Turin, Italy to see a rare public exhibition of the most controversial church relic known in Christendom, the Shroud of Turin. The purported burial cloth of Jesus Christ is a piece of fine bleached linen cloth…
http://www.theworkofgod.org/shroud2.htm The Holy Shroud of Turin This is a negative of the photograph of the Shroud of Turin. Click inside any part of the image to learn more about it …
http://amr1.com/cat-des/do/do11829.htm Ancient Mysteries Series: Shroud of Turin The Shroud of Turin, long thought to be Jesus Christ’s burial garment, has inspired the faithful for centuries. But one very important question remains – is it authentic or merely a medieval forgery? (50 min.) . Time: 50 Minutes $ 19.98…
http://gondor.ics.uci.edu/origins/biblio/shroud_of_turin.html Shroud of turin Waldrop, M. M., 1988, Shroud of Turin is Medieval: Science, v. 242, p. 378…
http://www.toad.net/~spbc/shroud/shroudshock.html Click on the image to stop the movie. The Shroud of Turin Artist: Richard Shand The image on the Shroud of Turin has been the model and inspiration for many Medieval artists in their depictions of Christ. Using Photoshop, the artist enhanced the features on a negative image of the face and altered…
http://www.q-net.net.au/~orinoco/shroud.html The Shroud of Turin Did this ancient cloth once wrap the body of a series 1 RX7? Was the Shroud of Turin the world’s first linen car cover? Are we looking at the image of the true saviour of the rotary engine? Theologians and RX7 purists have been debating the authenticity of this religious relic…
http://atheism.org/library/modern/theism/christianity/shroud.html Library: Modern Documents: Theism: Christianity: Shroud of Turin Shroud of Turin Special thanks to Steven Schafersman, author of the Skeptical Shroud of Turin Website for inspiring this page. New Shroud Claims Challenged as Spurious (Off Site) (1996) (CSICOP)Replies of skeptical…
http://www.net.big-river.sk.ca/enigma/mystery.htm Earth Mystery Explore the Sacred Sites International Ghost Hunters Society Shroud of Turin Shroud of Turin (Detail views) Nessie on the Net Loch Ness Monster Homepage ~ Scotland Cryptozoology Holy Chupacabra! The Sphynx Group Planetary Mysteries Taos Hum Homepage Fortean Times Website Graham…
http://www.value.net/~esoteric/essays/shroud.html The Shroud of Turin by Bishop Paul Verhaeren What is the Shroud of Turin? We are told that it is the burial cloth of Christ. When Jesus’ body was taken down from the cross on the afternoon in which He died, before evening had set in, it was strewn hastily with funeral herbs and spices, and…
http://www.parascope.com/articles/0597/shroud.htm The Shroud of Turin’s rescue from the devastating blaze at San Giovanni has been described as a miracle. Shroud of Turin Survives Suspicious Fire by D. Trull… Favorite Sites St. Francis School
http://www.vatican.va The Shroud of Turin
http://www.shroud.com Franciscan University
http://www.kenes.com/ecology99/19.htm JERUSALEM, ISRAEL, JUNE 13-18, 1999 a a A SPECIAL EVENING LECTURE: The Origin of the Shroud of Turin as evidenced by plant Images and by Pollen grains…
http://www.prophezine.com/search/database/is42.3.html Advertise on PropheZine The Lost Ark, the Shroud of Turin, and Enough Rope to Hang Myself By James BeauSeigneur Editor’s Note: The following is the first of several articles adapted by the author from his new novel, In His Image: Book One of The…
http://www.teknovation.com/shroud/ Shroud of Turin Now the face of Jesus can be yours…. A FULLY FEATURED SCREENSAVER Features the face of Jesus as depicted on the Shroud of Turin… The image transitions make this screensaver a truly inspiring experience. HERE’S WHAT YOU GET Transitions of the Face of Jesus with softly…
http://diamond.sunset.net/~quist/pollen.htm The Shroud of Turin and the C-14 Dating Fiasco by Thomas Case Paperback – 104 pages(1996) Details Russian tests showing probability that the Shroud is close to 2000 years old and that the blood on the Shroud is real blood. Also, a criticism of the 1988 Radiocarbon…
http://www.crystalinks.com/shroud.html The Shroud of TurinPollin traces suggest that Shroud of Turin orignated before eighth century, near Jerusalem July 3, 1999 – Nando NewsA new analysis of pollen grains and plant images on the Shroud of Turin places its originto Jerusalem before the eighth century, giving a boost to those who believe…
http://www.infidels.org/secular_web/feature/1998/shroud.html Secular Web: Features: 1998: Science, the Pope and the Shroud of Turin Science, the Pope and the Shroud of Turin By Sandra Feroe May 27, 1998 Humanity’s quest for knowledge has been marred by conflict between those who would follow edicts from imposed…
http://www.corp.direct.ca/trinity/shroud.html Ionization Resurrects The Shroud of Turin Ion Science explains the enduring mysteries of the Shroud of Turin. by Guy Cramer Jan 19,1997 Before we look into the effects of Ionization on the Shroud, lets look at the scientific background obtained by other sources. The following Article comes from: A…
http://www.yfiles.com/shroud.html Ionization Resurrects The Shroud of Turin Ion Science explains the enduring mysteries of the Shroud of Turin. by Guy Cramer Jan 19,1997 Before we look into the effects of Ionization on the Shroud, lets look at the scientific background obtained by other sources. The following Article comes from: A…
http://www.dcn.davis.ca.us/~btcarrol/skeptic/comments/turincom.html Robert Todd Carroll SkepDic.com shroud of Turin reader comments: shroud of Turin 14 Apr 1997 Query,…why is it that people who choose to believe are labeled sadly misguided? reply: I don’t know about the sadly…
http://crystalinks.com/shroud.html The Shroud of TurinPollin traces suggest that Shroud of Turin orignated before eighth century, near Jerusalem July 3, 1999 – Nando NewsA new analysis of pollen grains and plant images on the Shroud of Turin places its originto Jerusalem before the eighth century, giving a boost to those who believe…
http://freethought.org/library/modern/theism/christianity/shroud.html Library: Modern Documents: Theism: Christianity: Shroud of Turin Shroud of Turin Special thanks to Steven Schafersman, author of the Skeptical Shroud of Turin Website for inspiring this page. New Shroud Claims Challenged as Spurious (Off Site) (1996) (CSICOP)Replies of skeptical…
http://www.bhw.com/vbhb/shrd.shtml Allow time for SHROUD to open THE SHROUD OF TURIN Here you can examine the shroud and read articles about it. Visit the Main Menu for hundreds of topics. The Library for the Shroud has many books on the subject. Examine The Shroud To Christ Community Church This Site Created By VBHB…
www.sitesolution.com . The largest and oldest Shroud of Turin resource on the InternetShroud,Turin,Jesus,Christ,mystery,science,controversial,history,photography,negative,scientific,linen…
http://www.ewtn.com/program/turin.htm SHROUD OF TURIN : IMPRINT OF MERCY (30:00) Host Father Harold Cohen, S.J. examines the work and findings of a research team who have invegistaged for 23 years the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin, the alledged burial cloth of Jesus…
http://www.episcopalnet.org/tracts/Alphonsus/Correggio.html Head of the Christ, from the HolyShroud of Turin for an original by Correggioclick here to see the negativephotograph of the…
http://www.imswebs.com/holy-shroud/left.htm Site Content (Shroud of Turin) (Why the Devotion?) (Dolores I. Gili) (Caesar Gili) (The Holy Face) (Today and Beyond) (Prayer Groups) (Sacred Heart) (Available Items) FastCounter by LinkExchange…
http://www.iea.com/~bradh/shroud/ The Holy Shroud of Turin Carbon-14 Dating of 1988 HOAX BEHIND THE TESTEXPOSED! In The Catholic COUNTER-REFORMATION in the XXth Century of March — April, 1991 (Nos. 237 and 238) and again of April, 1997 (No. 295) Brother Bruno Bonnet-Eymard, the foremost Catholic expert on the Holy Shroud of…
http://www.notperformanceart.com/shroud.html Shroud of Turin…
http://panweb.sicap.it/meridien_torino/offers.htm Exibition of the Holy Shroud 18th April – 14th June 1998 THE HOLY SHROUD OF TURIN The Shroud of Turin is a centuries old linen cloth that bears the image of a crucified man. A man that millions believe to be Jesus of Nazareth. Is it really the cloth that wrapped his…
http://intranet.ca/~magicworks/knights/shroud.html The Templars And The Shroud Of Turin In their book, The Hiram Key: Pharaohs, Freemasons and the Discovery of the Secret Scrolls of Jesus, Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas theorize that the image on the Shroud of Turin is in fact that of the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar, Jacques de…
http://dcn.davis.ca.us/~btcarrol/skeptic/shroud.html Robert Todd Carroll SkepDic.com The shroud is now on display in Turin’s San Giovanni Cathedral shroud of Turin All empirical evidence and logical reasoning concerning the Shroud of Turin will lead any objective…
http://skepdic.com/shroud.html Robert Todd Carroll SkepDic.com The shroud is now on display in Turin’s San Giovanni Cathedral shroud of Turin All empirical evidence and logical reasoning concerning the Shroud of Turin will lead any objective…
http://www.newstimes.com/archive97/apr1297/inb.htm International News April 12, 1997 Firefighters rescue Shroud of Turin from burning cathedral in Italy TURIN, Italy (AP) – A fire early today heavily damaged the cathedral housing the Shroud of Turin, but firefighters managed to rescue the fabric that some Christians consider to be Jesus Christ…
http://www.direct.ca/trinity/shroud1.html Ionization Resurrects The Shroud of Turin Ion Science explains the enduring mysteries of the Shroud of Turin. by Guy Cramer Jan 19,1997 Before we look into the effects of Ionization on the Shroud, lets look at the scientific background obtained by other sources. Overview of Recent Shroud Findings…
http://shroud.com/update.htm To Main Menu Updates On The Shroud of Turin CD Rom Detailed Project Description The The Shroud of Turin CD Rom is an interactive multimedia title designed for general audiences that allows viewers to explore this controversial relic in great detail. It includes hundreds of previously unpublished…
http://shroud.com/centers.htm To Main Menu Shroud of Turin Centers Organizations I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Father Joseph Marino of the St. Louis Priory School who compiled and updated the resources included on this page. Father Marino is a noted Shroud historian and archivist actively dedicated to…
http://www.a1.com/wts/imagean.html Image AnalysisImage analysis is a science that can be used to clarify photographs. It has been applied to films of the Kennedy assassination and pictures of the Shroud of Turin. it was used with the Voyager spacecraft’s images to discover active volcanoes on distant planetary moons. The technology…
http://www.affleck.com/wwwboard/messages4/683.html Shroud of Turin [ Follow Ups ] [ Post Followup ] [ The Ben Affleck WWWBoard ] [ FAQ ] Posted by rocket at on March 19, 1999 at 13:36:49: Ben, et al.I did a search for the Shroud of Turin and ended up at this web site(!).I guess that even the Holy One himself liked Shakespeare in…
http://www.aadm.com/cydonia/shroudfonMars.html The Shroud of Turin on Mars What possible connection could there be between two of the worlds most famous unexplained images? At least one that I know of. Turns out that the same scientists that discovered the Face on Mars worked extensively on the 1978 Shroud of Turin…
http://www.the-scientist.lib.upenn.edu/yr1999/sept/lewis_p10_990913.html Volume 13, #18The Scientist September 13, 1999 XVI International Botanical Congress The Shroud of Turin Controversy Returns Author: Ricki Lewis Date: September 13, 1999 Courtesy of Alan Whanger Facial image of the Man of the Shroud surrounded by the ghost of flowers past. The topic of the last…
http://www.gvo.it/VdSF/t.shroud.html . The Shroud of Turin A brief summary of facts The shroud at Torrione Castle 1171 – Almaric, the last Christian King of Jerusalem visited Emperor Manuel I Commenus of Constantinople, his father-in-law. William, Archbishop of Tyre, in his Livre d’Eracles wrote […] nothing was hidden. Nothing…
http://www.shadowmag.com/paranormal/turin.html Back to Paranormal THE SHROUD OF TURIN THE Shroud of Turin, imprinted with the haunting image of a crucified man, is an article of faith, literally and metaphorically. That’s why its deepest mystery will never be unraveled. It’s not in any human power to determine, with finality or certainty, its…
http://bluegrass.rs.itd.umich.edu/~bte/links.html Dr. John Hagelin Natural Law Party Candidate for President My friend Anthony Former Home of the Unabomber You can’t retire until your money goes to work Give ’em hell! Be a hero Engineering Jobs in the US My sis-in-law My bro-in-law Shroud of Turin…
http://www.childrensermons.com/shroud/ Shroud of Turin Gain insight into the passion of Jesus from seeing what the man of the Shroud endured during crucifixion, regardless of your view of the dating of the cloth. The Shroud of Turin was on public display in 1998 for the first time since…
http://dmi-www.mc.duke.edu/shroud/findings.htm Current Findings The Shroud of Turin, the purported burial cloth of Jesus Christ, is a piece of fine linen 3 feet 7 inches wide by 14 feet 3 inches long (exactly 2 by 8 cubits, the ancient measurement in Israel). It bears the detailed front and back images of a man who has been crucified in a…
http://shroud.com/newsltrs.htm Shroud of Turin Newsletters and Periodicals SHROUD OF TURIN NEWSLETTERS AND PERIODICALS (English Language) There are a number of organizations and individuals that publish newsletters or journals on the Shroud. Contact the organizations directly for more detailed information. Special thanks to…
http://www.ping.be/flanders_religion/cltcnt3.htm The mystery of the Shroud of Turin When a fire destroyed great parts of the 15th century St. John the Baptist cathedral at Turin, Italy, the world was once agian focused on the Shroud of Turin, which – according to the tradition – bears the imprint of the body of Jesus Christ. Fortunatly, it was…
http://gilligan.mc.duke.edu/shroud/ Welcome to the Council for Study of the Shroud of Turin! Shroud of Turin Face image Tremissis coin…
http://www.people.cornell.edu/pages/cjc26/shroud.html The Shroud of Turin is a FAKE!! Ok, I’m sure y’all know what the Shroud of Turin is. Big piece of linen, got some kind of faded image on it. Supposed to be the burial shroud of Jesus Christ. Yadda yadda yadda. It seems there’s been a lot of research done on it–scientists have been taking…
http://www.sciencenet.org.uk/database/Physics/Atomic/p00421c.html I read that the Shroud of Turin dates from the Middle Ages, not from the time of Jesus. How did they find out? They used carbon dating. Carbon-14 is a radioactive isotope of carbon. When a neutron produced by a cosmic ray hits the nucleus of a nitrogen atom, the neutron turns into proton and…
http://gilligan.mc.duke.edu/shroud/whanger.htm Research by Dr. and Mrs. Whanger Studies on the Shroud of Turin by Dr. Alan and Mrs. Mary Whanger have been underway in Durham, North Carolina since 1979. Dr. Whanger is Professor Emeritus at Duke University Medical Center and is skilled in photography and video. The Whangers were challenged… Shroud of Turin Sparks New Controversy 11-23-1998 Comment on this news by posting a message to News-Discuss. Source : Discovery Online URL :
http://www.ucg-sps.org/sm971122.htm ANCIENT DECEPTION Lets start with this opening scripture MARK 13:22 One of the most interesting and intriguing mystery that I’ve come across is the SHROUD OF TURIN. After spending some time researching it, I’ve come to the conclusion that it could be one of the most cunning deception ever brought…
http://www.emmanuel-info.com/en/shroud/ The Shroud of Turin is both an object of veneration for those who believe it shows the face of the Crucified Christ and an object of research and heated scientific discussion. Scholars do not like using the word ‘mystery’. Even so, after hundreds of experiments, hypotheses and…
http://www.jps.net/triumph/shroud.htm THE SHROUD OF TURIN RESEARCH AT McCRONE RESEARCH INSTITUTE The Shroud of Turin According to Dr. Walter McCrone and his colleagues at McCrone Associates, the 3+ by 14+ foot cloth depicting Christ’s crucified body is an inspired painting produced by a Medieval artist just before its first appearance…
http://blavatsky.net/features/vane/vane1998/shroud-of-turin.htm Shroud of Turin Despite scientific claims to the contrary, the Shroud of Turin may be the real thing. The shroud of Turin is in the news again because for the first time in twenty years it is now on display for two weeks. On May 28, 1998 the Pope showed up to venerate the relic. (In the year 2000…
http://www.youdebate.com/DEBATES/SHROUD_OF_TURIN.HTM Shroud of Turin Debate Is the Shroud of Turin real? PRO CON UPDATED August 19, 1999 fact 1 The shroud of…
http://www.schoolroom.com/videos/v11829.htm 11829 – Video – Ancient Mysteries Series: Shroud of Turin – 50 mins. The Shroud of Turin, long thought to be Jesus Christ’s burial garment, has inspired the faithful for centuries. But one very important question remains – is it authentic or merely a medieval forgery? (50 min…
http://www.blockhead.com/shroud.htm BLOCKHEAD BOOK STACKS THE SHROUD OF TURIN, An Adventure of Discovery by Mary and Alan Whanger – Providence House Publishers, Franklin Tennessee 144 pages, soft cover On Sunday, April 19, 1998, the Shroud of Turin went on display at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Turin, Italy, for the…
http://www.historian.net/shroud.htm This article was published in 3 parts in The Glyph, the journal of The Archaeological Institute of America, San Diego, Vol 1, No. 10 (Sept 1997) No. 11 (Dec 1977) No. 12 (March 1998). Shroud photographs (not appearing in original article) are from Barrie M. Schwortz’s Shroud of Turin Website…
http://www.linkline.com/personal/frice/shroud.htm Shroud of Turin is Known to have been a Painting The so-called Shroud of Turin is still believed to be evidence that a Jesus Christ deity construct once existed. The truth of the matter, however, is that the cloth is known to have been a painting created as a gift to a…
http://www.selectivehouse.com/bk1.html Content-type: text/html Couldn’t open /var/lib/httpd/logs/dano.html so I’m bugging out.. Book One: In His Image Summary Sle Scenes Recounting the actual events of a 1978 expedition of American scientists to examine the Shroud of Turin (believed by millions to be the burial shroud of Jesus…
http://earthtrade.com/html/GlobalENews/ShroudTurin.htm Shroud of Turin NHNE News Update: The Shroud of Turin Hello Everyone, As many of you know, the Shroud of Turin is one of the most remarkable historical artifacts on planet Earth. Believed by many to be the actual burial cloth of Christ, the Shroud has been the subject of intense devotion…
http://www.theshroudofturin.com/page6.htm Speaking Engagements… If you would like to request a speaking engagement on the Shroud of Turin for your church, synagogue, school, museum or other facility, please see below. SPEAKER: JOHN C. IANNONE John C. Iannone is author of The Mystery of the Shroud of Turin: New Scientific Evidence (Alba…
http://www.turinshroud.com/Pointer.html Click Here To Go to the Shroud of Turin Page Shroud of Turin, Shroud of Turin, Shroud of Turin, Shroud of Turin, Shroud of Turin, Shroud of Turin, Shroud of Turin, Shroud of Turin, Shroud of Turin, Shroud of Turin, Shroud of Turin, Shroud of Turin, Shroud of Turin, Shroud of Turin…
http://www.glinx.com/~tonym/shroud.htm The Shroud of Turin Fact or Forgery? This so called religious icon has been the cause of so much fury and controversy, so it was a breath of fresh air when scientist finally were able to do radio carbon testing to prove that is was a fake. So one would think that after all the great…
http://www.prometheusbooks.com/site/catalog/sci25.html Inquest on the Shroud of Turin Science The Paranormal …. Joe Nickell …. This authoritative book about the controversial shroud of Turin, claimed to be the burial cloth of Jesus, presents overwhelming evidence that the cloth is actually the creation of a clever medieval…
http://homepages.go.com/~joseph159/center/shroudofturin.html THE SHROUD OF TURIN This is the facial impression made on a length of linen, used to wrap the body of a crucified man. This linen is 12ft. long and three ft wide. It has the front and back markings of the image of a man crucified, speared, whipped and crowned with thorns. The tortures that…
http://www.everlasting.org/Shroud.htm THE SHROUD OF TURIN The Shroud Of Turin Can this ancient linen cloth with the image of the corpse that it had wrapped be the actual burial shroud of the man called Jesus Christ? The story this cloth tells is incredible… and the latest in scientific tests only add to…
http://amrvideo.com/new/SOE1/SOE-12310.htm Ancient Mysteries Series – The Shroud of Turin This Video Title and 1,000’s More Are Available At Discount Pricing From A M R ….Serving Satisfied Customers … July 96′ The Shroud of Turin, long thought to be Jesus Christ’s burial garment, has inspired the faithful for centuries. But one…
http://www.gaydeceiver.com/religion/turin/ The Shroud of Turin This page was created as a result of a conversation I had with Michael Martin in rec.music.christian. I mentioned a page I’d discovered some time ago which conclusively demonstrated that the image on the Shroud of Turin could not be that of an actual human being. Of course, when…
http://www.shroud.com/dreisbc2.htm The Shroud of Turin: Its Ecumenical Implications The Rev. Albert R. Dreisbach copy 1997 All rights reserved Reprinted by Permission No part of this manuscript may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any…
http://www.forteantimes.com/artic/100/shroud.html The Shroud of Turin, the most famous and controversial relic in Christendom, emerged unscathed from a fire in the 15th century Duomo of San Giovanni in Turin on 12 April 1997, where it has been enshrined since 1578. Firemen used sledgehammers and fists to break through two, four or eight layers of… The Shroud of Turin An interesting report on the correct but misleading carbon dating test results. Doctorate Thesis by Jim Woodrey
www.shroud.org – Holy Shroud Guild copy1999 Future Media Presentations A division of DeBrosse Consulting, LLC space…
http://www.panweb.sicap.it/meridien_torino/offers.htm Exibition of the Holy Shroud 18th April – 14th June 1998 THE HOLY SHROUD OF TURIN The Shroud of Turin is a centuries old linen cloth that bears the image of a crucified man. A man that millions believe to be Jesus of Nazareth. Is it really the cloth that wrapped his…
http://www.catholic-internet.org/issue/archives/1998Apr/76apr20,vol.9,no.76txt/76newt1.htm HOLY SEE WILL DECIDE ON SHROUD TESTING AS IT GOES ON EXHIBIT IN TURIN TURIN (CWN) — Over 425,000 people have already made reservations to view the Shroud of Turin which went on display Saturday and will be available for viewing until June 14 of this year…
http://www.greenbelt.com/news/97/060104.htm Greenbelt Interfaith News World Brief June 1, 1997 Shroud of Turin Nearly Burns in Italy The Shroud of Turin narrowly escaped being destroyed when St. John the Baptist Cathedral in Turin, Italy, burned on April 14. The shroud is a cloth showing a photo-negative image of a man who appears to have…
http://www.freethinkers.org/org/aha/skeptical/shroud.html THE SKEPTICAL SHROUD OF TURIN WEBSITE THE SKEPTICAL SHROUD OF TURIN WEBSITE presents the historical, artistic, scientific, and microscopic evidence that demonstrates that the Shroud of Turin is a medieval artifact and forgery. The Shroud was created by an artist to lure faithful…
http://www.imswebs.com/holy-shroud/decal.htm (Reversed – sticks on inside of window) (Reads) Merciful Face of Jesus The Holy Face of Jesus from the Shroud of Turin SAVE US…
http://www.catholicservant.org/March/lead.htm Shroud of Turin Authentic, Say Husband, Wife Research Team By Christopher Ruff Ask most people what the Shroud of Turin is, and they can probably tell you that it is a large sheet with an image of a crucified man on it. Ask them if they think it is the burial shroud of Jesus Christ, and many will…
http://www.niagara.com/~jvim/IntelligenceBriefing/June1996/knowledge.html AND KNOWLEDGE SHALL BE INCREASED Shroud of Turin finds new life Roman Catholic officials have regained confidence in the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin as the burial cloth of Jesus and plan to put it on display in 1998 for only the third time this century. The 14-by-3-foot cloth appears to…
http://www.conspire.com/curren50.html Number 50 Shroud Man Comes Alive! The coolest Jesus relic goes public Shroud ManPositive image Shroud Exhibit:Official SiteShroud of TurinWeb Site Shroud Education A ShroudConspiracy Theory 5/29/98 — One of the most mysterious objects in history is once again up for public view. If you can get a…
http://www.severnapark.com/~spbc/shroud/shroudshock.html Click on the image to stop the movie. The Shroud of Turin Artist: Richard Shand The image on the Shroud of Turin has been the model and inspiration for many Medieval artists in their depictions of Christ. Using Photoshop, the artist enhanced the features on a negative image of the face and altered…
http://www.whatsgoingon.com/coolest/19980428/ Tuesday, April 28, 1998 Shroud of Turin on Exhibit April 18 – June 14, 1998 Cathedral of San Giovanni Turino, Italy When it was evening, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who also was a disciple of Jesus. He went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. Then Pilate ordered…
http://www.earthtrade.com/html/GlobalENews/ShroudTurin.htm Shroud of Turin NHNE News Update: The Shroud of Turin Hello Everyone, As many of you know, the Shroud of Turin is one of the most remarkable historical artifacts on planet Earth. Believed by many to be the actual burial cloth of Christ, the Shroud has been the subject of intense devotion…
http://koning.ecsu.ctstateu.edu/religion/shroudscience.html Science and Faith:A Comment on the Shroud of TurinMy students asked me about how I felt about such things as the Shroud of Turin and other miracles. This gave me a great opportunity to stress that Science and Religion ask different questions and investigate them differently. The result of that…
http://www.atheism.org/library/modern/theism/christianity/shroud.html Library: Modern Documents: Theism: Christianity: Shroud of Turin Shroud of Turin Special thanks to Steven Schafersman, author of the Skeptical Shroud of Turin Website for inspiring this page. New Shroud Claims Challenged as Spurious (Off Site) (1996) (CSICOP)Replies of skeptical…
http://homepages.go.com/~tomchase/Shroud.html The Shroud of Turin, Comet Hale-Bopp, The New Age and astrology – will there be another bright comet soon? I will discuss in this web site page the Shroud of Turin and its connection to comets, my new theories on astrology and New Age subjects, my prophecies of future events, the astrology and…
http://members.xoom.com/njpweb/shroud/index.html The Shroud of Turin Carbon Dating The Shroud of Turin is undoubtedly one of the most mysterious and controversial artifacts of all time. The Shroud’s recorded history began when it was revealed by Geoffrey DeCharney in Lirey, France. In 1898 Secondo Pia took the…
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/3855/ The Holy Shroud of Turin A Prayerful and Meditational Website And Pilate asked, What would you have me do with this man? And the crowd cried out, Away with him. Crucify him. THE SHROUD (front face) WHO IS THE MAN OF THE SHROUD? WERNER BULST, S.J. DARMSTADT, JUNE 1984 ABSTRACT The…
http://www.cc.swarthmore.edu/humanities/pschmid1/array/node1/shroud.html the shroud of Turinresurrectiontransforming the body into lightimprints linen like a photographic negativeat least, that’s the storyphotographyto assure possession, perpetual presencebut imprinting lossthe moment when the subject is changedhere’s another story:a photo of a photoa scan of a photo of…
http://abcnews.go.com/dispatches/bureaus/turin2/turin2.html San Antonio, Texas Shrouded in Mystery By Ned Potter, ABCNEWS Correspondent Dr. Leoncio Garza-Valdes calls himself a believer. He is also an amateur archaeologist in Texas. He says he can prove the scientific study that determined the Shroud of Turin to be a fake was inaccurate. Jesus of Nazareth…
http://www.blown.com/bbt/shroud-jw.html The Shroud of Turin Carbon 14 Test Results by JIM WOODREY, September 1989 Edited by: Eric DeBrosse INTRODUCTION The following report presents interesting thoughts and innovative theories concerning recently conducted date of origin tests pertaining specifically to the 3 foot by 14…
http://users.vnet.net/cambiano/shroud.htm Shroud of Turin Activity Kevin E. Moran Kevin has been working with Turin Shroud researchers since 1979. he has been working in industrial research and product development for 42 years. He holds 13 United States patents and 3 foreign patents. Over the years he has become a member of three US…
http://parascope.com/articles/0597/shroud.htm The Shroud of Turin’s rescue from the devastating blaze at San Giovanni has been described as a miracle. Shroud of Turin Survives Suspicious Fire by D. Trull…
http://www.episcopalnet.org/TRACTS/Alphonsus/Correggio.html Head of the Christ, from the HolyShroud of Turin for an original by Correggioclick here to see the negativephotograph of the…
http://www.mic.dundee.ac.uk/ft/stories/TurinShroud.html The Journal of strange phenomena Turin ShroudReported by Andy JepsonSeen in Daily Telegraph on 22nd May 1996 [Very short piece seen in World Bulletin section. The piece was attributed to: AP, New Orleans.] E The Shroud of Turin, the 14ft piece of linen long revered as the burial cloth of…
http://www.bju.edu/faith/vol9num4/turin.html The Shroud of Turin by Dan Olinger Theologians and scientists, believers and unbelievers alike, are studying the shroud. Is it just an elaborate hoax? Or could it really be Christ’s burial cloth? It is absolutely unique. Unlike most other Roman Catholic relics, it is highly respected by men who…
http://www.execulink.com/~wblank/shroud.htm Subscribe to FREE Web Site News The Shroud of Turin The mysterious Shroud of Turin has now become world famous. Is it really the burial cloth of Jesus Christ as so many hope and believe? The shroud has been kept in the cathedral in Turin, Italy since 1578. Its history cannot be traced with…
http://www.bergenrecord.com/morenews/shroud.htm The Associated Press TURIN, Italy — The fire-damaged cathedral of Turin, home of the famed shroud of Turin, will reopen in November. Culture Minister Walter Veltroni, Italy’s culture minister, announced the reopening at a seminar at the San Giovanni cathedral, the ANSA news agency reported…
http://www.freethought.org/org/aha/appro-sindone/ APPROFONDIMENTO SINDONE THE SKEPTICAL INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCHOLARSHIP AND SCIENCE DEVOTED TO THE SHROUD OF TURIN Year I, Volume 1 (1997) Robert E.M. HEDGES, A note concerning the application of radiocarbon dating to the Turin Shroud, (p. 1-8). Dorothy CRISPINO, The shroud of Besanccedilon…
http://www.net.big-river.sk.ca/enigma/news.htm Recent Additions June 17, 1998 One Heart Hopi Prophecy Experience Bob Dratch – Biological and Bioactive Holoforms Gordon Michael Scallion – Earth Changes Report Shroud of Turin Shroud of Turin (Detail views) U.G. Krishnamurti The RetroPsychoKinesis Project – Experiments Online Thinking Allowed…
http://diamond.sunset.net/~quist/SHROUD1.htm The Shroud of Turin An Adventure of Discovery by Mary Whanger Alan Whanger Paperback – 160 pages (1998) Discussion of various objects conforming to the archaeological record which point to the fact that the Shroud of Turin is authentic. The Whangers’ photographic studies…
http://www.illinimedia.com/di/mar_98/mar16/opinions/letter1.html Letter to the editor Faith, not science, is religion crux To the editor: In response to Matthew Priestly#146s March 13 column about the Shroud of Turin, I would like to point out why Catholics should care about the Shroud. Since none of us were alive during…
http://www.people.cornell.edu/pages/cjc26/shroudcomments.html Some names and email addresses have been removed to protect privacy. Date: Thu, 04 Mar 1999 09:04:15 PST Subject: The Shroud of Turin Hey Cliff I am a senior historical studies major who has a problem with your Shroud conclusions. I’ve done a bit of research on the Shroud and am wondering how you…
http://stafla.dlis.state.fl.us/marion/ACQ-6437 The mystery of the shroud of Turin DLC DLC Title: The mystery of the shroud of Turin : new scientific evidence / John C. Iannone. Author: Iannone, John C. Published: New York : Alba House, c1998. Subject: Holy Shroud. Material: xix, 228 p. : ill…
http://www.integrityonline15.com/evangelchristian/shroud_of_turin.htm THE SHROUD OF TURIN! For those of you who don’t know what the Shroud of Turin is, it is the alleged burial cloth of our Lord Jesus Christ. The linen cloth, some 14 -15 ft . long, was first laid on the ground. The body was then placed on the lower half, as if on display, and then the top…
http://www.freeyellow.com/members2/immaculatemarys/page1.html ***IMMACULATE MARYS CRUSADE*** HOLY SHROUD OF TURIN for many years now there have been thousands of people, testing the HOLY SHROUD OF TURIN trying to prove it a fake. Every test that the SHROUD has gone under, has proved to these pepole, that the HOLY SHROUD IS IN FACT REAL.HOWEVER, THEY…
http://www.slonet.org/~ipauslo/fthall-of-slo/fd-005.html The controversial Shroud of Turin is a linen cloth containing the faint image of a bearded man purported to be Jesus. Misleading statements made by many newspapers, books, and television newscasts, have led many Christians to believe that the Shroud of Turin is positive proof of Christ’s miraculous…
http://www.teachlife.org.au/philosophy/ST.htm MIRACLES AND THE SHROUD OF TURIN by Stephen Griffith Using the scientific investigation of the Shroud of Turin as an extended exle, it is argued that miracles are best understood not as violations of natural law, but as scientifically inexplicable events. It is then argued that even though we…
http://www.questar1.com/catalog/QV2918.html Jesus and the Shroud of Turin $19.95 QV2918 ISBN: 1-56855-394-3 UPC: 0-33937-02918-9 52 MinutesThe only actual image of the face of Jesus Christ that has survived 2000 years!In 1898, Secondo Pia was the first man to photograph the Shroud of Turin, the burial cloth believed to have covered Christ’s…
http://www.users.bigpond.com/rdoolan/shroud.html Is the Shroud of Turin a fake? Some people believe that the Shroud of Turin is the cloth in which Jesus Christ was buried. There are serious problems with this view, even if we ignore carbon dating tests in 1988…
http://www.geocities.com/Pipeline/Halfpipe/1075/spsf03e.htm Shroud of Turin with Pop Boy – Spunj Bodyboarding…
http://www.freer.com/archives/050298.htm LinkExchange Member Everyone’s Internet is different and this is a slice of mine. Archives for the week ended May 2, 1998 The Shroud of Turin is going on display this week. And it a somewhat strange marriage of the ancient and the new, later this week the Shroud’s official…
http://www.childrensermons.com/shroud/conf1.htm Shroud Conference Now Playing: Jerusalem by Sir Hubert Perry This is a transcript of a conference hosted by CompuServe’s Encounters Forum on March 18, 1996. Jim Kerlin was guest speaker on the topic of the Shroud of Turin. For those not familiar with…
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/2735/shroud.html Evidence of Flowers on the Shroud of Turin Research on the Flower Images and Pollen on the Shroud Botanical Report: Flora of the Shroud of Turin by Avinoam Danin, Alan D. Whanger, Uri Baruch, and Mary Whanger Council for Study of the Shroud of Turin (CSST) Newsletter No. 1 Pressed Flowers – Where…
http://www.infidels.org/org/aha/skeptical/shroud.html THE SKEPTICAL SHROUD OF TURIN WEBSITE THE SKEPTICAL SHROUD OF TURIN WEBSITE presents the historical, artistic, scientific, and microscopic evidence that demonstrates that the Shroud of Turin is a medieval artifact and forgery. The Shroud was created by an artist to lure faithful…
http://homepages.go.com/~pook3333/GMP/faceoflove.html This is the Face of Love. I do not know whether the Shroud of Turin is indeed the burial cloth of my Lord or not. It really doesn’t matter. The face of the cloth is for me a more real representation of my Christ than any picture hanging in the churches of the world. We make Jesus to beautiful…
http://atheism.org/library/modern/sandra_feroe/ Library: Modern Documents: Sandra Feroe Sandra Feroe Search: Options Search all of the Secular Web Search only in Sandra Feroe Science, the Pope and the Shroud of Turin (1998) The Pope recently viewed the Shroud of Turin and asked scientists to respect both the…
http://cable019024.cable.eph.ptd.net/students1/mysteries/jpmyst/page3.htm The Shroud of Turin Archeological and Scientific Evidence …
http://www.shadowmag.com/paranormal/index.html NEW EVIDENCE Shroud of Turin. FLORIDA HAUNTING A True Ghost Story. TIME TRAVEL H.G. Welles HOLY GRAIL Knights Templar PHILIDEPHIA EXPERIMENT What really happened? ANCIENT MAPS The Legend on the Piri Reis Map GARTH BROOKS How My Life Changed MILLENNIUM NOTES Is our demise only days away…
http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Enterprises/7029/Jesus/Mainshroud.htm The Shroud Of Turin The Shroud of Turin is one of the most remarkable, mysterious, and thoroughly studied artifacts in the world today. Believed by many to be the actual burial cloth of Christ, the Shroud made its first recorded appearance in 14th century France…
http://shroud.com/dallasmt.htm The Dallas Meeting of American Sindonology Planning for the Shroud of Turin In the 21st Century November 6 through 8, 1998 The Catholic Conference Information Center Dallas, Texas On Friday, November 6, 1998, an important Shroud meeting was held at the Catholic Conference Information Center in…
http://catholicpilgrimagetour.com/ShroudWYDResponse.html Request More Information Submit the form below to request more information about the Jubilee Year 2000, pilgrimages featuring the Shroud of Turin, World Youth Day 2000 or all three events. A Pilgrimage International representative will contact you promptly to answer your questions…
http://www.shroud.com/mapping.htm Mapping of Research Test-Point Areas on the Shroud of Turin by Barrie M. Schwortz Copyright 1982 All Rights Reserved Reprinted from IEEE 1982 Proceedings of the International Conference on Cybernetics and Society, October 1982 ABSTRACT During the October 1978 scientific examination of the…
http://www.americancatholic.org/Messenger/May1998/feature1.asp Shroud of Turin:The Mystery Remains Photo by Brad Smith Image analysis done by NASA scientists reveals the shroud contains information to create a perfect 3-D…
http://shroud.com/richmond.htm The 1999 Richmond Conference Shroud of Turin International Research Conference June 18 – 19 – 20, 1998 Mary Mother of the Church Abbey Richmond, Virginia This page is Under Construction. In the near future this page will include a complete report on the conference (including photographs), along…
http://catholicpilgrimagetour.com/page69.html Request More Information Submit the form below to request more information about the Jubilee Year 2000, pilgrimages featuring the Shroud of Turin, World Youth Day 2000 or all three events. A Pilgrimage International representative will contact you promptly to answer your questions…
http://www.torino.chiesacattolica.it/sindone/en/saluto.htm EVERY MAN WILL SEE YOUR SALVATION! I greet with joy the opening of an Internet web site which aims to provide information on the events that will take place in preparation for the Solemn Expositions of the Holy Shroud of Turin, in 1998 and in…
http://www.page-web.com/sm/hisuaireusv.html The Shroud of Turin A bit of history… Ph. Dalleur See also the proposal for non-destructive experiments. Brief asserted history of the linen In 1357, the Holy Shroud, presently venerated in Turin – Italy, appeared in the chapel of Lirey (built 1353) France, in the feoff of…
http://www.metalpictures.com/christ/index.html Metallic Reflections Shroud of Turin Image Metallic Reflections P. O. Box 48947 Phoenix, AZ 85075 Phone (623) 583-3039 FAX (623) 583-3013 Durable charms with metal photos that are …. -Scratch Resistant -Fadeproof -Permanent **Turn…
http://www.shroud.com/message.htm To Main Menu A Message From Your Host Dear Guest: It is with great pride and excitement that I welcome you to this web site. My name is Barrie M. Schwortz, and I am your host. As the Official Documenting Photographer for the Shroud of Turin Research Project, Inc., (STURP), I was privileged to be…
http://www.frandzen.dk/mysteries/shroud.html The Shroud of Turin In 1359 in Lirey, France, a cloth twice the length of a man surfaced. A faint image of a man’s body could be seen, with bloodstains near the feet and hands. It’s owner, famed knight Geoffrey de Charny, claimed it to be the burial cloth of Christ. It was eventually acknowledged…
http://www.user.shentel.net/rschneid/shroud.htm The Shroud of Turin The Shroud of Turin is a ancient linen cloth believed by many to be the burial cloth of Jesus Christ. Whether or not this is true, the shroud is perhaps the most remarkable artifact in all of human history. It is known to have existed at least since about 1357 when it was…
http://www.shroud.org/library.shtml Library What’s New / About HSG / Library / Gallery / Devotions / Gift Shop / Links / Contact Us You have entered our Holy Shroud Guild Library. This library includes the Wuenschel Collection, the most extensive collection of material on the Holy Shroud of Turin in the United States, and…
http://www.uthscsa.edu/mission/spring96/weave.htm Spring 1996 Weave of the shroud The weave of the Shroud of Turin is rich and gold colored under high magnification of a microscope. Biblical scholars say the weave is typical of expensive weaves of the time of Jesus of Nazareth. Return to story…
http://shroud.com/dreisbc2.htm The Shroud of Turin: Its Ecumenical Implications The Rev. Albert R. Dreisbach copy 1997 All rights reserved Reprinted by Permission No part of this manuscript may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any…
http://linuxmafia.com/pub/skeptic/files-to-classify/shroud-of-turin.txt SOILED LINEN TURIN.ASC by William Bennetta The Shroud of Turin is a 14-foot-long piece of linen that bears two full-length images one a front view, the other a rear view of a man who seems to have been flogged and crucified. The two images lie head to head…
http://www.catholictradition.org/holyface5.htm ANSWERS TO COMMON QUESTIONS ABOUT THE SHROUD OF TURIN WHERE THE SHROUD CAME FROM No reference to the Holy Shroud has so far been found in early Catholic…
http://www.shroud.com/papers.htm To Main Menu Scientific Papers and Articles This page will let you review previous and ongoing Shroud research. Here you will find, in their entirety whenever possible, papers and articles written about the Shroud of Turin. Science, history, art and biblical research are among the topics that are…
http://selectivehouse.com/ The Christ Clone Trilogy by James BeauSeigneur What begins as a scientist’s plan to prove the existence of extraterrestrial life by cloning live cells found on the Shroud of Turin, turns into a nightmare of worldwide destruction and the ultimate battle between good and evil. Tightly woven around…
http://cable019024.cable.eph.ptd.net/students1/mysteries/jpmyst/page4~1.htm The Shroud of Turin My Personal Opinion I would like to reinforcethe theory of the Shroud of Turin being…
http://andrewgold.com/sheetmusic/theall.html THE ALL: GREETINGS FROM PLANET LOVE COMPLETE 1. A man is crucified and buried in a shroud in a cave in Jerusalem 26 bc 2. The Shroud of Turin gains notoriety in the 80’s. Tests are done, but it is dicovered that it probably is a 13th century hoax. Still there are stubborn believers that this is…
http://www.radiocarbon.org/Journal/v40n1-2/Abstracts/8.html Attempt to Affect the Apparent 14C Age of Cotton by Scorching in a CO2 Environment Austin Long One explanation for the radiocarbon dates on the Shroud of Turin being younger than the time of Christ is that the heat from a fire, which scorched a portion of the Shroud, may have affected the 14C…
http://bubba.indstate.edu/christian.html Shroud of Turin Interesting stuff on the shroud of Turin (believed to be the burial cloth of Jesus Christ). Bittersweet CD Bradford Stanton Summers CD from Infinity Studios Awesome book written by my sister titled The UNSEEN By Rebecca Sterling Win the most important race! Key…
http://dmi-www.mc.duke.edu/shroud/links.htm Other Shroud linksShroud of Turin web site (www.shroud.com) Archbishop of Turin’s web site Turin Shroud Center in Colorado Springs Holy Shroud Guild Collegamento pro Sindone (Roma – Italy) International Centre of…
http://www.shroud.com/history.htm To Main Menu Shroud History The history of the Shroud of Turin can be best studied by dividing it into two specific categories. The general consensus of even the most doubting researchers is to accept a 1350 date as the beginning of the undisputed or documented history of the Shroud of Turin…
http://pufori.org/news/nws0415973.htm Shroud no Miracle 04-15-1997 Shroud no miracle Source: The Courier Mail. While Italians rejoiced at saving the Shroud of Turin from a fire at the weekend, scholars in Israel yesterday said the shroud revered by some as Jesus’s burial cloth was a crude forgery. They say a textile such as the 4.3…
http://www.worldmedia.fr/tourism/Page/T08005.html A Stroll Through Chambeacutery Chambeacutery is the city of the The Dukes of Savoy and Jean Jacques Rousseau and was once the guardian of the Shroud of Turin. Its Vieille Ville (old town) is characterised by Italian Architecture. Sites of interest include the Chacircteau des Ducs de Savoie…
http://www.catholic.net/RCC/Periodicals/Inside/10-96/Shroud_text.html Shroud Controversy CONTROVERSY THE SHADOW OF A COIN In a remarkable use of computer technology, two Italian researchers have detected the faint imprint of a coin on the Shroud of Turin. The coin’s date: 29 AD. This suggests the Carbon-14 tests dating the cloth to the Middle Ages were inaccurate and…
http://www.pcmcallister.com/catalog/product599.html A Doctor at Calvary, ISBN: Title: A Doctor at CalvaryAuthor: Pierre Barbet, MDPublisher: RCBDescription: In this book, Dr. Barbet reveals the findings of his scientific investigation of the Shroud of Turin. In it, he describes with great detail his impression of the pain Jesus must have suffered…
http://infidels.org/library/modern/sandra_feroe/ Library: Modern Documents: Sandra Feroe Sandra Feroe Search: Options Search all of the Secular Web Search only in Sandra Feroe Science, the Pope and the Shroud of Turin (1998) The Pope recently viewed the Shroud of Turin and asked scientists to respect both the…
http://www.emmanuel-info.com/en/shroud/shroud01.htm What is the Shroud of Turin? A ShroudThe Shroud of Turin is a large piece of fabric 14 feet 3 inches (4.36 metres) long and 3 feet 7 inches (1.10 metres) wide. It is ancient and very unique. We say shroud or…
http://homepages.go.com/~pook3333/GMP/fcoflv.html This is the Face of Love. I do not know whether the Shroud of Turin is indeed the burial cloth of my Lord or not. It really doesn’t matter. The face of the cloth is for me a more real representation of my Christ than any picture hanging in the churches of the world. We make Jesus to beautiful, too…
http://www.straightdope.com/classics/a2_275.html Dear Cecil: I know this is a sticky question, but I’ll ask anyway: does any solid evidence exist to prove that a Jesus of Nazareth actually lived? And what about the Shroud of Turin–have scientists concluded anything about it? –Ben C., Chicago Cecil replies: Don’t worry about getting me into hot…
http://www.shroud.com/bsts4408.htm Next page…. To Start…. STURP – The End of an Era…. In the week of this Newsletter going to press, the following press release was received, via Isabel Piczek, from attorney Mike Minor, acting as legal representative for STURP (Shroud of Turin Research Project), the team of some twenty-four…
http://www2.serve.com/Bridges/dfjarch796.htm Shroud of Turin’s Jerusalem Origins As well as stirring controversy over authenticity and antiquity, the Shroud of Turin, long held by the Catholic church to be the shroud of Jesus, is also an item of archaeological…
http://www.shroud.com/adler2.htm Concerning the Side Strip on the Shroud of Turin Alan D. Adler Department of Chemistry Western Connecticut State University Danbury, CT 06810, USA and Alan and Mary Whanger 1712 Woodburn Road Durham NC 27705, USA Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved Reprinted by Permission The side strip on the…
http://www.shroud.com/adler1.htm Conservation Of The Shroud of Turin by ALAN D. ADLER and LARRY A. SCHWALBE Reprinted from Shroud Spectrum International, No. 42, December 1993 Copyright 1993 – Indiana Center for Shroud Studies – All Rights Reserved Reprinted by permission. Introduction Nothing lasts forever! All material objects…
http://www.catholic-internet.org/issue/archives/1998Feb/32feb13,vol.9,no.32txt/32getmat.htm FRIDAY-SATURDAY-SUNDAY, February 13-15 COLUMNS: GETTING TO THE HEART OF THE MATTER by Sister Mary Lucy Astuto The Shroud of Turin Survives! I love the Shroud of Turin. I believe it is the authentic Shroud that covered the Body of Jesus in the tomb. Though…
http://www.shroud.com/piczek.htm Is the Shroud of Turin a Painting? by Isabel Piczek Copyright 1995 All Rights Reserved Reprinted by permission. Click on the thumbnails to see larger views of each image: FIG. A The Final Beginning of Man 2000 sq. ft. acrylic mural on stucco by Isabel Piczek Guardian Angel Cathedral, Las…
http://www.ps-mill.com/reallynew/manpain.html THE MAN OF PAIN- The Shroud of Turin55 min.Chosen as the official documentary of the 1998 public ostension (April 19- June 14) in the Piedmontese capital by the Comitato per l#146 Ostensione della Sindone, THE MAN OF PAIN- The Shroud of Turin is both an original and investigative study of…
http://mlucom6.urz.uni-halle.de/~ecoww/anciphot.htm ANCIENT PHOTOGRAPHY – SOME IMPLICATIONS OF THE THEORY OF NICOLAS ALLEN Michael Fingerle, University of Halle, 1998 1. Medieval Photography – The Shroud of Turin Since 1988, Nicolas P. L. Allen of the Port Elizabeth Technikon, South Africa is studying the question, whether…
http://www.shroud.com/78exam.htm To Main Menu The 1978 Scientific Examination This page will present an overview of the first detailed scientific examination of the Shroud of Turin, performed by an international team of experts in 1978. A large part of that group consisted of the Shroud of Turin Research Project, Inc., (STURP), a…
http://shroud.com/religion.htm To Main Menu Religion and Philosophy This page includes articles that deal with the religious and philosophical issues raised by the Shroud of Turin. Listed below (alphabetically) is the title and author of each paper, along with a brief description of its content and a brief bio of the author…
http://www.shroud.com/consrvtn.htm To Main Menu Shroud Conservation and Preservation According to Giovanni Cardinal Saldarini, Archbishop of Turin and Official Custodian of the Shroud, future research on the Shroud of Turin will be restricted to areas of conservation and preservation of the cloth itself. With that in mind, and…
http://dbweb.agora.stm.it/market/sct/english/sacredlinen.htm An article from Confronti Magazine, April 1998: THE SHROUD OF TURIN A SACRED LINEN AS THICK AS A WALL By Gaelle Courtens Translated by Terry Finseth and Betty Voli In Turin the display reopens the controversy on the nature of the shroud: the Shroud of Jesus? A medieval invention…
http://cable019024.cable.eph.ptd.net/students1/mysteries/jpmyst/page2.htm The Shroud Of Turin A History In 1203, a French soldier with the Crusaders ced in Constantinople noted that a church there exhibited every…
http://www.shroud.org/wuenschl.shtml library – wuenschel collection What’s New / About HSG / Library / Gallery / Devotions / Gift Shop / Links / Contact Us WUENSCHEL COLLECTION OF THE HOLY SHROUD OF TURIN The Wuenschel Collection, formed by Edward A. Wuenschel, C.SS.R., and located at the Mount Saint Alphonsus…
http://www.library.uthscsa.edu/basics/lnissues/ln9805.html Library News May 1998 See the Library Hours Page for Summer hours and Memorial Day holiday hours. Microbiology of the Shroud of Turin to be Discussed on May 14 More…
http://greggbraden.net/html/body_details.htm Living the Days of Prophecy(including rare slides of the Shroud of Turin) – New Program!Ancient calendars remind us that our lifetime marks the completion of a cycle of change that began nearly 26,000 years ago. They called this change The Shift of the Ages. Many…
http://tcindia.com/education/new/brain_mn.htm The Shroud of Turin Of Chandrasekhar and Telescopes Puzzle PointNew History of Pi The number 1729 The Ancient Kingdoms of Egypt Stonehenge The Silent Giants of Easter Island…
http://users.win.be/W0003740/sm/shroud98us.html The Shroud of Turin Proposal for non-destructive measurements Ph. Dalleur 1. Heuristic reflections on C14 dating to find new ways of investigation The carbon-14 (C14) dating of the Shroud of Turin gave results which have received much criticism in the last few years. Without casting doubt on the…
http://mediatrixtours.com/itinerary.html Come celebrate the Jubilee Year 2000 Our Year 2000 pilgrimages include the Opening of the Holy Door in Rome, which ushers in the Jubilee Year 2000 on December 24,1999 the Oberammergau Passion Play in Germany the Shroud of Turin in Italy and the Holy Land for Christmas 1999. In addition, we…
http://www.blown.com/bbt/bottom.html Big Blown Theory – Science Technology Images from Space Are we alone? What is this, a meteorite fragment? Carbon dating and the Shroud of Turin Are they correct? The Big Strobe Light’s Last Flash Could this happen to Earth? …revealed for the first time. The Seven Seals Coming soon… The New…
http://www.jesussilenced.com/ch31.htm Copyright copy 1998, Lee Perry. All rights reserved. Chapter Thirty-one The Shroud of Turin as Key to the Mind of the Bible-believer If you are a devotee of murder mysteries, you know two things which will help you to unravel the mystery of the Shroud of Turin. First, you know that corpses…
http://www.uthscsa.edu/mission/spring96/lab.htm Spring 1996 Researchers at work Leoncio A. Garza-Valdes, MD, (left) and Stephen J. Mattingly, PhD, have evidence the Shroud of Turin may be older than scientists think. I have found no reason why the Shroud of Turin cannot be the burial cloth of Jesus of Nazareth, Dr. Garza says. Return to story…
http://wcnet.org/~rgharms/links.htm LINKS: Christian Children’s Links Christian Links Link CBN Text Link Benny Hinn Link Jews for Jesus Jesus Online (Norway) Grantley Morris Page (Australian Net Evangelist) For B.A.S.I.C. at B.G.S.U., click here Organization of Christian Internet Homepages Interested in the Shroud of Turin…
http://www.shroudofturin.com/General/Mission/whatisshroud.htm What is The Shroud of Turin? The Shroud of Turin is a linen cloth 14 feet 3 inches long by 3 feet 7 inches wide, bearing the highly distinct Image of a Crucified Man. Since the sixteenth century, the Shroud, believed by many to be the burial cloth of Christ, has been kept in St. John the Baptist…
http://www.imswebs.com/holy-shroud/pics.htm Images of the Shroud of Turin (Photographic negatives of the Shroud of Turin…
http://www.wsm-online.co.uk/GALLERY/tebaypic2.html Weston Super Mare Worle Online Presents Paul Tebay’s Art Gallery Interpretations of Christ Christianity The Face on the Shroud This study of the Image on the Shroud of Turin was completed in the winter of 1993. The original watercolour canvas measures some 35cms across by…
http://www.shroud.com/78strp10.htm The ventral image of the Shroud of Turin as it appears on the screen of a VP-8 Image Analyzer Designed in the 1960’s for creating relief maps from moon photographs and for other topographical imaging purposes, the VP-8 Image Analyzer is an analog device that converts image density (lights and darks…
http://knowledge.co.uk/frontiers/sf100/sf100a01.htm MICROBES THREATEN RADIOCARBON DATING In the 1980s, skeptics had a lot of fun debunking the Shroud of Turin, the supposed burial cloth wrapped around Christ. Their glee was unbounded when radiocarbon dating proved that the shroud could not be older than 700 years. The skeptics may have…
http://www.sprig.com/jv/parallel/religion/enter.htm Enter Here This religion… sigh… this religion does not believe in big snazzy forms with fields and radio buttons, check boxes, bells, whistles, and the x-ray specs of the Shroud of Turin. This religion feels that forms follow functions it gets headaches from bells and whistles it can’t be…
http://discoveringarchaeology.com/0599toc/5randn6-mystery.shtml Shrouded in Mystery The Turin Shroud Gets a Research Boost The Shroud of Turin, the purported burial cloth of Jesus, may have won back a bit of respectability recently, after the ignominy of failing a radiocarbon-dating test that put its age at only about 700 years…
http://www.physics.arizona.edu/ams/News.html Arizona AMS Facility In The News New accelerator will enable scientist to expand research Lo Que Pasa, October, 28, 1998 UA’s role expands in dating antiquities The Arizona Daily Star, October 28, 1998 Shrouded In Mystery -Shroud of Turin and the UA NSF-AMS Carbon Dating Lab, CNN Impact…
http://www.westarkchurchofchrist.org/wings/lbcmat27b.htm #32 MATTHEW 27:32-66 [Editor’s note: This lecture utilized slides about the Shroud of Turin to assist the audience in better understanding the crucifixion of Christ. It should not be implied that the lecturer or anyone else in the church of Christ accepts that the Shroud was the actual burial…
http://www.shadowmag.com/paranormal/grail.html Knights Templarin the Grail Legend Aerial view of the Templar Castle – far left. If you are interested in Christian legends, such as the Holy Grail or the Shroud of Turin, one group from the past will invariably be mentioned the Knights Templar. During the Crusades, the Templars made for…
http://home.stlnet.com/~cdstelzer/shroud.html THE FLOWER AND THE GLORY A botanist presents evidence at the Missouri Botantical Garden for the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin BY C.D. STELZER first published by the Riverfront Times (St. Louis), June 11, 1997 Questions regarding the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin date back to 1389 A.D…
http://www.shroud.com/collega9.htm The Statue of the Shroud of Turin – by Gyula Pauer of Laacuteszloacute Beke – Tamaacutes St. Auby – Ilona Farkas (from the booklet The Statue of the Shroud of Turin – Budapest 1991 and Collegamento pro Sindone November/December 1991)Reprinted by Permission The Statue of the Shroud of Turin…
http://www.lametcoeu.com/medallion/history.htm Brief History of the Holy Shroud of Turin The Shroud of Turin. Brief history of The Holy Shroud. The Holy Shroud…
http://pythonx.com/~primrose/idea.htm MY IDEA PAGE (aka: Pete’s Corner of the World) Goto events surrounding the recent fire that threatened the Holy Shroud of Turin / Definition of Spirit = is the breath of God, the Divine Pneuma… Definition of Matter = is star dust, the remains of dead stars… …
http://www.smac.edu/links/linksmiscel.html MISCELLANEOUS LINKS OF INTEREST FOR CATHOLICS Traditional Dominican Fathers Traditional Redemptorists Holy Shroud of Turin site Holy Shroud info links Spanish Sindonology Center Vatican Museums Sacred Music MIDI files Old Hymns MIDI…
http://www.stkenneth.org/catholic.htm A selection of Catholic Websites…. The Vatican Museums The Shroud of Turin The Dead Sea Scrolls Orthodox Icons RCNet – A Catholic Network Catholic Internet Directory…
http://www.imswebs.com/holy-shroud/shroud.htm The Shroud of Turin (photographic negative) BRIEF HISTORY OF THE HOLY SHROUD The Holy Shroud is the winding sheet in which our Lord was enveloped when he was laid in the sepulchre. The synoptic Evangelists, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, expressly state that Joseph of…
http://www.nationalreview.com/18may98/hart051898.html Books, Arts Manners May 18, 1998 Buy It Now! AP H O T O G R A P H O FJ E S U S? JEFFREY HART Mr. Hart is an NR senior editor. EVER since the 1988 radiocarbon dating, which placed the famous Shroud of Turin as having originated somewhere between 1260 and 1390, the matter has disappeared from…
http://www.valand.gu.se/Newmedia/97-98/larsm/proj/shrouds.html ShroudsShrouds # 1-6 is a serie of picture that I did between 1991 and 1994. based on the Shroud of Turin. Click here to browse through the images in full sizeeach file is 66-90k…
http://www.shroud.com/turinsy2.htm The ’98 Symposium: A Personal Report by Barrie M. Schwortz copy 1998 All Rights Reserved At 4:00 p.m. on June 5, 1998, at the Unione Industriale in Turin, Italy, the Third International Congress for the Study of the Shroud of Turin, with the theme Shroud and Science, opened to a packed…
http://www.neopage.com/know/latest.htm Second Coming? Being somewhere between religion and science, I am prone to believe scientists will clone DNA from the Shroud of Turin and produce a replica of the human being once called Jesus of Nazereth. This makes a gargantuan leap that the image and DNA on the Shroud is that of the man millions…
http://www.luther95.net/TELC-JPA/easter2c298.html Easter 2C – April 19, 1998 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church – Johnstown, PA One of the most mysterious relics of Christianity and the resurrection of Jesus Christ goes on display this weekend in the Italian city of Turin. It is only the 4th time in the last Century that the shroud of Turin has…
http://www.oklahoma.net/~stacy/links.html Links Religion Stuff Archaeology Prophecy Christian Penpals Miscellaneous Search Engines and directories Religion Stuff DeadSea Scrolls This site is an actual online exhibit of the famous DeadSea Scrolls. Shroud of Turin Take a look at the shroud of turin. Goshen.net Christian resource…
http://www.nhne.com/newsflashes/nfshroudfire.html Return to Fast-Breaking News Updates Archive NHNE News Flash: The Shroud of Turin Survives ANOTHER Fire! Saturday, April 12, 1997 Hello Everyone, As many of you may have heard, a fire broke out in THE CATHEDRAL OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST, in Turin, Italy…